I've always wondered
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  1. #1

    I've always wondered

    I've always wondered what it is that makes female want to become a Marine. Do you get pitched the same vision of being a war fighter in the recruiters office or is it dulled down to office work?

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Atlanta, GA
    Dude, seriously? WTF is up with the profile pic man?!

    What made me want to be one....................during the time I was in, the advertising slogan was something to the affect of "we're looking for a few good men". I was too! (Damn! I love when I get to use that!)

    Be quite honest, I was talking to an Air Force (yes, I said it and it burns every time) Recruiter and one day the Marine Corps Recruiter followed me out to the parking lot and asked me to come talk to him. I gave him a shot and he talked me into it. 9 months later, I was headed to the Island.

    Selling point(s) for me.............If I decided later to change branches of service, I wouldn't have to go through their boot camp. If I did any other branch first and moved to the Corps, I would have to go through Marine Corps boot camp. I figured I would do it right the first time. That and the 3 hots and a cot deal with free medical and dental and travel. AND a paycheck? I call that a bargain!

    I was in during peacetime BUT I didn't have an "office" job - I was in Ordnance. My last year in, I was still an Ordie but Top made me work in the office with him every day and I had to wear Charlies every Friday because he liked my legs. Yeah, wasn't no such thing as sexual harrassment back then either.

    I would do it all over again just to be able to play with the toys they have nowadays.

  3. #3
    What's wrong with the profile picture? You don't like General Mattis?

  4. #4
    I'll tell you what's wrong. Where the heck is your flak jacket and why is your kevlar so far away? It'll be hard for you to return fire if you're dead. j/k

    If you'll allow me to digress a bit, that pic brings up a fond memory of an old MSgt I once knew.

    We were out at the stumps training. We had just emplaced and everything was running smoothly. I informed my MSgt that I had to "drop a deuce" and he said "Again, didn't you do that two days ago?" So I marched my butt over to the other side of the hill. Probably about 150 meters away. I just finish then Top starts yelling CSMO, CSMO!!! Sgt XXXX get your **** and let's go. I throw my gear on and hustle over there and my well trained Marines are quickly and efficiently packing up. I get into the mix and we get packed up in a few minutes... ready to march order. The CO gives his brief, we're moving to the other side of the hill. "We did an excellent job and he wants to make sure we can repeat it. This mvce is for real and we're taking control of the battalion as soon as we emplace." So we drive around the hill and as I watch the MSgt's vehicle in front of me I start to get nervous. His driver had stopped right next to my pile of crap (I was in a rush and didn't bury it). Now, Top decides where we emplace and I guess he thought that was as good of a place as any and stepped out of the vehicle and directly into my ****. Our relationship was never the same.

    Back on topic though...
    I asked that question of one of my fellow Sgt's who was a woman, who was a shining example of a Marine (really). She said "I just really love the respect and honor that comes with being a Marine'. The next day in formation one of her Marines said "blow me". She knocked him on his ass. I had even more respect for her. Then there was the one in Motor T...

  5. #5
    There's nothing better than dropping the cosbies off at the pool out in the open if you ask me... You get that extra breeze that tickles the dingle berries right off. BTW, I'm wearing my flak jacket in that picture, it's actually a plate carrier, but they all do the same job.

  6. #6
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Atlanta, GA
    Honey, if you're comfortable showing God, Country & Corps a pic of you taking (or posing as if taking) a dump - I'm all good with it.

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