Any 21xx Marines out there?
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  1. #1

    Question Any 21xx Marines out there?

    I know I need to earn The Title first, but I wanted to make sure I plan ahead. I was looking into Ordnance or Artillery as my field, but I heard Artillery is a lot of civil affairs and guard when you're not manning the Howitzer, so I saw Ordnance and it seems like it'd be cool to be a technician of combat gear. So does anyone have experience in Ordance? Also I'm color blind and so far it's taken a lot of cool options from me, so will this affect me if I try to join Ordnance?

  2. #2
    As a 2141, I know you cannot be an AAV or tank mechanic if you're color blind.

  3. #3
    AAV7 technican was one of my top choices, but I guess not anymore. So what's daily life as a technician like? Where do you do your repairs? Was training hard and/or long? Would you choose something else if you could? Thanks.

  4. #4
    How about removing Semper Fidelis from your signature...and you may want to familiarize yourself with the rules in the poolee and Ask A Marine forums.

    [Poolee Rules] Attention New Poolee & Wannabe Members

    Rule Six never use the words Semper Fi, Semper Fidelis or OORAH you do not rate that here until you have earned the title of United States Marine!

  5. #5
    Sorry about that. Just figured I would familiaralize myself with those words as soon as possible. (Not trying to sound like a smart-ass)

  6. #6
    Talk to Underdawg she just complete ammo tech school. I'm sure she would be more than willing to help you out. Also check out he website they have great resources when it come to researching MOSs

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Semp3rFidel1s View Post
    AAV7 technican was one of my top choices, but I guess not anymore. So what's daily life as a technician like? Where do you do your repairs? Was training hard and/or long? Would you choose something else if you could? Thanks.
    Most repairs were done out in the field because that's usually where they break. On a typical day (not on a field op) we did regular maintenance or teach new Marines i.e. take a road wheel off and on 5 times. School was 13 weeks for tracks and I believe tanks as well.

    If I had to have done something else I would've choose LAV's but the new EFV's will be replacing the AAV pretty soon and that thing is bad ass.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo4 View Post
    Talk to Underdawg she just complete ammo tech school. I'm sure she would be more than willing to help you out. Also check out he website they have great resources when it come to researching MOSs
    An ammo-tech's MOS is 2311......but I was a 2111 and a 2112 Armorer and a match-grade Armorer as well as a Primary Marksmanship Instructor. Feel free to ask any questions. I never ran across a colorblind Armorer though or a PMI....!!

  9. #9
    Big Jim, what was it like as a 2111? DId you get to choose what MOS you wanted to do in field 21? Where did you do your small arms repairs? How long was training and was is more hard or fun? Overall, was your job more hard or fun? What kind of weapons did you repair as a 2111? Did you have to test them? And last, what did you do when you weren't repairing something(if you ever had a break). Sorry for all the questions. I tend to ask a lot.

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