Meritorious Cpl Board
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  1. #1

    Meritorious Cpl Board

    I've been selected for a board scheduled for this coming Monday. The board will consist of a CFT, executing a drill card, Alpha and Charlie Inspections and the actual board itself.

    I'm confident with the CFT I just did one a week ago and got a 300. My uniforms are squared away so thats not really a concern either. However the board experience is pretty new to me, I don't really know what to expect and the callind a drill card is definitely out of my comfort zone although I'm confident I can do it. It would be awesome if I could work with someone with experience in the drill field this weekend to practice.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    LCpl Hall III USMC

  2. #2
    A Marine I work with was on a meritorious Sgt board and it didn't seem too hard. You say your uniforms are good and the CFT would be no problem, so that's good. Most company gunnys were formal DIs and should be able to help you practice drill, if not them then someone else. You can contact your S-3 and get the SOP for how a board is run and a list of the questions they could ask you. Most of it is pretty basic stuff that you already know. It's also grade appropriate knowledge, not something off the wall. Boards go by a numbered scale, like if you got a 300 on the CFT thats 5 points, if you had nothing wrong with your uniforms thats 5 points...... stuff like that. Good luck.

  3. #3
    It is a point system. However last Cpl Board I was on was back in '08. I was given a map and a 6 digit coordinate I had to plot. I was asked basic prac questons; which battle is the NCO Bloos Stripe in honor of, scenario questions... "wahtw oudl you do if this or that happened?"

    My two questions were...

    you see a Marine out in town in innapropriate civilian attire.
    You ar eina fire fight, your Sgt gets shot and now you are the senior man, how would you conduct an withdrawl?

    The final question came from SgtMaj and he aske dif I see the glass as half full or half emtpy and why.

    My response. "It depends how thirsty I am Sgt Maj." Then I eleborated.

    Anyways one trick I was taught was sit like a recruit... left hand left knee...etc You turn your head to face whoever is talking to you. When you speak you use the perosn's name twice in a sanswhich. When answering a LONG question you turn your head as you speak so that you are addressing the entire board.


    "Marine what are the six troop leading steps?"

    "Gunnery Sergeant the six troop leading steps are; BAMSIS. Those are the tropp leading steps Gunnery Sergeant."

    (NOte the above is me being lazy and nto typing them all out.)

    I was told usein this format makes you look more verbally capable than you normally may be.

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