Help shed some light on MCI's
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  1. #1

    Help shed some light on MCI's

    Hello everyone! I picked up LCpl. in April and I just got to my first duty station and I want to complete all my required MCI's for Cpl. As I understand, the required MCI's to make Cpl are Leading Marines, Math for Marines, and Terrorism Awareness. Am I forgetting any of them? Also does Leading Marines take the place of Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership? I heard that LM replaced FMCL? I know I didn't find LM on Marinenet, but I did see FMCL so I was little confused on if it's still required or not for Cpl. My unit is currently deployed right now so I'll have a little extra time before they return. Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldfiner978 View Post
    Hello everyone! I picked up LCpl. in April and I just got to my first duty station and I want to complete all my required MCI's for Cpl. As I understand, the required MCI's to make Cpl are Leading Marines, Math for Marines, and Terrorism Awareness. Am I forgetting any of them? Also does Leading Marines take the place of Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership? I heard that LM replaced FMCL? I know I didn't find LM on Marinenet, but I did see FMCL so I was little confused on if it's still required or not for Cpl. My unit is currently deployed right now so I'll have a little extra time before they return. Thanks in advance for your help.
    always thought there was five of them that you needed to complete and it was only for score. I didn't do any required MCIs till after I was promoted to Corporal! did you do Spelling for Marines yet. A lot of us on this site could use it lol.

  3. #3
    Yes Sgt. That's the only one that I have completed so far. But I wasn't sure if I needed it for Cpl. Haha, I could def. see some Marines needing to brush up on some spelling skills.

  4. #4
    Last I checked on my MOS road map only Leading Marines is required for Cpl. Unless something has changed recently... The rest count towards score. PFM is one that is recommended to take, along with Leading Marines. Those were the two big ones that the Sgt's and Lt's wanted us to get done while we were in Pensacola.

  5. #5
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    Unless things have changed you can also enroll in the 7000 series as a Lcpl. 5 is the magic number to max out your education points for your cutting score. There are also some MCI's that are transferrable as college credits. That part depends on the school though. Some take them as transfer credits and some don't.

  6. #6
    Guest Free Member
    As far as I was aware Leading Marines is the only required MCI to pick up Cpl.

    Another one I have been looking at/studying is Principles of the NCO. A SSgt. friend of mine told me to do it, not many junior Marines take it and a lot can be absorbed from it.

  7. #7
    Leading Marines is the only MCI that is required, however some commands HIGHLY SUGGEST that you also complete financial management, terrorism awareness, math for Marines, and sometimes principals of instruction for the Marine NCO. Now, as far as you not being able to find Leading Marines on Marinenet, looking there is your problem. You do not complete MCI's through Marinenet. You need to go to and enroll in your MCI's there. You can download the MCI directly to your computer, or you can have to book sent to you. As far as testing is concerned, there will be a proctor in your battalion, usually in the S-3, that can administer the test online. You can also have a paper copy of the test mailed to you that you will have to mail in upon completion. I would suggest that you take the test online because it will hit the system a LOT faster than the snail mail method. Each MCI will be worth 15 points towards your cutting score and you will max out at 100 points for education. Keep in mind that things such as the Marinenet humvee courses will also count towards those points. Although you cannot earn more than 100 points towards your cutting score from doing MCI's, I would still suggest that you do more then the required amount. Most meritorious promotion boards nowadays are all paper boards. They will look at your PFT/CFT, rifle score, number of MCI's completed, pros/cons etc. The more MCI's that you have complete, the more competitive you will be on a board. Just something to think about for the future.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Covey_Rider View Post
    Leading Marines is the only MCI that is required, however some commands HIGHLY SUGGEST that you also complete financial management, terrorism awareness, math for Marines, and sometimes principals of instruction for the Marine NCO. Now, as far as you not being able to find Leading Marines on Marinenet, looking there is your problem. You do not complete MCI's through Marinenet. You need to go to and enroll in your MCI's there. You can download the MCI directly to your computer, or you can have to book sent to you. As far as testing is concerned, there will be a proctor in your battalion, usually in the S-3, that can administer the test online. You can also have a paper copy of the test mailed to you that you will have to mail in upon completion. I would suggest that you take the test online because it will hit the system a LOT faster than the snail mail method. Each MCI will be worth 15 points towards your cutting score and you will max out at 100 points for education. Keep in mind that things such as the Marinenet humvee courses will also count towards those points. Although you cannot earn more than 100 points towards your cutting score from doing MCI's, I would still suggest that you do more then the required amount. Most meritorious promotion boards nowadays are all paper boards. They will look at your PFT/CFT, rifle score, number of MCI's completed, pros/cons etc. The more MCI's that you have complete, the more competitive you will be on a board. Just something to think about for the future.
    Covey Rider beat me to it.
    Depending on your unit/section, there will normally be someone filling the billet of Training NCO. If so, find out who this person is and get with them, as they should have proctoring privileges and specific guidance on what MCIs in particular your command may want you to do.

    Personally, I'd recommend Leading Marines, Personal Financial Management, Spelling, Math for Marines, and the MCI for your specific MOS (so for me it was Food Service Fundamentals). Principles of Instruction for a Marine NCO is another one to look at as well.

  9. #9
    Wow things sure have changed since in took my MCI's in 2002. When I was in my MOS we had to take all five to get promotion points. The MCI's where Financial Management, Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership, Terrorism Awareness, and two for your MOS which in my case was AAV Advanced Crewman Functions, and Operation of the Upgunnd Weapons Stations. Plus we got a Certificate for each one that was completed. Also hang on to those Certificates when you get them. They explain transfer credits on the back, also MCI logs transcripts, and will send a Official Transcript Form to your College upon request if you attend Secondary Education to be converted into Civilian Credtis after the Corps. Semper

  10. #10
    Good to go this has helped alot

  11. #11
    Awesome, this has really helped. For the life of me, I thought there were more required for Cpl. And up untill this point, I didn't know about I always thought all of the MCI's were either done through Marinenet or by sending away for the paper version. Thanks everyone for your input/help.

  12. #12
    MarineNet is more used for annual training like Driving for Life or ORM classes. Additionally you take the BST (Basic Skills Test) on it.

    You don't need to send anything out for college credits any more, that's all automated in the system. When you are looking to EAS or to start taking college courses while you are in, go to the Training and Education building where ever you are stationed and request for them to process your SMART transcript


    Who is eligible to receive a SMART transcript?

    The SMART transcript presents a record of the student's military coursework and training evaluated by ACE, with college-level equivalent credits earned while serving in the Navy or Marine Corps. SMART transcripts are available to active duty Sailors and Marines, enlisted and officers, reserve component personnel, and separated or retired Sailors and Marines. For more information regarding eligibility requirements, servicemembers should contact their education services centers or the SMART Operations Center.
    How does a student request a SMART transcript?

    SMART transcripts are available in personal and official copy formats. SMART transcripts may be ordered online from the respective website by completing the required order form, via the mail at the address below, or by calling the toll-free number listed below. Requests for official copies sent to colleges and universities require the completion of an order form (available online) and the student’s signature. ACE does not issue or make any adjustments to SMART transcripts. All requests must be sent to the respective Operations Centers for processing.
    SMART Operations
    490 Saufley Field Road
    Pensacola, FL 32509-5223

    (877) 253-7122
    What kind of information does the transcript provide?

    Similar in format to college transfer transcripts, SMART transcripts list personal student data, courses, and occupations evaluated by ACE, including descriptions, learning outcomes, and equivalent college credit recommendations, as well as national college-level exam results. SMART transcripts are endorsed by ACE, carry the official ACE seal, and are regularly monitored for quality assurance by ACE.

  13. #13
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Here is a tip from an older Marine who didn't have to take a whole lot of MCIs in my day: NEVER do just the minimum required toward promotion. Always take more MCIs than you need. They will never, ever hurt you.

  14. #14
    Thanks Covey & Beltayn for those links. I assume as soon as a MCI is completed, then your SMART Transcript is updated with the MCI course? I tried logging into the MCI website but for some reason it's giving me an error message. And whenever I try to contact MCI directly, they're "out of the office for a parade." Haha, well that's atleast the voice message I get when I call. I'll try tomorrow to get ahold of them. Thanks again for the advice and websites Marines!

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