SOI question
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Thread: SOI question

  1. #1

    SOI question

    Are you allowed to bring your computer with you to School of Infantry and have internet access? What about access to phones/cell phones?

  2. #2
    Marine Family Free Member
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    If you wanted to bring your computer, you should have joined the Chair Farce.... same for cell phones.

    If you want confirmation, PM my kid - tigger - he is an instructor at SOI-West - he'll answer you, after he picks himself off the floor from laughing.

  3. #3
    Marine Free Member Sixguns's Avatar
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    Now where would someone get the idea that they would have time for computers and internet access while undergoing MCT/SOI. Did your recruiter tell you this or are you just asking questions???


  4. #4
    Registered User Free Member alanUSMCDEP03's Avatar
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    What about leaving on weekends, or going off base in the afternoon when you're done training for the day? And also, when will you learn you're permanent duty station, before or after SOI?

  5. #5
    From what I remember (1990) We lived in quansit (sp) huts. No libo the for the 1st weekend (in the field) 2nd weekend there was a 24 libo (couldn't go far) 3rd weekend Same. No cell coverage in the desert not LAN connection in the Q huts. Sorry Kid its time to hone your basic infantry skills. There was, however, a phone bank to mom and suzie on :-)



  6. #6
    Devil Dog, when I was in Infantry School we didnt have time for that or any thing else, If you brought you laptop it would get stolen or broken. Infantry school, is not a college or camp. As for cell phones they do allow them as far as I saw last month but I dont think you would be in position to have it on you during working hours. Remember you are training to Kill and Spread Hate and Discontent on some dumb bastard who thinks your the enemy good Luck! Bco SOI Camp Gieger NC "When I die burry me deep two M16'd beneath my two 45's across my chest, tell chesty puller I did my best ooooo Bravo oooo Bravo

  7. #7
    alan, yes you do get weekends off, but thats only when your not in the feild or everyone is squared away good luck

  8. #8
    Registered User Free Member CPL-Mac's Avatar
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    You should walk up to your instrictor your first day with your computer and ask him where you can "Jack In".

    I'm sure he'll be more than helpful

  9. #9
    I got my duty assignment while I was in SOI. As for a laptop, you would actually have to have free time, which there wasn't a whole lot of.
    Good luck kid, if you're worried about things like a cell phone and computer, you're gonna need it.

  10. #10
    Marine Spouse Free Member
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    My husband is non-infantry... this is how SOI (last February, Camp Pendleton) went for him:

    In the field, etc. most of the week. One guy in his class had a cell and maybe once a week he'd have twelve seconds to spare for a conversation that went like this, "Hi, I love you. Very busy, dirty, cool weapons. Gotta go." I'd say bring a phone if you have it, but even if you happen to have signal, you will rarely get the chance to use it... though it will make libo day better, in that you won't have to wait in line at the pay phone center.

    The boys had libo on Sundays only, from 8-ish, 9-ish, 10-ish (depending on when the instructors decide to let them go. Games abound, as well as last-minute field days or punishments for being retards) until approximately 1800. Also, there are always people who have firewatch-- usually there are enough people who screw up during the week who get it as a punishment so the normal person won't get it very often. My husband had it once, but he was lucky enough to have it near the end of the day.

    His 'buddy' (you have a buddy assigned to you the whole time) got busted for stealing chow (got busted for the same thing in boot camp, oddly enough) and was assigned firewatch all day one Sunday. Now, if your buddy has firewatch, you're basically screwed because you aren't supposed to go anywhere without your buddy. There are ways around that, but being sneaky is involved. So just hope that neither you nor your buddy get stuck with all-day firewatch.

    You should try to be the scribe if you can because the scribe is basically in charge of the firewatch list. My husband was the scribe for the last two weeks of MCT and was able to avoid having firewatch... if you can't be the scribe, be friends with the scribe. Getting stuck with firewatch in the middle of the day is just as bad as getting stuck with it all day, especially if you have visitors coming.

    Also, everyone had to stay in their cammies during libo and they were not allowed to go off base. I heard it was different for those in ITB, but I don't know for sure.

    I hope that helped!

  11. #11
    Ya know, I read this stuff and don't know if I should just shut up and go away or speak up. Today I will speak up. Frankly these sorts of questions worry me! Is this the same Corps I was in 40 years ago?? Obviously not!

    Son, if you're asking questions like this I might suggest becoming a Marine is not for you.

    You are in SOI to learn to kill!! Hopefully so you, and the others in your fire team--platoon---etc. will not die with out permission. Do not concern yourself with personal computers, cell phones and free time. They will only enourage sloth and inattention to your primary tasks durning infantry training.

  12. #12
    Registered User Free Member 03Infantry's Avatar
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    Ok I just graduated the school of infantry and here goes...don't bring it. It will probably get acquired and then your companies libo will get sucered until they find your computer. You will be in the field so much, and during working days you can't use a computer. On the weekends there is a place called ice land where you can go and they have a bunch of computers that you can do whatever on. Hope that answers your questions
    2/7 WARDOGS!!

  13. #13
    Registered User Free Member 03Infantry's Avatar
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    oh and you will find out in SOI what unit your going to and what they are currently doing

  14. #14
    "You are in SOI to learn to kill!! Hopefully so you, and the others in your fire team--platoon---etc. will not die with out permission. Do not concern yourself with personal computers, cell phones and free time. They will only enourage sloth and inattention to your primary tasks durning infantry training."

    I like that quote alot.

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