Infantry 0311
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Thread: Infantry 0311

  1. #1

    Infantry 0311

    I am working on getting 03xx in my contract. From what I've read, as Active Duty you can only get your desired field in your contract but not the specific MOS. The thing is, I really just want to be an 0311. I was wondering what the odds are of that happening.

    And if you have 03xx field in your contract, does your "wish list" still exist later on? Like do you pick your top 3 MOS choices still even if you have 03xx on your contract before Recruit Training?

    Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Fill out the rest of your profile and do a search on the site as infantry has been covered many times before.
    Also, these are questions that your recruiter can answer for you.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Enlisted View Post
    I am working on getting 03xx in my contract. From what I've read, as Active Duty you can only get your desired field in your contract but not the specific MOS. The thing is, I really just want to be an 0311. I was wondering what the odds are of that happening.

    And if you have 03xx field in your contract, does your "wish list" still exist later on? Like do you pick your top 3 MOS choices still even if you have 03xx on your contract before Recruit Training?

    Thanks everyone.
    Very high. You go too ITB as an 03xx. You complete the first 3 weeks of training then if you want you can "sign" up to be either an assault man, tube stroker, or a machine gunner. But if you wanna be an 0311 all you gotta do is say i wanna be a 0311, and bam you finish ITB as a 0311. And you get sent to your unit and your life ****ing sucks police calling and doing stupid **** all day.

  4. #4
    You dont really need to sign any wishlist if you want to be an 11. You still sign it but they dont really care unless you want a weapons job and THEN they look at that to see if you are qualified for it or not.

    Also just because you are an 0311 doesnt mean you will be one when you get to your unit. A few of my buddies were 11's and when they went to their unit and were thrown into a weapons co. as 31's and were crossed training as machine gunners. Doesnt mean you wont get to be an 11 in the future but in reality, its all about the needs of the Marine Corps, so if they need you as an 11, fine but if they need you as a damn TOW gunner then....well its always good to learn new stuff right?

  5. #5
    Thanks for the info. It all sounds good I'll just have to keep checking with my recruiter to get 03xx in my contract. I will also continue to search the forum for more info. Learning new skills is always good, Zoltta. Working on the profile stuff. Not sure if my recruiter would want his name and number on here?

  6. #6
    Go to SOI with an open mind. The weapons MOS's are a lot of fun, and in a line company, your going to do mostly the same stuff as an 11, but with a bigger gun.

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