T4: Salvation
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Thread: T4: Salvation

  1. #1

    T4: Salvation

    so I saw it today... interesting flick, glad bale wanted him to be MORE of a bad-ass... as I think they would have had him kinda a timid pussy who would BECOME a bad-ass after he's named leader of the resistance.

    honestly, it came out well, but the way they were harvesting the skin and organs was pretty facinating... makes you think again about T2 and T3.

    I'm glad our old friend didn't have any lines... would have ruined it.

    anyone have any other opinions about the flick?

  2. #2
    Weird not having Arnold actually play in the whole thing.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SSgt Petzold View Post
    so I saw it today... interesting flick, glad bale wanted him to be MORE of a bad-ass... as I think they would have had him kinda a timid pussy who would BECOME a bad-ass after he's named leader of the resistance.

    honestly, it came out well, but the way they were harvesting the skin and organs was pretty facinating... makes you think again about T2 and T3.

    I'm glad our old friend didn't have any lines... would have ruined it.

    anyone have any other opinions about the flick?

    I saw it myself, thought Bale needs to drop that gravelly batman voice. It has the opposite effect, people in the audience were chuckling when he first started talking.

    I REALLY liked the opening sequence to watch all that take place. I think the guy who plays the "infiltrator" model terminator was very good. He's starring in the Clash of the Titans remake, along with Liam Neeson, who plays Zeus.

    I decided to hop on Wikipedia and see what information I could find about the background, as I missed some of the key points in the story. I had no idea how much lore there is for Terminator, and your hunch about the harvesting and different models is correct.

    There are like 16 different models and variants of Terminator. Some more advanced than others, some more convincing. The big one in L.A. with the gatling gun had rubberized skin. Which is standard issue for the Terminators that only had to look human from a distance.

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