Wishing to leave DEP - Page 2
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  1. #16
    We'll how much he loves the infantry in boot durng field week, the humps or during the crucible. I've seen guys that signed up to go infantry that just couldn't hack it in the field. It's not all glam and glory once your really there. We'll see just how into being a grunt you are when your stinky, tired, hungry, haven't showered for a week and your cammies are stiff with stale sweat. And if he does go into our Corps as a non-infantry MOS I bet that somewhere around half way through MCT h'll say, man I'm glad I'm not infantry.
    What you have to understand dabeer is that the Army runs itself like a corporation. The Marine Corps runs itself like a religion. In the Army it's an honor and previlage to become Airborne or a Ranger or SF or some other high speed unit. In the Marine Corps the previlage and honor is being a Marine. Thats why we don't wear unit patches like the Army. We don't distinguish what cool bad ass unit I'm in or whether my beret is black, red, green, pink or whatever. We are Marines and that's what matters. And when it comes down to it we are all rifle man. We are all trained in the infantry and given the skill necassary to kill. I know a refrigerator mechanic who did nothing but run convoys in Iraq. Got a bronze star I believe. My mom has a friend who's husband did 4 years in the Marine Corps band. He then enlisted in the Army and made it into a career. He now does recruiting and admin stuff for the Army ROTC at Arizona State. 20+ years later guess what sticker is on the back of his car? Thats right, the one with an Eagle, Globe and Anchor..if that doesn't say it all I don't know what does.

  2. #17
    Why would you want 0300, it doesnt make you like the Corps. I wish i had taken a job like aviation mechanic, you have a wide range of jobs you can get into when you leave the Corps. Wasted a 70 on the ASVAB, ****ed up my ankle, and now im out, all because i was a motard and wouldnt do anything but grunt.

  3. #18
    "Motard" LOL!!!! I haven't heard that in a long, long while.


    Quite frankly, it sounds to me like you have the 'jitters'. It's a big jump (no pun intended) going from civilian to 'recruit'. Cold feet is normal IMO. Everyone gets it.

    However, like some here have said, if you REALLY, REALLY wanted to be an 'airborne medic' then why are you here to begin with? Go be an 'Army of one' or whatever they are calling it this week.

    But in a year or two you'll be going "I coulda been a Marine" and trying to figure out how to transfer. But by then it'll be too late. You'll discover that the Army could give a rip about you for the most part, no matter what job you have, and will treat you like crap. Furthermore, you'll find some serious dregs of society that are serving with you, because there is no where else for them to go. Or do. (Don't believe me? The Army has lowered standards repeatedly over the past five years....do you think they get nothing but 'top quality' recruits???)

    Bottom line, sheet or get off the pot. I suspect you came here and posted this because you want us to talk you 'out' of leaving and beg you to stay. Well, I'm not gonna do that. You wanna go? Fine. Leave, and no worries. There are plenty more like you just WAITING to fill your shoes. See, that's the difference between the Marines and the army. The army would beg you to stay. The Marine Corps will wish you well and you'll be quickly forgotten.

    Your call.

  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by deBeer View Post
    I haven't been on the forums for awhile so I won't be surprised if most of you don't remember me, not that I made a huge impact on the forums anyway.

    I wish to leave to the DEP because I have a 5 year contract for aviation mechanic and it was my dads wish for me to take the job for something when I come out, I don't think I will like the job. I leave august 10th and I don't want to take a gamble with 5 years of my life to do something I probably won't like. I just told myself I will make a lot of money when I come out but with little over a week till I ship its hitting me hard that I can't take that chance.

    I took the initiative and went to the Army office to see what they could offer me. They have the job I want which is airborne medic with the scores to get it. All I have to do is leave the DEP but the only thing that concerns me is the Army recruiters were telling me that my recruiter can withhold my information making it impossible for me to start signing papers for up to a year.

    I searched the topic and found that I am allowed to leave the DEP since its non binding. My question is can he really withhold my information and if he does, is there someway I can get him to release them.

    Let me ask you how the hell is "Airborne Medic" and a Grunt the same thing. If you want to be an Airborne Medic that bad, go to medical school for 7 years and then go skydiving. Combine them both and you don't have to join any service. Another question, how much of the recruiters time did you waste?

    GyC, I would hate to be that SNCOIC getting that call. And the recruiter is going to get some sh*t also. Semper I deBeer.

  5. #20
    deBeer, dude, you came to the wrong forum to ask about how to leave. Anyways, so if you don't talk to your recruiter and just not show up anymore, which you can do, things probably aren't going to be going your way for a while. If you man up, talk to him, think about whatever you need to think about, and if you still decide to get out, they will probably be more understanding.

    You are right though, 5 years is a long time to do something you don't really want to do, and a big chance to take on something you are not sure about. Figure out something you like, and shoot for that. The Marine Corps has plenty of jobs man. Most of us aren't grunts, believe it or not.

    Ultimately it's on you to make sure everything is good with your contract before you ship. If it's a job you want, make yourself competitive for it. If you don't think your recruiter is doing all he can for you, talk to him. If need be, talk to someone else. You don't have to bail just because everything isn't right at the moment. Work it out. Make it get worked out.

    If Air Medic or whatever is ultimately what you want, then hey, go for it. Good on you for doing something at least. Even the Army is better than waiting tables at Applebees, which is what my friends are doing. Don't expect to not take **** for bailing on the Marines though.

    Lupo22 - I can't wait for winter to keep my sleeves down . They get too damn sweaty here on Oki, all tight agianst my skin.

  6. #21
    Marine Free Member Lupo22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MD8724 View Post
    Lupo22 - I can't wait for winter to keep my sleeves down . They get too damn sweaty here on Oki, all tight agianst my skin.

    hehe I hear ya Cpl!! Parris Island in the dog days of summer wasn't exactly pleasant weather!!!

  7. #22
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    must.....................refrain.................. .

  8. #23
    Ohhhh...come on. You know you want to!

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by deBeer View Post
    I haven't been on the forums for awhile so I won't be surprised if most of you don't remember me, not that I made a huge impact on the forums anyway.

    I wish to leave to the DEP because I have a 5 year contract for aviation mechanic and it was my dads wish for me to take the job for something when I come out, I don't think I will like the job. I leave august 10th and I don't want to take a gamble with 5 years of my life to do something I probably won't like. I just told myself I will make a lot of money when I come out but with little over a week till I ship its hitting me hard that I can't take that chance.

    I took the initiative and went to the Army office to see what they could offer me. They have the job I want which is airborne medic with the scores to get it. All I have to do is leave the DEP but the only thing that concerns me is the Army recruiters were telling me that my recruiter can withhold my information making it impossible for me to start signing papers for up to a year.

    I searched the topic and found that I am allowed to leave the DEP since its non binding. My question is can he really withhold my information and if he does, is there someway I can get him to release them.
    I think that it is great that you want to serve your country in a time of war, regardless of service.

    However before you jump at the ABN Medic option, have you really explored your other options? Do you really think you will be doing HALO jumps out of a C-130 as an Airborne Medic? The reality is it sounds cooler than it probably is.

    Have you looked into becoming a S.A.R.C. (Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman)? Talk about some bad mamma-jammas. Talk to a Navy recruiter about that option before you head into something else you might not like.

  10. #25
    hehe... keep'em from bein' a doggie sir!!!

  11. #26
    I knew a SARC! Those guys are nuts!

  12. #27
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
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    Scratch this post. I leave for MCRDPI this monday. I passed my IST today and all is well. Next time I talk to you guys ill hopefully be a Marine! By the way im going in for aviation mechanic.

  13. #28
    glad to hear you settled on a decision. PM with your thoughts.

  14. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by deBeer View Post
    Scratch this post. I leave for MCRDPI this monday. I passed my IST today and all is well. Next time I talk to you guys ill hopefully be a Marine! By the way im going in for aviation mechanic.
    Good luck Poolee... Semper Fi

  15. #30
    Marine Free Member Lupo22's Avatar
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    Sunrise, Florida
    HAHAHA MCRDPI got another one!!! No turning back now!!! Enjoy your vacation! I know I sure did!

    Hehe just messin with ya. its not that bad and good luck! Go get that Title!!!!!

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