MARADMIN/ORDER Marine Commisioning Program
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  1. #1

    MARADMIN/ORDER Marine Commisioning Program

    Hello Marines,

    I am trying to get the most accurate information on the Marine Commisioning Program possible. MCO 1040 highlights the requirements and eligibility and it is dated May of 2000. I am sure there are some MARADMINS out that highlight the changes made if any. I am 2 weeks away from my Associates degree and the only requirement that I am shy of is the EL score. I have a 114 EL and the requirement is a 115 EL. The order says that this is waiverable however I have run into a few issues. Not to knock on my command, however they are preparing for a CGRI and I can't get anybody's attention for five minutes to really figure out what I need to do. I have read the order however I really don't know how to get started or how to apply for a waiver for the EL score (1 miserable point). What advice do you all have regarding this matter and is there anybody who is or was in similar shoes before?

    -Cpl Vaziri

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by irizavrima View Post
    I am 2 weeks away from my Associates degree
    I could be wrong but isn't a bachelors required to go officer?

  3. #3
    Which MCO? You haven't listed an order yet... there is no MCO 1040. There is a MCO 1040.42 and a 1040.43 and a few others (I'd list more but for some reason my comp wont go to right now), hard to give you info when I don't know exactly what order you're looking at.

  4. #4
    SSgt, it is 1040.43A. Thanks for pointing that out.

  5. #5
    Do you have the SAT or ACT scores required? If you do your EL score wont matter at all.

    If you do need a waiver, who to send it to will be in a MARADMIN with directions.

  6. #6
    The program you're looking for is MECEP not MCP. If you've got some college, but not a four year degree you do MECEP (Meritorious Enlisted Commissioning Education Program) or there is also BOOST (Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection Training). If you meet certain demographics (i.e. - were from a poor area, bad schools, minority area, etc.) you can do boost which sends you to a prep school prior to going to college. They're all good programs. I did MECEP.

  7. #7
    He might not necessarily be looking for MECEP. Since he will have his associates if he gets MCP he would be able to commission much sooner. He would just have to continue to work on his degree once commissioned. He could put in for both. With MCP he would go to an OCC class at OCS instead of hanging out with Golf Co.

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