Pushing Back My Shipdate...
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  1. #1

    Pushing Back My Shipdate...

    I dont know if anyone remembers but a made a thread a couple of weeks ago about how a sprained my ankle really bad. Well it was feeling better and I got the green light from the doc to start running again. I was running yesterday and low and behold it went out on me again and it is useless again...went to the doc and ******* him out and he said I need to stay off of it for another two weeks with no running for 5-6 weeks. Well my shipdate falls during the fifth week so I wont be able to train and run until Boot. I was wondering what the process is to get my shipdate pushed back like 3 weeks or so...Do I have to go through MEPs again and swear in again and sign a new initial DEP contract? Any poolees and Marines that have had to do this please explain the process...I am stressed!

  2. #2
    Well for me it was just a matter of asking the NCOIC to change the date. I don't know if that is the case for everyone and if it isn't then it is still a good first step. That sucks by the way your doctor should have told you that you still shouldn't run.

  3. #3
    Yea if you ask the NCOIC to change your date he can put you into the computer and you should be good. That is as long as there are openings. I have a friend that just left a month early because someone else got messed up and couldn't leave so he got to go in his place. So go talk to your NCOIC ASAP.

  4. #4
    Yeah it does suck Im bummed...I just hope there is a spot for Aircrew before October...So they just change it in the computer and I wont have to sit at MEPs all day again just to sign my new ship date?

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