May 9th Warrior Meet (Mass)
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  1. #1

    May 9th Warrior Meet (Mass)

    I will have a moderator fix the title once I confirm where the location is. Last year we went to Fort Devons, Mass. for our Warrior meet and I believe it will be the same.

    All of New England's RS's should be there.

    I am representing RSS Northern Maine baby!!!!

    Who else is going, and what all are we supposed to be doing? I remember what we did last year but am unsure of what we are doing this year/I don't know if RSS Northern Maine was able to stay for the entire thing where we had the longest drives out of everyone

  2. #2
    OOHRAH RS Worcester...I was there last year...won't be this year..

  3. #3
    Wish I could go but I'm not a poolee yet. ******* shoulder

  4. #4
    andy, to bad you won't be there this year either. RSS Northern Maine will do alot better because how we are going about it this time half of our poolees won't be drunk (they drank the night before then went down with us)

    cfinch, last year I was not a Poolee when I went. They just had to write my name in under the real pooloee's but my scores still went towards.

  5. #5
    I was invited to attend by SSgt Silva, USMC. But, due to work, I can't attend.

    I'm decently bummed I can't attend, especially because the SSgt was gracious enough to invite a wannabe along.

    But, I can sure as heck tell you one thing. Since I'll be hitting MEPS as late as one month from now, I will definitely be on deck next year!

    Be sure to tell us all how it went!

  6. #6
    Just got home a little while ago. Super motivational, especially right in the morning when that Marine said "Right now, you are doing more that 90% of Americans!" Also, I had a great time with the various weapons they had on display, as well as the Humvees. IST killed me though, I got 74 sit ups 14 pull ups and a 9:49 run time.

  7. #7
    Hell Yeah.

    Our Station (RSS BOSTON) swept the event, but I have to say, seeing all those Poolees from around the region together and echoing responses back to the CO was amazing.

    Iron man went to one of our Poolees for 27 Pullups, 121 Crunches and a 9:14 run time.

  8. #8
    This was a great event. The best poolee event that I have been to. It was so motivational and made me glad I enlisted.

  9. #9
    Rss Milford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even though we didnt win any trohpies,,,LOL

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Shippingsoon View Post
    Hell Yeah.

    Our Station (RSS BOSTON) swept the event, but I have to say, seeing all those Poolees from around the region together and echoing responses back to the CO was amazing.

    Iron man went to one of our Poolees for 27 Pullups, 121 Crunches and a 9:14 run time.
    I wouldn't say RSS Boston swept the event. You guys had more of a Pool so better odds .

    RSS Northern Maine went down Friday night and stayed. We played bball for rec time that night and got to play against two of the MCMAP instructors. Then we set the field up for the day, so your welcome to those who attended .

    My IST wasn't to bad except the friggin run.
    Chin ups - 15
    Crunches - 98 (I had a few that weren't counted, stupid me lifting my arms)
    Run - 9:48 (IDK what happened here, maybe no breakfast/lack of rest?) I led RSS N. Maine on the run time though
    I think the funniest thing though was when we were throwing bows to the Marines and when I ran to SSGT Zammit I slipped when I tried to place my lead foot lol.

    Also there were alot of poolees that did not pick up their trash, RSS Northern Maine did a lot to pick up what others left. (We made to sweeps through the main field then took care of around the pull up bars.)

    The worst thing was there are a couple kids that may not be able to ship next month because of their run time.

  11. #11
    Marine Free Member ElDiablo's Avatar
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    It was an awesome time. Didn't do to bad on the IST, though I sacrificed my run time so my friend wouldn't have to run alone, walk, puke, pass out, or all the above. Best part was the MCMAP and finding out that we played basketball the night before with two of the Instructors. SSGT Webb kept telling us to calm down and don't **** anyone off, then we found out that we were ****ing off a black belt instructor, so it was a pretty good time. Lots of fun.

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