Help finding an order
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  1. #1

    Help finding an order

    I'm trying to find a Marine Corps order stating when reveille is to be sounded. From my understanding, there is an order stating that reveille will sound at 0530 every morning, however I can not find it at all.

  2. #2
    reveille will sound at 0530 every morning
    US Army Field Artillery School

  3. #3
    I had found that one already, however that order is merely for the students at that school. I was under the impression that there was one pertaining to the entire fleet Marine Corps while in garrison.

  4. #4
    Everything That I can find is that has been a standing ever since
    Jesus Christ was a Corporal in the Marine Corps,
    Which is a tad bit before your Great Grand Daddy had a wet dream.

  5. #5
    it's base orders... and not all areas follow said base order.

    I was on 43 area guard once when I was a boot LCpl... it was pretty fun actually...

    and it was a BaseO that taps and reveille are sounded at such and such time....

  6. #6
    Love it at cherry point reveille was the harriers and the F-4's taking off in the morning.if that didn't wake you you were dead.

  7. #7
    Reveille at 0530 local time. Chow at 0600. Colors at 0800. 0800 is the best time of the day. Watching colors raised is great. But can be beaten buy 0800 raising Colors.

  8. #8
    Reveille? Is that when the douche bag in charlies walks around banging on your door telling you to wake up...

    And then comes back about a half hour later because you're still not up and opens your door and turns your light on and threatens to "Write your name in the book" for throwing **** at him?

    Because they do it at 0500 here and its hella gay.

  9. #9
    except when it's you doing it....

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