Finally getting there!
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  1. #1

    Finally getting there!

    I finally got past the part that concerned me most before boot camp...choosing an MOS. The jobs finally came out and I was able to get into intelligence...although they said the specific field wouldnt be know til the end of boot camp, but i expected that. Hopefully 0231Marine can explain a little about the TS clearance process a bit and other things. I have read your posts...very detailed, thanks a lot!!
    Now for boot camp... haha. I am a little bit worried...mor about the physical nature than anything, just for the fact that after running 3 miles i really dont feel like doing anything but relaxin for a bit and i know thats not how it is in boot camp. im just hoping that my endurance is good enough for it. Based on my IST times and stuff i am, but i dont know haha. Any help or support would be great! Thank You Marines!!

  2. #2
    You will find out damn fast only the strong survive,lol.

  3. #3
    It's 90% mental. As long as you don't give up, and don't act like a ***** you'll be fine. If you want to be prepared for bootcamp, have your OCD/retarded friends tell you how to do everything in life that you already know how to do.

  4. #4
    that would be a disaster Cpl M... hahaha...

    don't set him up like that!

  5. #5
    before going in, I would run a mile or mile and a half every other day, if that. I didn't really feel like running more than that so I'd stop. Anyways, when you're being timed on it in bootcamp, you will ignore what your mind is telling you and you'll run forever to make sure you make the time alotted. It isn't hard and after the first mile or so, you'll get into the mindset that you can run forever no matter how bad you want to stop.

  6. #6
    When I went into boot camp, I barely passed the running for the IST. By the time I graduated boot camp, running wasn't a big deal. Just find something to take your mind off your running and your body will naturally adapt to it. Believe it or not, the part that holds people back from running is not necessarily your body not being able to handle it (but there are some like that), but that your mind is telling your body you can't handle it. Find something to think about when you run, work on your breathing, and you will do fine.

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