The VAMC as we know it. They keep changing their name to reflect change. Nothing has changed at the hospitals!

First. The VA Hospital in Tucson "hates" me. I complained to the point of not getting proper care. But like a good Marine I didn't give up. I fought back with a website. That website is own by someone else now. But you can find some of "my" archives on the net.*/

When the VAMC refused to believe that I was sick I turned to my wife's (ex now!) insurance. I went to her doctor. I explained my problem. Eventually he sent me for a CT. You guessed it! I was damn sick.

The comedian John Ritter died with what I had. For two years the VAMC in Tucson refused to do anything about it. They said that I was just looking for "attention"! Oh gee! I could get attention at the Chicken Ranch in NV.

I had that condition for 2 years. I was a walking "time bomb", a quote from the doctors. The surgery was 8.5 hours and performed by Joe Coselli in Houston. I have more Dacron in me then a pair of pants. The surgery (pre & post service) cost over 1 Million Bucks. But apparently my life wasn't worth it at the VAMC in Tucson.

So my question and I want recommendations too! For those of us that are 100% or collecting any disability, should we be allowed to choose our doctors? Should we be allow to choose our hospital? If you think so, tell Obama.

I don't mean "close down the VA hospitals", we need them. What I personally would like to see is the government use that stipe on the back of my VA Health Card! Use it as it is medicare. Allow us to pick our provider.

The way it works (if you don't understand it) is when you go to the VAMC they bill your private insurance then medicare then the VA. So, if they are going to bill the medicare policy before the VA funds, then why can't we use the medicare and go to our local doctors and have them bill the VA for the rest?

Any ideas?