Sgt. Rafael Peralta
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  1. #1

    Sgt. Rafael Peralta

    Sgt. Rafael Peralta:
    Our Brother needs our help....
    Please e-mail to
    Let them know our fallen brother needs his case reviewed,and upgraded to
    the Medal Of Honor.
    Please follow the link for details.

    Semper Fi.

  2. #2
    I want to make a correction to the email address noted by Packy46. The correct address is and I have placed an article I found while researching for the correct email address and pasted it below for reference.

    Semper Fidelis.

    Well, I recieved this petition in the form of an e-mail today...signed it....forwarded it.....then noticed something peculiar. I will insert a quote of an e-mail which I sent to the person I received it from as well as to those I sent it to. Make of it what you will, for good or bad.

    "Hello fellow pettitioners,
    Although I have participated, signing and forwarding this petition, you
    should alll know that the address that this will be sent to certainly isn't
    President Bush's "inbox" as has been indicated( Dot
    com is a commercial address as are all .com's. appears to be
    a site disseminating info about all candidates for president, but is not
    affiliated in any way with the government of the US as is stated on their
    homepage. The official site for the white house ends with dot
    gov( I don't really plan on researching whether or not is any sort of legitimate(unaffiliated, unbiased)
    organization. It certainly may be, and who knows, maybe this information
    will somehow reach the people who need to see it. On the other hand, it may
    simply be a marketing tool in order to obtain legitimate e-mail addresses
    for "" to send to or sell in the future...e-mail addresses
    that can now be matched to your real name as people can go backwards thru
    the string of forwarding and match your name with it's corresponding e-mail
    address. Am I being paranoid...I don't know...maybe it's nothing. Then
    OK, I did a little checking, the poll appears to be legitimate. Put out by
    the organization
    However, the address they said it would be sent to is
    "". Somewhere along the way in the string, this
    address got changed to, a polling website. Either a
    mistake was made somewhere along the line, or the string of e-mails was
    "hijacked" to point it to the .com site. The nature of this type of
    dissemination means that many of the "copies' of this e-mail pettition will
    never reach ""...who knows how many will be lost.
    Feel free to send this backward down the string of pettitioners so they all
    may know how we've been "hood-winked". To those who I forwarded the petition to....If you feel like it, you may change the address at the bottom of the e-mail to, so that the last person sends it to the right place. I will post at ALIPAC to let them know what happened."

  3. #3
    i know this reallly has nothing to do with this but i cant figure out how to start a bulletin. can someone tell me how. and i emailed them and said that they deserve the medal of honor.

  4. #4
    I haven't started one myself so can't help you there. However, I have to possibly recant some of the info I just posted. I just went to the White House website and I could not find the email address previously posted. Although the email address they do provide is as follows, sorry for screw the up.

    Here's the URL to the site too for reference:

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