What are MEUs like.
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  1. #1

    What are MEUs like.

    I would like to know what kind of places you get to go when you are with a MEU and what are the best and worst of these places. I was wondering this because I heard that if you are with a Marine Expeditionary Unit it can be one of the funnest times in the Marines depending on what places you go. I have never been out of the Southern United States (Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida). I was really looking forward to the travel experience I might get.

  2. #2
    I do realize that some MEUs go to Iraq and Afghanistan. I would just like to know any experiences Marines have to share about any foriegn country you have went too.

  3. #3
    They are just like CSSD's only they have a stationary Headquarters unit and is not as mobile as CSSD's detactments and they support elements

  4. #4
    Before going to Afghanistan and Pakistan for OEF, I went to some great places here are a few:

    Japan(didn't get off the ship though)
    Korea, Singapore, Thailand (all great fun)
    Saudi Arabia, Oman, Quatar, Bahrain,UAE, Indonesia, East Timor, Australia (Sydney, Perth, and Darwin), and Djibouti, Africa.

    I went so many places, there is still sea salt on my cammies.

  5. #5
    My first 2 MEU's, were alot of fun, also alot of good training. Got to go to alot of different places , partied, and trained.

  6. #6
    I went with the 31st MEU or as some called it the thirty worst. Anyhow, went to phillipines, austraia, japan, etc. Was alot of fun. Went from a WOG to a Shellback as well. That was an experience. You 'll either hate it or love it. I loved it.

  7. #7
    You'll train and travel and be thrown into the thick of the sh!t when or if it ever hits the fan...!! Whatever your job, you'll become good and proficient at it...you love it..!!!!

  8. #8
    MEU's have their upside and downside. I was comm, so it seemed like we were the ONLY ones working, everybody else lived at the gym. Went to Croatia, Crete, Kuwait, Bahrain, Seychelles and Spain. Got shellbacked and did all kinds of weird sh*t. The predeployment workups were more intense than the actual deployment. They say it's a 6 month deployment when in all reality you might as well call it a one year deployment 'cause you ain't gonna be home a lot during workups. In the end it's all worth it though, the bond is great amonst your Marines...
    My two cents...

  9. #9
    Back when I was in it was called a MAU (Marine Amphibious Unit) and during my tour with 22nd MAU, 1982-1984, we did 6 month floats in the Mediterranean, spent most of that time in Beirut, Lebanon and Grenada. R&R to Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Spain. I was on the Headquarters staff, so we spent a lot of time making sure all the attached units did their jobs. This was pre-computers, so all SOP's and Situation Reports were done on a typewriter, both manual and electric.

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