How to Deal with Nasty Civilians??
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  1. #1

    How to Deal with Nasty Civilians??

    I just have started to college and everyday that I walk across campus I see at least 10 people who absolutely disgust me with the way they dress or with the lack of attention they give their bodies. I know that I have to keep my bearing but how do I deal with seeing so many disgusting fat bodies every day?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by zramey View Post
    I just have started to college and everyday that I walk across campus I see at least 10 people who absolutely disgust me with the way they dress or with the lack of attention they give their bodies. I know that I have to keep my bearing but how do I deal with seeing so many disgusting fat bodies every day?
    Keep your bearing, L/Cpl, and lead by example. I remember that I was a nasty civilian once too. God bless them; most folks don't know better and table manners aren't a top priority nowadays.

    As for how to deal; remember that they're sheep and they need sheep-dogs like us to protect them from the wolves.

  3. #3
    Pfc your being too easy on them. They know what the difference is between being presentable and looking like garbage they just choose not to care. I don't say anything to them but one day I'm liable to reach over and knife hand one of them in the throat just for looking goofy.

    Sometimes the sheep dog has to be the wolf in order to keep his sheep on the right path.

  4. #4
    Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble. I had the same challenge when I went to school after I got out.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by zramey View Post
    Pfc your being too easy on them. They know what the difference is between being presentable and looking like garbage they just choose not to care. I don't say anything to them but one day I'm liable to reach over and knife hand one of them in the throat just for looking goofy.

    Sometimes the sheep dog has to be the wolf in order to keep his sheep on the right path.
    We're sheepdogs not shepherds. We fight so they have the right to be nasty and disgusting and stupid and free.

    If you want to change their attitude then start a PT class; become a personal trainer; run on campus in PT shorts and let them get jealous enough to follow your example.

    Trust me, I've been tempted more than once to knife-hand on off the bastards and say, "Twelve cheeseburgers is enough you fat nasty!"

    Besides; they won't all respond the way we'd like and square themselves away. They're not recruits and they didn't sign up for a beatdown. If they did then they'd have the potential to be Marines. Fortunately for us; we're an elite brotherhood and not a fraternity of disgusting fat-bodies.

  6. #6

    I forgot to mention that when I went to school, I saw so many long haired hippy granolas that I thought I wanted to puke. The thing of it is, and I'm speaking as a mental health counselor; you can't make someone care about their appearance if they don't want to.

    The way I see it you've got one of two options: You can befriend them, and then gradually encourage them to change their appearance and square themselves away.

    Or you can ignore them, and realize that not everyone is Marine material.

  7. #7
    I would never do anything to get myself in trouble cause in the papers it would read..."former Marine knife hands 19 people in the throat on his way to class." I could hear my SDI now, "Ramey I'm gonna f***in slay your sorry a** for the rest of your natural life. I know I didn't teach you to be a disgusting piece of garbage"......still sends shivers down my spine

    I don't care a bit in the world to befriend them Corporal but they act like it's the coolest thing in the world to walk around like bums and that drives me up a wall. I just ignore them and walk on but it makes me sick to see how some people actually let themselves become. Tracking?

    Pfc, if I had just ten minutes with them they wouldn't get a good PT. I would slay them like they never imagined. I'm sure you repeated the same words I did when I was up on the quarter deck, "pain brings discipline."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by zramey View Post
    I would never do anything to get myself in trouble cause in the papers it would read..."former Marine knife hands 19 obese people in the throat on his way to class."
    Would be bad press but I'd frame that for sure and tell my grandkids that story.

  9. #9
    I'm in school right now also, and there are pretty nasty individuals that are overweight and sag their pants till you see their boxers. they're civilians we're marines, they'll never understand us.

  10. #10
    If they're wearing pants; some of 'em wear pajamas outside. It's down right hilarious and horribly sad. I don't understand them; they don't understand us and at the end of the day we will continue to be Marines.

    I'd be more worried about getting bored and dehydrated. With all the fat nastys around and a fit Marine on campus those girls will be running trains on you. Sleep well, L/Cpl.

  11. #11
    I got out the Corps in September '07 and started college in January of last year and had the same problem at first. You know what the best remedy is? Get over it! You're there to learn and better yourself, not to judge everyone based on their appearance.

    What did you expect? To see them marching to each class or staying in step with each other? For them to all have a high and tight and be in 1st class PFT shape? For them to yell out at the top of their lungs "Gang way, Junior Year!" as they march to the "chow hall"? They're civilians. We live in their world now. Get used to it. Just don't ever fall into their ways and you're good to go.

    We went through a process of indoctrination in boot camp that they never went through. We've done and seen things at an early age that they could never possibly fathom. We've had the espirit de corps instilled in us. They don't even know what the hell that means. It's not their fault they're so ignorant.

    This last semester I really let my guard down and you know what happened? I made some pretty cool friends. Sure, the best friend I had in school was a former Marine Sgt, but I also had a buddy who was extremely overweight and was the funniest dude I ever met in my life. I met a stoner who dressed like a freak and who couldn't remember the most basic of test questions but knew everything there was to know about firearms. I met this fat chick who never got a B in her life and was always willing to help me out or even study with me. I could go on....

    I guess you could say I'm saying "if you can't beat them, join them" but that would be inaccurate. We're Marines. We could beat anything. Or anyone . I'm just saying as Marines we also learned about tolerance, tactfullness and bearing. Show them yours. Semper Fi.

  12. #12
    Marine Family Free Member
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    Believe me, zramey, ther are civilians who also can't stand "nasty" civilians. LOL I'm one of them.
    NoRemorse was right about keeping your bearing. It is important that you do keep it.
    There is something about a person, male or female, who walks with good posture, speaks well and exhibits courteous behavior that is appealing, especially now-a-days. Having good posture, manners and speech doesn't mean that one doesn't slouch, swear, or kick elderly citizens walkers, it only means that one chooses not to do those things.
    There will be a period of adjustment for you towards not only your fellow students but also your teacher and faculty. Hang in there. I don't know what the percentage is of discharged Marines who choose to go back to school and do not complete their education but I do not think that it is high. That's not saying that those Marines who drop out aren't capable of completing their education it just means that something prevented them...any number of variables could be the trigger.
    Go for it, zramey. WTF! Expand your knowledge. By doing so, you may find out, in time, that you have enlightened others.

  13. #13
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by Enigmatic View Post
    I got out the Corps in September '07 and started college in January of last year and had the same problem at first. You know what the best remedy is? Get over it! You're there to learn and better yourself, not to judge everyone based on their appearance.

    What did you expect? To see them marching to each class or staying in step with each other? For them to all have a high and tight and be in 1st class PFT shape? For them to yell out at the top of their lungs "Gang way, Junior Year!" as they march to the "chow hall"? They're civilians. We live in their world now. Get used to it. Just don't ever fall into their ways and you're good to go.

    We went through a process of indoctrination in boot camp that they never went through. We've done and seen things at an early age that they could never possibly fathom. We've had the espirit de corps instilled in us. They don't even know what the hell that means. It's not their fault they're so ignorant.

    This last semester I really let my guard down and you know what happened? I made some pretty cool friends. Sure, the best friend I had in school was a former Marine Sgt, but I also had a buddy who was extremely overweight and was the funniest dude I ever met in my life. I met a stoner who dressed like a freak and who couldn't remember the most basic of test questions but knew everything there was to know about firearms. I met this fat chick who never got a B in her life and was always willing to help me out or even study with me. I could go on....

    I guess you could say I'm saying "if you can't beat them, join them" but that would be inaccurate. We're Marines. We could beat anything. Or anyone . I'm just saying as Marines we also learned about tolerance, tactfullness and bearing. Show them yours. Semper Fi.
    Somehow, I get the idea that Enigmatic is an elitist

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by zramey View Post
    how do I deal with seeing so many disgusting fat bodies every day?
    Puzzling eh? Peers tend to keep you in-line and drag you back if you slip or slack, if they're around. The entities you speak of are neither peers nor guardians to be relied upon and may very well enjoy seeing you regress into the sub species that is them.

    I've lived amongst not so many fatty's, but the hippy lib tye dye breed for a few years now and my advice to any displaced individual is don't get cozy around these passive complacents as atrophy is the inevitable bi-product. Never ever "mother up" to the female of these hominids e.g. an unwashed Birkenstock/vegan/lib lifestyle is a very real danger and could accelerate double time if the sex is satisfying or legally fettered.

    You'll never totaly fit in with the scuzz mob without volunteering to demote your character and endanger your soul.

    And don't kill them, find a happy medium and keep an open mind yet stick to your hard earned standards no matter whats in style or who's in office. Acknowledge those who try hard to improve, they may pan out some day.


  15. #15
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zramey View Post
    I just have started to college and everyday that I walk across campus I see at least 10 people who absolutely disgust me with the way they dress or with the lack of attention they give their bodies. I know that I have to keep my bearing but how do I deal with seeing so many disgusting fat bodies every day?

    New Flash!!!! That is how you looked to many of us before you went to boot camp!!!

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