For when you poolees make it to the Marine side
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  1. #1

    For when you poolees make it to the Marine side

    Some stuff to cover while you're in town or some of it even applies to leave

    Rule 1: If you live in Eastern North Carolina or Southern California and have a High and tight, high reg or even alot of times medium reg you do not need to wear a shirt claiming you are a Marine everybody already knows.
    Rule 2: Girls you meet do not want to hear about how mean your Drill Instructors were.
    Rule 3: Guys at the bar do not want to hear about how mean your Drill Instructors were.
    Rule 4: If you wear an "OORAH" 2nd BN shirt out, don't start a fight in public with the other Marine who wore his 3rd BN shirt, nobody cares.

    Rule 5: Wearing pieces of your uniform ie. Boots, web belt, ect... does not look cool, and you should actually get kicked in the teeth for it.
    Rule 6: When going to the beach, for the love of Christ, do not wear your dog tags, this is not Top Gun, it does not attract women.
    Rule 7: Don't go in a group of 8 to the mall and strut around like badasses because here's whats gonna happen.
    A. You are all going to look retarded.
    B. All the senior Marines that have been around for more than a year will laugh at you
    C. You'll just have to get used to hearing "boots" while out

    Rule 8: The girl in the local town who comes up to you and acts surprised and turned on when you tell her you are a Marine, has been with everybody else on Cherry Point.
    Rule 9: Girls do not want to hook up with you in a $25 hotel you and 9 other dudes rented for the night...if she does well....big dose of warning to use protection.

    Rule 10: If you see some one of higher rank carrying their uniform out of the cleaners in town it is not necessary to say OORAH SGT or what ever rank they are, and it makes you look stupid.
    Rule 12: If your buddy starts talking to a girl or is hanging out with a girl the first words out of your mouth shouldn't be "does she have any hot friends?" find your own!

    Rule 13: hooking up with a deployed marines wife who is out there looking for whatever Marine she can find is NOT ****ING COOL.

    Rule 14: MCMAP does not make you Chuck Norris, so shut up before you have to use your dental plan to the max.
    Rule 15: Rank stickers above your Base Decal do not make you cool if you're not an NCO

    Rule 16: marine corps related tattoos...lets just say 90% of them are tacky or over done

    Rule 17: if you have a back pack(especially one that says usmc or is digi cammie), jeans that squeeze oxygen from your crotch, cd players, cowboy hats, cowboy boots, looking "thugged out", dip can circle jeans, etc etc etc do not wear into town. you paint a huge "dumba**" target on your back for senior marines to screw with.

    Rule 18: If you ever see another Jarhead in trouble, and he doesn't deserve it, help him out, it might be your ass that needs help some day.
    Rule 19: hand signals you learned in MCT make you look even more ridiculous, I can't count how many devils I've pulled aside in one weekend telling to knock that crap off because it's embarassing.
    Rule 20: espirit de corps is great when you're at work, on base, with your buddies at the barracks, anywhere near someone in the army(again on a military base) but civilians could give 2 ****s and you look like an idiot.

    i think jacksonville and oceanside has made me a little salty...

  2. #2
    LOL Words to live by. Glad I was never stationed in those places where Marines are a dime a dozen.

  3. #3
    I'll remember these little tips.

  4. #4
    "Rule 12: If your buddy starts talking to a girl or is hanging out with a girl the first words out of your mouth shouldn't be "does she have any hot friends?" find your own!"

    I don't get why this is a problem.

  5. #5
    Rule 21: Just cause you're on leave does not mean you can rock them diamond earrings.

    Had one Marine in Oki, his leave request got approved and he put his civvies on and is about to take off and decides to stop by the Company Gunnery Sergeant's office to thank him for approving his leave request. I'm in there talking to the Gunny (his office was right next to mine) and in walks this PFC in civvies, with big ol' rocks in his ears. I excused myself.....and hear the yelling from down the hall. Needless to say, dude got his leave canked, and got a Pg. 11 out of it.

  6. #6

    Talking Words of Truth

    Well said brother. Semper Fi

  7. #7
    haha why. what kind of idiot would do that?

    and the reason rule 12 is a problem is because most marines take it upon themselves to ask the girl as opposed to finding their own woman. trust me, it gets annoying if you have that friend who can't find a girl and you are getting ready to leave for a night out with her and hes like "dude you should bring me, maybe she has a friend thats hot"'s a date.

  8. #8
    I think I might print this out and tape it to the firewatch desk right next to the liberty logout book.

  9. #9
    Why would someone thank the CO Gunny for leave anyway?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BR34 View Post
    Why would someone thank the CO Gunny for leave anyway?

    Cause he approved his leave, and I guess he thought thanking the Gunny would somehow help him out for future cases...

    You have no idea how many PFCs and LCpls I had to shoo away cause they wanted to talk directly to the Company Gunny, 1stSgt and even CO.....

  11. #11
    Rule 5: Wearing pieces of your uniform ie. Boots, web belt, ect... does not look cool, and you should actually get kicked in the teeth for it.

    Not only is it not cool; it's about the least heterosexual thing you can do.

    Rule 22: Don't go out on your OFP; this usually starts right around graduation and continues until you get to MOS school and officially get the ch!t kicked out of you for forgetting everything your drill instructors taught you for 3 stinkin' months straight!

  12. #12
    maybe we should sticky this and keep adding to it?

  13. #13
    Rule 23: If you see your NCO out in town, and you are one of his or her boots, most likely you are the last person he wants to see in town. To the rear, march, doubletime.

  14. #14
    I love the list, I used to have something like this on the bulletin board in the cage where we kept our gear.

    I will just say that there is one exception to the rule. If you head to a beach that isn't close to a military base, dog tags can help. We had a great time in Miami simply because one idiot decided to wear his dog tags to the beach.

  15. #15
    Rule 24: If you go around saying Oohrah! to every store clerk and civilian you see, you demean us all and make us look like morons, cut it out.

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