W.O.D. Feb,25th,2010
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  1. #1

    W.O.D. Feb,25th,2010

    You'll have to be super human to do this Super Hero Workout

    For some extra motivation you might want to listen to "Hero" by Nickleback while doing this workout. Or as im sure it's more some of your speed you can listen to the Enrique Iglesias "Hero" song

    Spider-Man Pushups x 20 http://www.livestrong.com/video/5245...rman-pushups-/

    SuperMan - Banana x 3 -Begin the exercise laying on your stomach, look forward and raise your arms and legs straight out like you are flying (this is the superman position) Hold for 30s then use your core to roll over on your back still holding your arms and legs off the floor (this is banana) Hold for 30s This is on rep.

    Spider-Man Climb x 30
    http://www.workoutmanuals.com/Bodywe...cises-fat-loss (you will have to use (Ctrl + F) to find that exercise as the page is pretty long)

    Batman Pushup (Christian Bale Version) 3 x 10
    Note: not everyone will be able to perform this pushup variation if you can't skip to the next exercise, don't hurt yourself trying this. Start in a standing position with arms straight literally fall into pushup position going down, then use your arm and abs to explode up pulling your feet in and standing up in one motion. This is one.

    Oldschool Batman Exercise 3 x 10
    Begin in the wide arm pushup position with both arms and legs wide. Go down into lower pushup position then explode up while pulling your arms and legs close. Upon going back down throw your arms and legs back out wide.

  2. #2
    what about hero by skillet

  3. #3
    I'll get around to doing this one. A suggestion, why don't you just make a big thread that you update daily?

  4. #4
    honestly i hadn't really thought about that lol.

  5. #5
    One thread, many workouts. I vote yes.
    Have I mentioned I hate pushups? I do, and upgraded ones most of all.

  6. #6
    I agree. Make a thread just for the W.O.D. This workout was pretty cool. I didn't think those superman bananas would be so hard.

  7. #7
    -waiting for the mega thread- If you're going to do that, you might want to reserve like the first three post in case you run out of room. Also listening to Creed's hero was more motivating during this one.

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