Wisdom Teeth
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Thread: Wisdom Teeth

  1. #1

    Wisdom Teeth

    I was wondering if my wisdom teeth aren't bothering me and aren't causing any sorts of problems, like they grew in normally, would i still have to get those removed during boot camp, if so, do they numb you first? I have a friend whose dad is a Marine and he says they sliced his cheek open and yanked them out without numbing him first. Another thing I heard is if they aren't causing a problem will they be removed at a later date other than boot camp. Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    They took mine out in 95 and yes they did numb me. Matter of fact they gave me to much. I couldn't feel my mouth for hours.

  3. #3
    They take out wisdom teeth right after the range and right before the crucible.

  4. #4
    CJables93, how about filling out ALL of your profile.

  5. #5
    I got mine taked out 2 years after bootcamp....because my bootcamp xrays showed they needed taken out. The nurse really screwed up my IV too, and my bloodpressure dropped to like, nonexistent, and I passed out. Was pretty cool.

  6. #6
    If they're not bothering you, then you'll probably have them removed at a later point in time. Usually once you hit the fleet they make you non-deployable until you get them removed.

  7. #7
    I wouldn't suggest getting them removed in bootcamp. The ones who are cutting your mouth open most likely won't know what they're doing, and are practicing. The one day of bedrest isn't worth the possibility of chewing bits and pieces of bleeding gum line for the rest of the time you're there.

  8. #8
    Many guys had their wisdom teeth pulled in boot camp; they didn't have a choice. They did just fine but they only got one day of bed rest and some Motrin.

  9. #9
    My nephew who is currently on the rifle range, gets his wisdom teeth pulled next week during Team week, and he has to have them removed. I'm sure he'll "enjoy" the 1 day bed rest, but then it'll be back to the grind of hard work in boot camp.

  10. #10
    The Navy dentists at boot camp will make that determination for you. If you're unlucky enough to have them removed while you're actually at boot camp, yes they will numb you. You'll also have to spend a day in the rack on bedrest while the rest of your platoon trains around you. Sounds pretty cool at first, but once you're actually in the rack, you feel like **** for not being out there with your platoon enduring with the rest of them.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Qwarkeh View Post
    I wouldn't suggest getting them removed in bootcamp. The ones who are cutting your mouth open most likely won't know what they're doing, and are practicing. The one day of bedrest isn't worth the possibility of chewing bits and pieces of bleeding gum line for the rest of the time you're there.
    You say that like he has a choice. Either he does it or he goes home.

    And that one day bed rest everyone is talking about is actually less than one day. I had mine pulled, and was in the rack by 1300 or so. The next morning I was up with everyone else, doing the same things as everyone else.

  12. #12
    When I got mine removed we got a half day of bed rest, and the next day was light duty and that's it. It sucked trying to eat, especially box chow because there aren't many options for soft foods there.
    You don't have a choice when they're removed. We did not even know until the day before.

    The Docs that do the surgery know what they're doing and did a pretty good job. I however was in the over flow crowd that was taken off base to a Naval Hospital. It was truly exciting getting off the island for a few hours, even though I left my teeth when I came back.

  13. #13
    I wish I had gotten mine removed in boot camp, bed rest would have been sweet.

    But instead I got them removed in the fleet. Shortly after returning from Iraq, I took two weeks of leave and ended up having all four of them pulled at that time. In the middle of my leave, I had to spend 4 of my leave days to travel back to Pendleton to get them pulled- it was the only time the doc was available. It was the only time I got bed rest in the Corps and I was only leave at the time... man, how I wish I had them pulled in boot camp.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by commdog7 View Post
    I wish I had gotten mine removed in boot camp, bed rest would have been sweet.

    But instead I got them removed in the fleet. Shortly after returning from Iraq, I took two weeks of leave and ended up having all four of them pulled at that time. In the middle of my leave, I had to spend 4 of my leave days to travel back to Pendleton to get them pulled- it was the only time the doc was available. It was the only time I got bed rest in the Corps and I was only leave at the time... man, how I wish I had them pulled in boot camp.
    My senior Cpl says you're a toolbag. Not sure what that means. If you want his address to come beat his ass, PM me.

  15. #15

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