Realistically speaking, what are my options?
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  1. #1

    Realistically speaking, what are my options?

    Ok, so yesterday I was told by my mom that I have a penicillin allergy. We were having a conversation about a time I had gotten sick, and she brought it up out of the blue. My mom told me that I had a mild reaction to the antibiotic and she took me to a allergist where I was later diagnosed with a penicillin allergy.

    The problem is I ship out to MCRD on April 3, and this allergy isn't on my military record. I told my recruiter about it and he said he is going to need my diagnosis paperwork to document the allergy on my record. I'm not able to provide that paperwork because my mom doesn't remember which physician she took me to, and due to an unexpected expense, I won't be able to afford to go see an allergist right now.

    I talked with the GySgt at my recruiting station and he told me just to disclose the allergy at MEPS. I'm afraid if I do that I'm going to get dishonorably discharged with a fraudulent enlistment for not disclosing that allergy. I don't want to lie about it either so I'm not sure what I should do. My friend was able to get a waiver for his penicillin allergy, so I know it won't disqualify me, but im just worried about getting sent home for something so stupid as a simple common allergy.

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  2. #2
    Impossible for you to receive a dishonorable discharge - you're not even enlisted yet. You'll either be granted the medical waiver or you won't. If not, you'll be dropped from your DEP.

    Now. If you were to enlist and fail to disclose the allergy at MEPS, you could potentially be looking at a fraudulent enlistment charge and dishonorable discharge down the road.

    Since your GySgt knows about it, and told you what to do, your only option now is to follow his instructions - just like you'll be expected to do if you ever do earn the title.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    I would scrape up the money and go see an allergist. You may not even be allergic to it anymore.

    Even if that isn't possible I don't imagine this is a big deal. My wife served with a disclosed penicillin allergy and didn't need a waiver, nor did I need a waiver for an allergy to cephalosporins. As long as you are honest when you go to ship your recruiter doesn't seem concerned, so I don't think you should be.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tennessee Top View Post
    Impossible for you to receive a dishonorable discharge - you're not even enlisted yet. You'll either be granted the medical waiver or you won't. If not, you'll be dropped from your DEP.

    Now. If you were to enlist and fail to disclose the allergy at MEPS, you could potentially be looking at a fraudulent enlistment charge and dishonorable discharge down the road.

    Since your GySgt knows about it, and told you what to do, your only option now is to follow his instructions - just like you'll be expected to do if you ever do earn the title.

    Good luck.

    I should have re-read what I had written. The GySgt told me to tell the medical doctors at MCRD that I am allergic to penicillin. I just learned about the allergy and I have no way of acquiring the diagnosis paperwork because my mom doesn't remember which physician she took me to. According to what my recruiter said, without the paperwork he won't be able to add it to my record.

  5. #5
    Advice remains the same. Follow the GySgt's instructions.

  6. #6
    In Maine Medical records after 5 years are thrown out. Since this effects you in a big way I would bring this up with your Liaison, and he will ensure it is in your records one way or another. Or like said above, might want to just get checked out again to be safe.

  7. #7
    Since it's a potentially deadly allergy, find the money and go to an allergist. Does your family not have health insurance? Do you not have a primary care doctor?


  8. #8
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous1998 View Post

    I should have re-read what I had written.
    The GySgt told me to tell the medical doctors at MCRD
    that I am allergic to penicillin.

    I just learned about the allergy and
    I have no way of acquiring the diagnosis paperwork

    (( because my mom doesn't remember which
    physician she took me to. ))*


    you don't need a note
    from the same Doctor NOW,
    that says you WAZ Pregnant THEN ????

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