NEX Uniform Shop
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  1. #1

    Angry NEX Uniform Shop

    Do I just have awful luck, or are these guys always less than stellar?

    I just ordered some uniform stuff and they lied to me about when it was shipped, twice.

    My other experience was awful and unsat. I had them put blood stripes on two pairs of trousers, first try they were not straight or done to regs (provided they had been put on straight they still would have been messed up). The second time they failed to finish the tailoring resulting in a gaping hole between my legs.

    As a result of the NEX Uniform Shop I will not have my uniforms ready in time for work, not a big deal, I will just be doing laundry/dry cleaning a lot more often than desired.


    As a side note, my drycleaner/tailor loves my continued business and he has learned a bit about Marine uniforms.

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member Wyoming's Avatar
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    Feb 2003
    25º 38' N, 54º 26' E
    I suppose when you find a good dry cleaner/ tailor you better hang with him.

  3. #3
    When I was down in Pensacola for school our class decided we wanted to graduate in our blues. I didn't have a set and the exchange on base didn't have my size and they referred me to the online store. I ordered what I needed and paid an extra $10 for expedited shipping so that I could get them tailored in time for graduation. Everything came on time but when I got the box I looked at the return address and saw the warehouse where everything was shipped from was right across the street from Group HQ. I could have walked and picked them up faster than it took them to ship them and not had to spend the extra $10.

  4. #4
    So I know this is off topic, but JimmyK, where did you get the bug as a sig from, I had that on mine for a while, but it got quite annoying. I give you 3 weeks before it gets to you too.

  5. #5
    I'm sorry to hear that sir. I have yet to have trouble with them yet, however the only things that I have ever ordered from them were cammies, 8points, dress items and cheverons. Nothing ever tailored though. I'm glad I came accross this post otherwise I would've bought some tailored shirts before I got back from Iraq. Thank you sir and semp-fi!

  6. #6
    The tailoring wasnt done by the folks online, was done by an in house tailor. I don't mean to discourage anyone, I was just curious.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by FromMD View Post
    The tailoring wasnt done by the folks online, was done by an in house tailor. I don't mean to discourage anyone, I was just curious.
    Ah, I see. I totally misunderstood you then sir.

  8. #8
    Yes Sir, the NEX doesnt seem to be very squared away, I went in to get a new set of Woodland cammies when I got to Pensacola on Wednesday and they didnt have a blouse or trousers my size. I was not very pleased but what can you do.? Sgt. Grit had them though.

  9. #9
    The person who messed up this time called me back about a day after I made this post and worked to correct the situation. So as long as everything works out as planned, I should be good to go. Good effort on her part, she worked to resolve the issue.

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