What's The Worst/Dumbest Thing You Got Your A-- Chewed For??? - Page 3
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  1. #31
    I once shrugged at a Staff Sergeant, nothing malicious and he had been ****ing around with me in my room and as i followed him out he said something to the tune of "go **** yourself" in what to those who had been in the room with him could tell was a joking tone.

    As he turned away i shrugged and said ok, and next thing i know some random ass Cpl is all up in my butt. Of course i didnt bother to explain, nor could i have got a word in, and ended up picking up cigarette butts an hour before formation for the next week.

  2. #32
    Cpl's are the devil!

  3. #33
    most CPLs are dbags

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by hawks View Post
    most CPLs are dbags

    Don't be a $hitbag and they don't have to be.

  5. #35
    I think my most epic debacle was involving my woefully inadequate platoon sergeant during my 2nd deployment in Iraq. it all started with him running around yelling, waking me up. I had just got off post an hour prior & had no clue what was going on. next thing i know, i spend 6 hours raking about one square foot of rocks. i didnt find out until the next day what happened:
    We lived in a FOB, & our SSgt saw a few guys leave their rooms & go to the bathroom (which was right next door) without their rifles. so he went into their rooms, disassembled their weapons, & hid the parts, then made them search for them. his logic was we should have weapons on us at all times, which is understandable. however, most (& one squad leader imparticular) failed to see what sense it made to break down someone's weapons and hide the parts, & then it made even less sense when he himself did not carry a weapon anywhere. so apparently this squad leader decided to go into the SSgt's room while he was off dilly-dallying & break down his weapons, then hide the parts. of course, this did not go over well & a$$ chewings ensued (particularly for the squad leader). this went on until the SSgt threatened the squad leader, to which he replied "SSgt, you are the worst platoon sergeant i have ever served under. if you want to fire me, go ahead, but im the best damn squad leader in this company. but if you wanna threaten me, drop your blouse, & ill beat your a$$ up and down this FOB."
    needless to say, it was quite the debacle. i personally have rarely been chewed out, but this was one of the more memorable ones i was a part of.

  6. #36
    Remembered another incident I was involved in. My wife had just gotten all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. Well she is of Irish ancestry so she of course had bruises all over her face from the surgery. That Sat we are in the commisary on Lejuene and along comes my OIC. That following Monday Morning I am ordered to his office where he begins chewing my ass for being a wife beater and he plans on sending me to the brig. The ass chewing gets bad enough that he gets up and pulls my chevrons off and throws them on the floor. My wife ended up coming in and showing him where she had her teeth pulled before he would believe me.

  7. #37
    Wow, I probably wouldn't have been able to keep my cool...probably would have told him to STFU and let me explain the situation...and we all know that wouldn't be good either. But he completely disrespected you, that's garbage.

  8. #38
    Seems like all of us have had the experience of someone jumping to conclusions and handing out an ass chewing just to show how big "it" is.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by polizei View Post
    Wow, I probably wouldn't have been able to keep my cool...probably would have told him to STFU and let me explain the situation...and we all know that wouldn't be good either. But he completely disrespected you, that's garbage.
    The part that really ****ed me off and made me lose all respect for the man was he didn't man up and apologize.

  10. #40
    I was at MCRD and we were policing the living area. We were getting ready to water the grass (those of you who went to San Diego know what that means) so I went to get a bucket of water. Double time of coarse. Filled the bucket and started double timing back and of coarse as I did our series commander (a Captain as I recall)walked thought the area. Running with a full bucket of water didn't worry me however, I just slowed down and gave what I figured was my snappest salute. He must of figured so also because he stopped me and had me take him to my DI. He then had me repeat my performance, which my DI was suitably impressed with also. He had me repeat it for other DIs after the Catain left. I figured I'm going to get some real aknowledge of my military asututness. Maybe even get out of boot camp as a PFC. Afer about an hour of holding the bucket of water straight out from my body while at attention and God knows how many squat thrusts he explained you never salute with your left hand no matter what you are carring in your right one. Oh, well--at the time it seemed to make sense to me but go figure.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by lastcigar View Post
    I was at MCRD and we were policing the living area. We were getting ready to water the grass (those of you who went to San Diego know what that means) so I went to get a bucket of water. Double time of coarse. Filled the bucket and started double timing back and of coarse as I did our series commander (a Captain as I recall)walked thought the area. Running with a full bucket of water didn't worry me however, I just slowed down and gave what I figured was my snappest salute. He must of figured so also because he stopped me and had me take him to my DI. He then had me repeat my performance, which my DI was suitably impressed with also. He had me repeat it for other DIs after the Catain left. I figured I'm going to get some real aknowledge of my military asututness. Maybe even get out of boot camp as a PFC. Afer about an hour of holding the bucket of water straight out from my body while at attention and God knows how many squat thrusts he explained you never salute with your left hand no matter what you are carring in your right one. Oh, well--at the time it seemed to make sense to me but go figure.

  12. #42
    I was at SOI in the broked**k platoon a few weeks after arriving there and a Marine comes through and lets me know that another Marine, LCpl Whoever was looking for me because he needed me to fill out some paperwork. No problem. I go up to the front desk in the barracks to find him. "Hey, Whoever, I hear you were looking for me, what's up?" He turns around and says "I believe I'm a Lance Corporal". I'm kinda confused by his statement so I respond "...ummm...correct, I believe you are". I'm still kinda mentally scratching my head from what seemed like an extremely unusual and random statement. About this time, he and four other Marines come unglued on me and proceed to rip me up one side and down another about not showing respect and thinking I was above the rules.

    Apparently at SOI, we were to refer to LCpls by rank. Kinda wish somebody would've let me know about that.

  13. #43
    When I got orders for the Stumps, I threw a party and forgot to show for a week. Naturally when I did show up, I had this little Philipino 1st Lt. lite me up and before I even got my ass out the door, he had this hillbilly S/Sgt. take me to the barracks at the Tanks grinder. Keep in mind
    I did not even get billeted yet and was a little on the drunk side.
    Well the S/Sgt told to strip to my skivvies and get a cold shower surprise. At the time I was dating this older woman who got very emotional in the sack and when she busted a organism, she'd dig into my back like I was a scratching post, sometimes drawing blood. Ol' boy took a look at that and said "what bobcat lit into you?", called the Lt. from the Motor Pool who proceeded to lite my ass up for having open sores on my back and acting like I was carrying the creeping crud. S/Sgt informed him I recieved those in the course of duty (wink,wink). so naturally I got the business from the Lt. and when all was said and done, I got 1 week taken off my leave. And believe me, I got watched like a hawk.

  14. #44
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    Ft. Bragg
    Being a hard charger and having my laundry squared away I had all everything marked. At the time we had a 2 inch stencil on the back of our t-shirt with our name on it. Mine said Quinn ... them barracks rats that figured they would slip a little laundry in my mine so it would be cleaned washed and folded then sneak it away later.

    I'm getting my ass chewed for whatever in PT gear and being yelled at as Dunn. The first Sgt came out and said exactly how many people in this platoon are named Dunn. Uhh none 1st Sgt ... WTF why are you all wearing t-shirts that say Dunn on the back? Mine 1st Sgt ... what are you the laundry ***** or something? I hope they are paying you.

  15. #45
    Checked in to a new duty station as a young PFC. Went to admin, got my paperwork done. A Corporal told me to go to the Sgt. Major's office and have a seat and wait. When he walked in I was still sitting. First words out of his mouth, Are your legs broke? No Sgt Major, Then get your a$$ on your feet. A$$ chewing commenced. Dang how dumb. About a week later saw him at the e-club and got to buy him a beer. Only took me one time to learn my lesson.

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