Looking for Yearbook of USMC Vietnam War Yearbook
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  1. #1

    Post Looking for Yearbook of USMC Vietnam War Yearbook

    Kilo company 3bn/26, hill 190...does anyone know anyone that was in the marine corps that appeared in the yearbook, know where I can find this book?! Let me know.

    After the 26th marines disbanded, I ended up in first battalion first marine division dodge city.

    I severed from 68-70, any info would be helpful, prefer the name of the book!

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  2. #2
    If I remember right, Hill 190 was an observation Hill. It was after my time. I don't know anything about a year book. Get online and look it up. Also, Kilo Co. 3/26 has a web-site that covers last part of 69-70, while doing security at the Nam-o bridge and hill 190.

  3. #3
    harwoodn50, the 3/26 went to the operational control of the 1st. Mar. Div. in the summer of 68. You say you ended up in 1st. Bn. 1st. Div. after they stood down. They were already in 1st. Div. when they stood down. Also 1st. bn......what regt. did you go to. Dodge City was a designated area outside Da Nang, famous for it's any thing goes, western style shoot outs. The only regt. close to Dodge City in the Arizona Territory, I remember that had a rear area was 5th. Marines.

  4. #4
    Being in the 3/5 I took quite a few walks in the park out in Dodge City area. Dodge City was in the Arizona. Another bad place out there was NO Go Island. Of course to us it was normal to go there.

  5. #5
    Russ, we ate a lot of that Arizona dirt, didn't we Brother.

  6. #6
    Marine Free Member Riven37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harwoodn50 View Post
    Kilo company 3bn/26, hill 190...does anyone know anyone that was in the marine corps that appeared in the yearbook, know where I can find this book?! Let me know.

    After the 26th marines disbanded, I ended up in first battalion first marine division dodge city.

    I severed from 68-70, any info would be helpful, prefer the name of the book!
    I remember those Company yearbooks, I was on Hill 37 I put in for one with Lima 3/1 I never got it, I do remember those books were limited by request and not everyone got a book.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
    Russ, we ate a lot of that Arizona dirt, didn't we Brother.
    Yes, we did brother, Billy. Last night was the 50th Anniversary of the beginning of TET 68.

  8. #8
    So it was brother Russ....we had staged for and was starting Operation Taylor Common...the Campaign was The 1969 Tet Counter Offensive.

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