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Thread: Mos?

  1. #1


    I have a question about my MOS for any Marine that may be able to answer it.
    I am leaving for boot camp in two weeks, and I was open contract but recently I was told by my recruiter I got an MOS.
    My question is about the MOS itself; it apparently comes with a $10,000 bonus if I pass my tech school, but for some reason, my recruiter can't tell me what the job is. He told me his boss would brief me on it about 5 days before I left. Could anyone tell me what the MOS I may possibly be getting?
    This is a little vague, but any ideas?
    Thank you all in advance.

  2. #2
    It sounds like your recruiter is blowing something out his ass. If he really had something for you he would have the papers for you to sign. Recruiters don't just withhold information like that from their poolees, there's no real reason to.

  3. #3
    It just don't sound right,lol.

  4. #4
    I got a 10k Bonus for completing Comm School. I signed a Statement of Understanding displaying the job and bonus. It's called Command and Electrician or something along those signs and includes any job under the 0600 field or 1100 field.

    Anyways, regardless, get it in writing and signed.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dizark View Post
    I got a 10k Bonus for completing Comm School. I signed a Statement of Understanding displaying the job and bonus. It's called Command and Electrician or something along those signs and includes any job under the 0600 field or 1100 field.

    Anyways, regardless, get it in writing and signed.
    Oh Lord, not many things are worse in this world than a LCpl who just got a $10,000 bonus before he hits the

  6. #6
    Dizark, Sir I found out today I have the same MOS as you. I was wanting to ask you if you liked your actual MOS pretty well?

  7. #7
    I saved up about 3K before I hit the fleet. And all of my schools were in tropical vacation spots where it was easy to spend money.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaron89 View Post
    Dizark, Sir I found out today I have the same MOS as you. I was wanting to ask you if you liked your actual MOS pretty well?
    Keep in mind that that field has more than one MOS in there, and they'll pick which one you get when you arrive at comm school. You could get anything from a field radio operator to data (computer networking).

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