Non-Marines Wearing The EGA
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  1. #1
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Non-Marines Wearing The EGA

    Several years ago, I had the absolute honor to be trained by Marines of the U.S. Marine Corps Shooting Team at the National Matches in Camp Perry, OH. As a symbol of completing their training they gave everyone sweatshirts that have the EGA on the front (with "U.S. Marine Corps Shooting Team" around it), and USMC across the back. Although I feel very proud to wear this sweatshirt (mostly while working out/running to keep me motivated), I am also unaware of how this is perceived by other Marines.

    So my question is, how do you Marines feel about a non-Marine wearing the EGA or displaying USMC on their clothes? Is it looked down about because you haven't earned the right, or is it seen as a show of support for your Corps? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ThirdGen View Post
    So my question is, how do you Marines feel about a non-Marine wearing the EGA or displaying USMC on their clothes? Is it looked down about because you haven't earned the right, or is it seen as a show of support for your Corps? Thank you.
    As long as its worn with respect, and you don't say your a Marine when asked by people that don't know any better (civilians), then to me it shows your support for Marines.

  3. #3
    I generally don't like it, but as long as you're wearing it proper in a respectful way like Supersquishy said, I tend not to care. Just don't claim to be a Marine, and if anyone asks you, tell the story.

  4. #4
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Feb 2010
    Thanks, I would never deceive someone into thinking I've earned the right to the title of Marine. I make sure to pass on the story of the Shooting Team to anyone who asks though, one of the best experiences of my life so far.

  5. #5
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    That shirt is a major score! I would hang on to and not wear it out. 20 years from now you'll still have it in tip top shape.

    The shirts with logos thing has been beaten about pretty good here in the past. If you wear a Pittsburg Steelers jersey doesn't mean you play on the team. Just showing your support for the team. Anyone asks just tell them briefly how you got the shirt and that you are not a Marine.

    Just don't get caught in an airport wearing a set of jacked up dress blues and pretending to be a Marine. That has already been proven not to work

  6. #6
    I have a shirt for my companies deployment to Afghanistan and also the raider one for there current one. If I ever got crap for wearin it, I simply say I am proud of my companies achievements and what those who came before did.

    The smart people agree that this is an acceptable reason, while the dumb ones just get confused when I explain it.

    You were taught by them and they gifted it to you, I'm sure with the intention it be worn.

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