My wife needs a job.
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  1. #1

    My wife needs a job.

    Well I got married on Sept 13th to my girlfriend of 5 1/2 years. I moved her up to Jacksonville right after the wedding, long story short she needs a job. Not really for financial reasons, because we had savings before we got married. But for the fact that she is going to loose her mind. She has been working since she was 16, then she worked full time and went to school full time. She is graduating in two weeks with a BA in criminal justice. She is a work-a-holic, and she is beating herself up over not having a job for so long. She has put out over 30 applications, and not one call back so far. I have a very strong feeling that when she graduate in two weeks and still doesn't even have hope of a job she is going to go into a huge state of depression and I really don't want that to happen.

    So I have a couple of questions for some of the wives. How long did it take for you to get a job? Where are some good places to work, with her qualifactions ? I've tried saying everything to her to make her feel better, but what else can I do to reassure her that it will be ok?

    Thanks for all the help

  2. #2
    If she has sent out to 30 Companies, what exactly is she wanting to do. I see that she is graduating with the CJ, is she wanting to stay within her degree?

  3. #3
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    Sometimes in life one must start out low before they can achieve height. Wal-Mart & K-Mart are hiring for the holiday seasonal help.

    Anything is better than not doing anything and biatching because one is going nuts.

    If out of 30 applications and no replies I would consider a different approach. SMEAC....

    There are plenty of jobs open in the J'ville area especially for the military dependents. It may not be in her MOS....but to keep her off the psych ward at the naval hospital anything is doable until one in her degree opens up. What is her degree?

  4. #4
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    What is her degree?
    BA in criminal justice

  5. #5
    Open a Day Care and like Chuck said Wal-Mart and K-mart.

  6. #6
    If she has submitted 30 applications with no responses, it might be that her resume needs some work. Also, you might want to try somewhere on the base. I always see dependants working in the commissary and other places so maybe she could do that while still applying for something more up her alley. Perhaps at the JAG office or maybe PMO needs some civilian help?

    Regardless, best of luck!

  7. #7
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    Open a Day Care
    Yeah...that Criminal Justice degree would come in handy!

  8. #8
    When we thought that David was getting stationed in Jacksonville, I freaked out. I got on careerbuilder and only TWELVE jobs were posted. That place doesn't have much as far as pre-grad jobs. I would suggest, if she starts losing her mind, for her to get a few good hobbies.

    I was a workaholic. I'm now a housewife because the stress from the job I had made me miscarry and my husband refuses to let me subject myself to that again. Now, I concentrate on writing music, cleaning, finding new recipes (and yes, Al, I've been working on some but I'm severely preoccupied with our PCS), training my dog, volunteering (that would be a good thing to get her into.).. etc.

    I can tell you though, not working is a huge ego-buster for myself. Just like a man who isn't breadwinner or at least contributing anymore, a workaholic woman will feel like she's lost. So.. (I'm not saying you do this) just don't say things like "well you shouldn't be tired, you're at home all day." or "I'm the one working and bringing home the money you spend!" (those are not good....)

    Anyway, I hope she finds something soon. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    OH YEAH! Try to get her on with some TEMP AGENCIES!!!! They can help her get her foot in the door and work with her on her resume. Career counseling is also available for spouses on nearly every base, so send her that way as well. I think Manpower (temp/employment agency) gives spouse preference for AD military spouses. Also, she should check to see if maybe she can get employment on base there in Jacksonville or in the surrounding areas/bases.

    Anyway, God Bless!

    Last edited by DobbinsBlythe; 11-19-08 at 07:48 AM. Reason: forgot some stuff?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Blooper View Post
    Yeah...that Criminal Justice degree would come in handy!

  10. #10
    Darrin, 0231 is spot on with the resume, if her degree is CJ and she sends resumes out to Companies looking for Loss Prevention, Investigators, etc. and within that group you have sent to positions that are entry level, sales, child care. Who is her audience?

    If I am looking for an new grad that is searching for an entry management position in Loss Prevention and I receive a resume that has all the cut and paste themes that describe everything except what I am looking for, then that one has no chance.

    The applicant may have been the one I was looking for, however most people do not have the time to interview everyone, the top three is a norm.

    I would take another look at the resume, decide what she wants to do, make that your audience. Remember, blindly sending out resumes is like the lottery.

  11. #11
    It takes time. Just encourage her and keep her spirits up as best as possible. Kmart and Wal Mart weren't bad suggestions. They often need help in the loss prevention areas. As a CJ grad she would be qualified for those positions, even is she had to start as a cashier or customer service person.

  12. #12
    Marine Free Member montana's Avatar
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    have her do dishes laundery,sweep mop wax the floor...have babys wash dypers ect ect...that out ta keep her occupied.....
    bet i hear something about that

    gee why does everybody pick on meeee

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by DarrinC View Post
    long story short she needs a job. Not really for financial reasons
    Okay i see, she feels the need to work. I understand. And if a job is not linear with her forthcoming degree will she still feel like working? I reckon a retail outlet is a good place as any to find out for real. It is a harsh bummer to complete years of training and realize that potential employers haven't been waiting with baited breath for you to graduate.

    Luckily it's not like the pre.www.days when you had to dress smart, wear out tires and shoe leather and show up in person to stand in line and submit a single application.

    Now she can submit say....30! In the same amount of time it took to get 1 or 2 resumes to an outfit, back in the day. And she doesn't have to take time off the "temporary" job thats keeping her busy, Good Luck. Work is work until you find a job you really admire then its a profession IMNSHO


  14. #14
    Marine Family Free Member
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    Cedar Rapids
    My son-in-law is based at Twentynine Palms. My daughter moved there last Nov. She also applied for every job she could find. Nothing came of it. She went to the KVs and volunteered on the hospitality committee and makes goodie bags for the Wonded Warrors and casserols for new parents. She also volunteered at the Navy Marine Relief Society. They always need help and with her college degree, they will love her. She met some great woman there. Our daughter finally got a job in her degree area in Sept. hang in there

  15. #15
    I'm not the wife of a Marine, but I'm an Army wife. When I first got to Fayetteville, I was miserable. No job,no family...all I knew was my husband. I've always worked as well, and I put in what seems like 100s of applications. What others have been saying is correct.

    You have to start out small. I work in retail. Especially around the holidays, retail is always in need of employees. If her goal is just to work, there's no shame in starting off in a position you feel is "beneath" you, though there's nothing wrong with retail. Tell her to keep striving for that dream job, and God will make a way, because He knows her heart. I'm in school and working as well, and I am so much happier because I feel whole. I have my husband, and I have my own life, and soon I will have the Corps as well. It's hard at first, but keep praying.

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