Marines Combat arms Colorblind
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  1. #1

    Marines Combat arms Colorblind

    HI I would really like to get into the marines in combat arms I would like to get recon but the problem is I am colorblind well I can see colors fine but I cant pass the dot test I have wanted to be in the marines or army in a combat MOS my whole life but know that I found out I am color blind Im not sure I can will I be able to get into a combat MOS is there some waiver I could get for this please any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    I have a very good friend, who is color blind. His MOS was 0331. He liked to walk point! Claims he could pick out objects that had been camoflaged easier because of it! My own eyesight has always been good,so I don't know! He did his tour with 26th Marines! Bronze Star with a V,but no Purple Hearts! Might be something beneficial in bein' color blind!
    Quote Originally Posted by JWMoore View Post
    HI I would really like to get into the marines in combat arms I would like to get recon but the problem is I am colorblind well I can see colors fine but I cant pass the dot test I have wanted to be in the marines or army in a combat MOS my whole life but know that I found out I am color blind Im not sure I can will I be able to get into a combat MOS is there some waiver I could get for this please any help would be appreciated

  3. #3
    that is a good point.... you should pass that up to CMC... if they feel it's worth it they could do some research on that....

  4. #4
    Fill out your profile and read the rules of the site.
    How about using a period now and then, too?

  5. #5
    I failed the color blind test as well. All 03 mos are available except 0352 tow gunner. I ended up being an 0331 and had no problems.

  6. #6
    What do you do as 0331 and do you like it? Also did you have to pass the vivid red green test?
    Quote Originally Posted by smoking gunz View Post
    I failed the color blind test as well. All 03 mos are available except 0352 tow gunner. I ended up being an 0331 and had no problems.

  7. #7
    0331 has been covered a lot on this thread just do a search. If you have any other specific questions let me know. The red green test is part of the test I took at meps prior to shipping for boot. They let me know there I had failed the test. When I was at soi they told me all infantry options were open but if your gt score wasnt a certain score or if you were coorblind you couldnt be a tow gunner. But all other mos were open 0311,0331,0341,0351.

  8. #8
    Thanks for all the help everyone. Ill talk to a recruiter sometime this week

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