Shipping- Boarding the bus from MEPS
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  1. #1

    Shipping- Boarding the bus from MEPS

    Hello Marines,
    I have a friend who left for boot camp back in August, and his girlfriend and his family went to MEPS to see him off. She came back and told me that while he was there, they weren't allowed to hug him, kiss him or anything. Even when they all lined up to head to the bus. All they were allowed to do was give an occasional glance to each other.
    I leave for boot camp on the 26, and my family is planning on coming to MEPS. My question is, am I not allowed to give my family one last hug before I leave for three months? Will they really deny me giving my family a hug before I go?
    I mean after her telling me that, I still plan to, the worst that could happen is they would tell me to get back in line.

    Thank you for your time!

  2. #2
    doubt it thats gay. Just remember when you get to the airport and board the bus to bootcamp, you have to strip naked and keep your head down. Its weird but is part of the shock and awe

  3. #3
    Here's a stupid idea: hug them for the final time before you get to MEPS and ship out. Once you enter those doors at MEPS you should consider that the beginning of your Marine Corps career.

    But for the sake of pleasing you, if your parents and girlfriend just had to see you while you're at MEPS and swearing in and all that jazz I'm sure they could if they ask or speak with your recruiter about it.

  4. #4
    I just thought of this and started laughing, what IF you wore spandex biking shorts and a t shirt to boot camp! HAHAHAHAHAH that would be some funny **** and I bet the DI'S in receiving would love it!

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