waiver rejected....
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  1. #1

    waiver rejected....

    my waiver was rejected and my new recruiter said it as because of the phone interview? he said i can retake ABVAB and then try to re-summit it. I scored a 36 which is very low but im going for 0311 so i passed for that specific job. i didnt know what to study the first time but feel much better now. If i score over a 51 will this increase my chances enough so that i may be approved my wavier was a possession of marijuana 6.4 grams. All i want to do is become a Marine and i just looking for some ideas or maybe things to talk about. whats the deal with that phone interview it was basic questions that i had already filled out in my paperwork. any help any info would be great.

  2. #2
    Guest Free Member
    fill out some more of that profile

    36 on the ASVAB!?!....wow...

    I don't see how scoring higher on the ASVAB is going to increase your chances of getting a drug waiver approved...just my opinion but those are two completely separate things.

  3. #3
    Dude, its the 6.4 grams of weed, not the ASVAB not an interview.

  4. #4
    Another one who should've registered as a Marine Friend instead of a poolee.
    You're not no poolee until you have an actual shipdate to MCRD.
    And I agree with josephd.....I don't see how getting a higher ASVAB score is going to improve your chances of getting a drug waiver approved. Also.....the Marines here have NO idea if your waiver will be approved or not, either.

  5. #5
    way to go pot head, drugs rule..............F*ckin dumb dick stupid f*cker

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