Tattoo question?
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  1. #1

    Tattoo question?

    My recruiter told me that I cannot enlist because of my tattoos, When I told him that I cannot take no for answer he told me that I can put make-up on the tattoos and get in. I dont have the money to get laser removal so thats not an option. Has anyone here ever done this? Can it be done? Any and all advice or input will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    What tats do you have? If its gang related or is like racist you cannot get in...period.

  3. #3
    For starters.....try using the search bar.



    Getting a Tat while in DEP

    Chest tattoo.

    Some of these may be older threads, but isn't it amazing what you can find when you use the search bar.

  4. #4
    Yeah I have already read these, they do not answer my specific question, but thanks.

  5. #5
    None are racist, gang related, drug related or naked women.

  6. #6
    My recruiter told me that I only had to get past him. If he did not " see them " I would be fine.

  7. #7
    I think we all pretty much covered it in the chat room. I'm telling you, do not try to game the system because you will get caught, and screwed.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kimosabi1988 View Post
    My recruiter told me that I only had to get past him. If he did not " see them " I would be fine.
    Do me a favor and send me a PM when you find out I am right.

  9. #9
    My reply to a PM...

    Let me walk you through the process.

    You get past your recruiter, no biggy, he didn't really look. But in order to do that you have to not disclose that information to him. On paper, you said "No tatoo". His azz is covered.

    Then you go for a physical at MEPS. They ask you a whole bunch of questions and you don't disclose your tatoo's. Their azz is covered, you either denied tats or didn't disclose them. (I can't remember if you strip at MEPS or not)

    Then you get to boot camp and you're the only dude there with tat's (since the Marine Corps isn't taking people with tats). They take a look at your paperwork, see you didn't say you have tats when you were asked and now you've enlisted fraudulently. They'll either kick you to the curb or keep you and your life will be more of a hell than it was before.

    Correct me if I'm wrong. Keep in mind that the tatoo policy for Marines that have already earned the title differs from what the Marine Corps will accept from applicants.

  10. #10
    Okay, first off, you'll have to cover the tattoos at MEPS also, because you WILL be nearly nude for the physical. And you're going to be up at 0400, and probably have a roomate, before the physical. I guess you could explain the situation to your roomate and he might keep quiet.

    But what are you thinking? Are you going to apply makeup to yourself every night in bootcamp while you're in the rack? There is absolutely no way in hell you could possibly get away with this.

    And if laser tattoo removal isn't an "option" then you in fact CAN take "no" for an answer.

  11. #11
    they strip you down and do a inspect at boot camp also... once you get caught there it's a admin sep with a other than honorable discharge...

    best to either A) save up the money and get it removed or B) do as I suggested in the other thread and get the loan (1200 - 1500) to do it... many of the places that do the process have a "anyone can borrow" bank that will give you the money with a high interest rate... it's something you can certainly pay off after boot camp, and you can have the payments frozen while you are there...

    those payments will have the interest rates dropped to 6% and you can have them hold your payments while in training... it's part of the soldiers and sailors act or one of those other ones....

    this applies to all your credit prior to you going on active duty.

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