Medical DQ/ Unique situation
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  1. #1
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Medical DQ/ Unique situation

    I am currently 22 and met with a recruiter today to sign up for the delayed enlistment program and have several concerns about my past medical history. I had asthma when I was young and was prescribed inhalers for several years. The last time I used an inhaler was when I was 12, but due to my mom's concern for another asthma attack she made sure that I always had a inhaler available at the school nurses's office until I was 15. Second, I made a stupid mistake in 1999 and threatened to shoot myself, which was a unfortunate one time occurance that never should have happened. In the end I was seen by a counselor for less than 4 months as an outpatient for depression. I was never hospitalized or put on any medications. Finally I had Lasik eye surgery in December 2007 and my vision is now 20/20.

    When I spoke with the recruiter today I was told the waiver for Lasik would not be a problem, but that the history of depression and asthma would be very difficult to get waivers for. He suggested that I only list the Lasik and never mention anything about the asthma and depression. I believe I made a terrible mistake by doing this and going against the Marine Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

    My situation is also somewhat unique as I will be leaving for Iraq on April 13 as a contract firefighter through Wackenhut. I am very excited about getting the opportunity to help support the troops and I am positive that being over there will only strengthen my desire to become a United States Marine. I will be stationed in Iraq for one year and once I come back to the states I hope to ship off to boot camp in one month. My father was also a Devil Doc who served in Desert Storm and after growing up on both Marine and Navy bases I knew that I wanted to become a Marine more than anything.

    Finally I will be calling my recruiter tomorow and letting him know I want to request waivers for the asthma and depression because I would never forgive myself for not telling the truth. I am concerned that this will eliminate my chances of becoming a Marine and only make my recruiter upset. I would truly appreciate any feedback/guidance from any Marine as to whether to pursue the DEP and obtaining the waivers now or wait until I get back from Iraq and start over. If it helps at all I have been a firefighter now for the past three years where I am responsible for driving $300,000+ fire trucks and as an emergency medical technician responsible for the care and treatment of patients. I don't know if this would help my case, but once again any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Feb 2009
    I forgot to mention I have searched all 23 pages on waivers and fradulent enlistment, but I am seeking any additional advice with my unique situation.

    Any advice from current poolees would also be appreciated.

  3. #3
    I don't think there is any such waiver for asthma, and depression may be waiverable, but tricky.

  4. #4
    Marine Free Member davblay's Avatar
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    Sparta, Tn
    Quote Originally Posted by ff21jonesre View Post
    I am currently 22 and met with a recruiter today to sign up for the delayed enlistment program and have several concerns about my past medical history. I had asthma when I was young and was prescribed inhalers for several years. The last time I used an inhaler was when I was 12, but due to my mom's concern for another asthma attack she made sure that I always had a inhaler available at the school nurses's office until I was 15. Second, I made a stupid mistake in 1999 and threatened to shoot myself, which was a unfortunate one time occurance that never should have happened. In the end I was seen by a counselor for less than 4 months as an outpatient for depression. I was never hospitalized or put on any medications. Finally I had Lasik eye surgery in December 2007 and my vision is now 20/20.

    When I spoke with the recruiter today I was told the waiver for Lasik would not be a problem, but that the history of depression and asthma would be very difficult to get waivers for. He suggested that I only list the Lasik and never mention anything about the asthma and depression. I believe I made a terrible mistake by doing this and going against the Marine Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

    My situation is also somewhat unique as I will be leaving for Iraq on April 13 as a contract firefighter through Wackenhut. I am very excited about getting the opportunity to help support the troops and I am positive that being over there will only strengthen my desire to become a United States Marine. I will be stationed in Iraq for one year and once I come back to the states I hope to ship off to boot camp in one month. My father was also a Devil Doc who served in Desert Storm and after growing up on both Marine and Navy bases I knew that I wanted to become a Marine more than anything.

    Finally I will be calling my recruiter tomorow and letting him know I want to request waivers for the asthma and depression because I would never forgive myself for not telling the truth. I am concerned that this will eliminate my chances of becoming a Marine and only make my recruiter upset. I would truly appreciate any feedback/guidance from any Marine as to whether to pursue the DEP and obtaining the waivers now or wait until I get back from Iraq and start over. If it helps at all I have been a firefighter now for the past three years where I am responsible for driving $300,000+ fire trucks and as an emergency medical technician responsible for the care and treatment of patients. I don't know if this would help my case, but once again any feedback would be appreciated.

    Wackenhut is a very trustworthy company! I worked for them 2 years before a I got cancer. I was a Sgt (station Commander) with several officers under my command.

    If I were you, I'd go do the year with them and come back and assess how your health was over there. Then go see the recruiter. Not start anything before you go over there. Wackenhut can, and will help you all they can to enlist if you ask them to. But frankly, you'll be doing a great service for your country while you're there with them! Besides, Wackenhut pays better!

    Just a thought!


  5. #5
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Feb 2009

    How do I edit or delete previous posts?

    I returned home after doing 13 months in Ramadi as a contract firefighter and would to thank Marine davblay for his recommendation to go over there as a firefighter. I was offered to return to Iraq for a second year, but turned it down in order to go to Afghanistan this year also as a contract firefighter. I fly from DFW tomorrow morning and should be arriving in Kandahar sometime on Tuesday. Anyway can any poolee or Marine tell me how to edit or delete past posts? I used the search box, but did not see any information on how to do it.

    Thanks for your help

  6. #6
    ff21jonesre, you can't edit or delete any posts. That has to be done by one of the mods...thedrifter, jinelson, or Sgt Leprechaun.

    Also, since you have been away, davblay passed away a couple of months ago.

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