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  1. #46
    November 24, 2008

    I KNOW AS I DIG INTO THAT BIRD ON Thanksgiving, I will be remembering the warriors in this video. Know they have the guard force up and ready. God Bless them all!



  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by thedrifter View Post
    November 24, 2008

    I KNOW AS I DIG INTO THAT BIRD ON Thanksgiving, I will be remembering the warriors in this video. Know they have the guard force up and ready. God Bless them all!


    OooooRaaaaah and Semper Fi

  3. #48
    November 28, 2008
    What do the troops need now?

    What do troops need now? Although many are going nuts getting up at zero dark thirty to go shopping (not me…I’ll be snoozing) the troops are still keeping the wolf at bay! Although every day seems like the exact same day, day after day, as Americans, they know it was Thanksgiving and they know Christmas is 4 weeks away. How you can help. You need to send them support letters and care packages. I had a couple supporters send support stuff wrapped, very cool. Although it was shampoo and stuff, it didn’t matter because it was like we got our Christmas. Every day is the exact as the one before without maybe an extra convoy or perhaps an attack, otherwise its ground hog day. You can change that up by sending care packages or support letters. For all that is holy, throw them a bone and let them know you care for them. Seriously, it takes a big 45 minutes to put something together and send it off. The pay off, priceless for those kicking ass and taking names! Check out www.anysoldier.com to pick from a couple thousand service members to choose from. Throw em a bone!

    Posted by Maj Pain

  4. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by thedrifter View Post
    November 28, 2008
    What do the troops need now?

    What do troops need now? Although many are going nuts getting up at zero dark thirty to go shopping (not me…I’ll be snoozing) the troops are still keeping the wolf at bay! Although every day seems like the exact same day, day after day, as Americans, they know it was Thanksgiving and they know Christmas is 4 weeks away. How you can help. You need to send them support letters and care packages. I had a couple supporters send support stuff wrapped, very cool. Although it was shampoo and stuff, it didn’t matter because it was like we got our Christmas. Every day is the exact as the one before without maybe an extra convoy or perhaps an attack, otherwise its ground hog day. You can change that up by sending care packages or support letters. For all that is holy, throw them a bone and let them know you care for them. Seriously, it takes a big 45 minutes to put something together and send it off. The pay off, priceless for those kicking ass and taking names! Check out www.anysoldier.com to pick from a couple thousand service members to choose from. Throw em a bone!

    Posted by Maj Pain
    http://www.grunt.com/ Has a special care package you can purchase and have sent to a Marine serving in combat. Look for the "Adopt a Marine" symbol on the home page. For as little as $25 you can let a Marine know you care. SF

  5. #50
    December 11, 2008
    I am in total agreement with this guy.

    Urine Test -- This guy has a point! This was written by a construction worker in Fort McMurray . Read on . . .
    I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes, and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to earn that pay check, I work on a rig site for a Fort McMurray construction project. At any time I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem. HOWEVER, what I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Understand - I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their ass, drink beer and smoke dope. Could you imagine how much money this country would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

    Posted by Maj Pain

  6. #51
    December 11, 2008
    Outnumbered 8-1: 'A good day for the Corps'

    By Peter Bronson

    "Our vehicles came under a barrage of enemy RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) and machine gun fire. One of our humvees was disabled from RPG fire, and the Marines inside dismounted and laid down suppression fire so they could evacuate a Marine who was knocked unconscious from the blast." That's not from an episode of The Unit or 24. It's not from an anti-war movie. It's not from any newspaper or TV news reports I could find.

    The quote comes from a "designated marksman who requested to remain unidentified." He was reporting what happened recently in the city of Shewan, Afghanistan. The story was told in a Marine Corps News report by Cpl. James M. Mercure. It will give you goose bumps and make you want to stand up and salute the nearest flag. Here's more, because it's a lot better than anything I could write today:

    "The day started out with a 10-kilometer patrol with elements mounted and dismounted, so by the time we got to Shewan, we were pretty beat," the marksman said. Mercure reported, "Shewan had been a thorn in the side of Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan throughout the Marines' deployment here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, because it controls an important supply route into the Bala Baluk district. Opening the route was key to continuing combat operations in the area."

    "The vicious attack that left the humvee destroyed and several of the Marines pinned down in the kill zone sparked an intense eight-hour battle as the platoon desperately fought to recover their comrades. After recovering the Marines trapped in the kill zone, another platoon sergeant personally led numerous attacks on enemy fortified positions while the platoon fought house to house and trench to trench in order to clear through the enemy ambush site.

    '"The biggest thing to take from that day is what Marines can accomplish when they're given the opportunity to fight,'" the sniper said. '"A small group of Marines met a numerically superior force and embarrassed them in their own backyard. The insurgents told the townspeople that they were stronger than the Americans, and that day we showed them they were wrong."'

    "During the battle, the designated marksman single handedly thwarted a company-sized enemy RPG and machinegun ambush by reportedly killing 20 enemy fighters with his devastatingly accurate precision fire. He selflessly exposed himself time and again to intense enemy fire during a critical point in the eight-hour battle for Shewan in order to kill any enemy combatants who attempted to engage or maneuver on the Marines in the kill zone. What made his actions even more impressive was the fact that he didn't miss any shots, despite the enemies' rounds impacting within a foot of his fighting position." '"I was in my own little world,"' the young corporal said. '"I wasn't even aware of a lot of the rounds impacting near my position, because I was concentrating so hard on making sure my rounds were on target."'

    "After calling for close-air support, the small group of Marines pushed forward and broke the enemies' spirit as many of them dropped their weapons and fled the battlefield. At the end of the battle, the Marines had reduced an enemy stronghold, killed more than 50 insurgents and wounded several more.

    '"I didn't realize how many bad guys there were until we had broken through the enemies' lines and forced them to retreat. It was roughly 250 insurgents against 30 of us,"' the corporal said. '"It was a good day for the Marine Corps. We killed a lot of bad guys, and none of our guys were seriously injured."'

    Such an amazing story of heroism and victory would have been on Page One in every paper in the country during World War II. Just 30 Marines giving eight hours of hell to 250 insurgents is the kind of story that would make a good movie - if that kind of movie still could be made. But these days, it did not even make Page 10. I couldn't find a story about
    it anywhere. The only mentions were on conservative blogs and military Web sites. The soldiers who are fighting for their lives and our country might as well be in another dimension. News from the battlefronts in Iraq and Afghanistan is apparently not important.
    It reminds the jaded anti-war crowd that they were wrong. We're winning. It reminds a self-centered nation that some Americans are making sacrifices much bigger than a loss in their 401(k)s. So we don't hear about it. But we need to hear news like that, because a good day for the Marine Corps is a good day for freedom. And that's a good day for Americ

    Posted by Maj Pain

  7. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by thedrifter View Post
    December 11, 2008
    Outnumbered 8-1: 'A good day for the Corps'

    By Peter Bronson

    "Our vehicles came under a barrage of enemy RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) and machine gun fire. One of our humvees was disabled from RPG fire, and the Marines inside dismounted and laid down suppression fire so they could evacuate a Marine who was knocked unconscious from the blast." That's not from an episode of The Unit or 24. It's not from an anti-war movie. It's not from any newspaper or TV news reports I could find.

    The quote comes from a "designated marksman who requested to remain unidentified." He was reporting what happened recently in the city of Shewan, Afghanistan. The story was told in a Marine Corps News report by Cpl. James M. Mercure. It will give you goose bumps and make you want to stand up and salute the nearest flag. Here's more, because it's a lot better than anything I could write today:

    "The day started out with a 10-kilometer patrol with elements mounted and dismounted, so by the time we got to Shewan, we were pretty beat," the marksman said. Mercure reported, "Shewan had been a thorn in the side of Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan throughout the Marines' deployment here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, because it controls an important supply route into the Bala Baluk district. Opening the route was key to continuing combat operations in the area."

    "The vicious attack that left the humvee destroyed and several of the Marines pinned down in the kill zone sparked an intense eight-hour battle as the platoon desperately fought to recover their comrades. After recovering the Marines trapped in the kill zone, another platoon sergeant personally led numerous attacks on enemy fortified positions while the platoon fought house to house and trench to trench in order to clear through the enemy ambush site.

    '"The biggest thing to take from that day is what Marines can accomplish when they're given the opportunity to fight,'" the sniper said. '"A small group of Marines met a numerically superior force and embarrassed them in their own backyard. The insurgents told the townspeople that they were stronger than the Americans, and that day we showed them they were wrong."'

    "During the battle, the designated marksman single handedly thwarted a company-sized enemy RPG and machinegun ambush by reportedly killing 20 enemy fighters with his devastatingly accurate precision fire. He selflessly exposed himself time and again to intense enemy fire during a critical point in the eight-hour battle for Shewan in order to kill any enemy combatants who attempted to engage or maneuver on the Marines in the kill zone. What made his actions even more impressive was the fact that he didn't miss any shots, despite the enemies' rounds impacting within a foot of his fighting position." '"I was in my own little world,"' the young corporal said. '"I wasn't even aware of a lot of the rounds impacting near my position, because I was concentrating so hard on making sure my rounds were on target."'

    "After calling for close-air support, the small group of Marines pushed forward and broke the enemies' spirit as many of them dropped their weapons and fled the battlefield. At the end of the battle, the Marines had reduced an enemy stronghold, killed more than 50 insurgents and wounded several more.

    '"I didn't realize how many bad guys there were until we had broken through the enemies' lines and forced them to retreat. It was roughly 250 insurgents against 30 of us,"' the corporal said. '"It was a good day for the Marine Corps. We killed a lot of bad guys, and none of our guys were seriously injured."'

    Such an amazing story of heroism and victory would have been on Page One in every paper in the country during World War II. Just 30 Marines giving eight hours of hell to 250 insurgents is the kind of story that would make a good movie - if that kind of movie still could be made. But these days, it did not even make Page 10. I couldn't find a story about
    it anywhere. The only mentions were on conservative blogs and military Web sites. The soldiers who are fighting for their lives and our country might as well be in another dimension. News from the battlefronts in Iraq and Afghanistan is apparently not important.
    It reminds the jaded anti-war crowd that they were wrong. We're winning. It reminds a self-centered nation that some Americans are making sacrifices much bigger than a loss in their 401(k)s. So we don't hear about it. But we need to hear news like that, because a good day for the Marine Corps is a good day for freedom. And that's a good day for Americ

    Posted by Maj Pain
    OoooRaaah!!! Awesome post!! The designated marksman should get a medal for this.

  8. #53


    December 17, 2008
    Enough of Radical Islam

    Enough with the pseudonyms. Western civilization isn't at war with terrorism
    any more than it is at war with grenades. Western civilization is at war
    with militant Islam, which dominates Muslim communities all over the world.
    Militant Islam isn't a tiny minority of otherwise goodhearted Muslims. It's
    a dominant strain of evil that runs rampant in a population of well over 1

    Enough with the psychoanalysis. They don't hate us because of Israel. They
    don't hate us because of Kashmir. They don't hate us because we have troops
    in Saudi Arabia or because we deposed Saddam Hussein. They don't hate us
    because of Britney Spears. They hate us because we are infidels, and because
    we don't plan on surrendering or providing them material aid in their war of
    aggressive expansion.

    Enough with the niceties. We don't lose our souls when we treat our enemies
    as enemies. We don't undermine our principles when we post more police
    officers in vulnerable areas, or when we send Marines to kill bad guys, or
    when we torture terrorists for information. And we don't redeem ourselves
    when we close Guantanamo Bay or try terrorists in civilian courts or censor
    anti-Islam comics. When it comes to war, extremism in the defense of liberty
    is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

    Enough with the words. Talking with Iran without wielding the threat of
    force, either economic or military, won't help. Appealing to the United
    Nations, run by thugs and dictators ranging from Putin to Chavez to
    Ahmadinejad, is an exercise in pathetic futility. Evil countries don't
    suddenly decide to abandon their evil goals - they are forced to do so by
    pressure and circumstance.

    Enough with the faux allies. We don't gain anything by pretending that Saudi
    Arabia and Pakistan are true allies. They aren't. At best, they are playing
    both sides of the table. We ought to be drilling now in order to break OPEC.
    Building windmills isn't going to cut it. We should also be backing India to
    the hilt in its current conflict with Pakistan - unless Pakistan can destroy
    its terrorist element, India should be given full leeway to do what it needs
    to do. Russia and China, meanwhile, are facilitating anti-Western terrorism.
    Treating them as friends in this global war is simply begging for a

    Enough with the myths.
    Not everyone on earth is crying out for freedom. There are plenty of people
    who are happy in their misery, believing that their suffering is part and
    parcel of a correct religious system. Those people direct their anger
    outward, targeting unbelievers. We cannot simply knock off dictators and
    expect indoctrinated populations to rise to the liberal democratic
    challenge. The election of Hamas in the Gaza Strip is more a rule than an
    exception in the Islamic world.

    Enough with the lies. Stop telling us that Islam is a religion of peace. If
    it is, prove it through action. Stop telling us that President-elect Barack
    Obama will fix our broken relationship with the Muslim world. They hate
    Obama just as much as they hated President George W. Bush, although they
    think Obama is more of a patsy than Bush was. Stop telling us that we
    shouldn't worry about the Islamic infiltration of our economy. If the Saudis
    own a large chunk of our banking institutions and control the oil market,
    they can certainly leverage their influence in dangerous ways.

    Enough. After the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the plane downed in
    Pennsylvania, the endless suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks in
    Israel, the Bali bombings, the synagogue bombing in Tunisia, the LAX
    shootings, the Kenyan hotel bombing, the Casablanca attacks, the Turkey
    synagogue attacks, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings, and the
    repeated attacks in India culminating in the Mumbai massacres - among
    literally thousands of others - it's about time that the West got the point:
    we're in a war. Our enemies are determined. They will not quit just because
    we offer them Big Macs, Christina Aguilera CDs, or even the freedom to vote.
    They will not quit just because we ensure that they have Korans in their
    Guantanamo cells, or because we offer to ban "The Satanic Verses" (as India
    did). They will only quit when they are dead. It is our job to make them so,
    and to eliminate every obstacle to their destruction.

    So enough. No more empty talk. No more idle promises. No more happy
    ignorance, half measures, or appeasement-minded platitudes. The time for
    hard-nosed, uncompromising action hasn't merely come - it's been overdue by
    seven years. The voice of our brothers' blood cries out from the ground.

    Ben Shapiro, 24, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School. He is the
    author of the new book "Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to
    the White House," as well as the national bestseller "Brainwashed: How
    Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth." To find out more about Ben
    Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and
    cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

    Posted by Maj Pain


  9. #54
    December 24, 2008
    Forces in place for Operation "SC"

    All forces are in place and have commenced patrols for Operation “SC” to begin. A small interaction of bad guys was distinguished recently but that’s why we have these forces abroad to take care of the light work before the raider fly.

    In this rare photo we can see SC & Mrs “C” moving into a prepositioned strike force position “unknown” but suitable for conducting the annual gift distribution.

    All is quiet on the home front thanks to our warriors keeping the wolf at bay. SC’s flight plan has been cleared. Semper Fi & Merry Christmas to all………

  10. #55
    January 06, 2009

    By Paul French
    September 22, 1943
    At Sea, forty-four Nautical Miles north of Manus, Admiralty Islands
    Three Amphibious Assault Ships (APA’s) are in the convoy. Each carries 800 to a 1,000 Marines, plus tanks and equipment. Several Destroyers are seen on the horizon from time to time. Aboard all three APA’s a similar meeting is starting. Navy Coxswains and Boson mates, Marine Corps NCOs gather aft of a Higgins LCVP Landing Craft lashed into its cradle on the deck. Marines and sailors try for casual conversations: “You know where we’re going?” One response is, “Another Jap invested island.”

    A Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant and a Navy Chief Boatswains Mate arrive at 09:00. Next, a Marine Colonel and a Captain along with the ships Executive Officer join the group. They spread charts and photographs on a table. As they do, conversations resume among the enlisted men. The conversations stop when the Master Gunnery Sergeant quietly says; “OK. KNOCK IT OFF!”
    Now they are somber; ready to hear final instructions on invading a Japanese held island. The Marine Major names a Pacific Island no one has heard of. “We go ashore there tomorrow morning.” We have three landing beaches; red, green and yellow.” Information on which marines will land where and what boats will take them there follow. Marines and sailors have questions. One question; should the boat carrying the underwater demolition team be an LCVP or the LCP? An argument ensues.
    The Red Headed Coxswain of the LCP speaks up; “My LCP is faster. I can get us away quicker.” Other Coxswains loudly challenge the assertion. The ships Executive Officer speaks up. “KNOCK IT OFF, we all have the same goal. Namely take this damn island and live to tell about it. Put the demo guys in the LCP, it is a faster boat.”
    A Chief Boatswains Mates asks; “Sir, I guess that’s all the questions. Can we KNOCK IT OFF now?” The Bird Colonel looks to his peers, they nod agreement. The Chief says; “But any of you guys that’s got a question, come see one of us. And; there’s Baptisms at 14:00, today.”
    A buck sergeant asks; “Sarg, about the Baptisms? I got a kid in my squad who don’t know if he’s been Baptized or not. He wants to know, can he get baptized?” Many of the NCOs and Officers respond with affirmatives; including a MGySgt who proclaims; “My Savior, Jesus Christ will be glad the kid came. Tell him to get his butt up to that service; even if it is for seconds.”
    Today, the USS Germantown, one of our Navy’s newer Amphibious Assault Ships continues this WWII tradition of offering Baptisms before an assault landing. The USS Germantown’s ship’s bell is now and in the future will continue to be engraved with the names of the men baptized before an assault landing.
    Today, “KNOCK IT OFF” continues as part of the Navy and Marine Corps common vocabulary.
    Today, “KNOCK IT OFF” can become our Nation’s Anti-Political Partisanship war cry. We can force the leaders of every Political party to KNOCK IT OFF; stop the inane, partisan motivated criticism of the ‘other’ party.
    Today the devastating results of strictly partisan legislative votes are all too evident. Today, rather than vocally supporting suspicion and distrust, we all get on our knees and each of us pray to our God, pray for our county and the success of our President Elect. The ideology of any political party is neither relevant nor does any one party have a patent on the only way to save our nation.
    If we don’t make both parties stop the strictly partisan slander; stop it today; then that Star Spangled Banner may no longer wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave. Today, will you KNOCK IT OFF and start praying every day for the USA? Hundreds of thousands have died to give you that right to pray.

    Posted by Maj Pain



  11. #56
    January 07, 2009
    What about the public Elvis?

    What about the public Elvis? Jan 8th 2009 he will be 73. You say he is dead right? Well if he was alive or just “in” the public the following are a few items he would be involved with and doing.

    He would have been the one next to President Reagan during his last moments, he would have sang a tribute to the loss of the shuttle disasters. Today’s Elvis would be involved in politics without a doubt. Perhaps a senator or governor……..home land security?
    He might have been recalled for Operation Desert Storm back into the Army and could have held a high rank. (poor Iraqi’s). If he wasn’t in the service he would have surely performed with Dick Clark and Bob Hope over seas. Nonetheless, he knows how to fight terrorism!
    Today’s Elvis would have been the other republican nominee for this year presidency….and would have won.
    Although everyone is going “green”, Elvis would be going “gold”…..again.
    He wouldn’t allow Marie to marry Michael Jackson……yuk.
    He would probably own the Dallas Cowboys football team and also spice up the cheerleaders outfits with more sequins.
    Latest hits would include….
    Viva Las Baghdad and you’ve lost that Afghani feeling……
    Ya, Elvis is still taking care of business, even on his birthday.
    Here is to the legend and we burned a king CAO for the King of Rock & Roll.
    Keep your eyes peeled and you too may catch Elvis in your town next……


  12. #57
    January 08, 2009
    Thursday, January 8, 2009, 7:49 AM Ed Freeman... A True Hero

    You're an 18 or 19 year old kid. You're critically wounded, and dying in the
    jungle in the Ia Drang Valley, 11-14-1965. LZ Xray, Vietnam Your infantry
    unit is outnumbered 8 - 1, and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200
    yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac
    helicopters to stop coming in.

    You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you're
    not getting out. Your family is 1/2 way around the world, 12,000 miles away,
    and you'll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you
    know this is the day.

    Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a
    helicopter, and you look up to see an un-armed Huey, but it doesn't seem
    real, because no Medi-Vac markings are on it.

    Ed Freeman is coming for you. He's not Medi-Vac, so it's not his job, but
    he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs
    were ordered not to come.

    He's coming anyway.

    And he drops it in, and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load
    2 or 3 of you on board.

    Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire, to the Doctors and Nurses.

    And, he kept coming back...... 13 more times..... and took about 30 of you
    and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out.

    Medal of Honor Recipient Ed Freeman died last Wednesday at the age of 80, in
    Boise , ID ......May God rest his soul.....

    (Oh yeah, Paul Newman died that day too. I guess you knew that --

    He got a lot more press than Ed Freeman.)

    Posted by Maj Pain


  13. #58
    January 12, 2009
    The Donkey

    Young Chuck moved to Texas and bought a donkey from a farmer for $100.00.

    The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day.

    The next day he drove up and said, 'Sorry son, but I have some bad news, the
    donkey died.'

    Chuck replied, 'Well, then just give me my money back.'

    The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I went and spent it already.'

    Chuck said, 'OK, then, just bring me the dead donkey.'

    The farmer asked, 'What ya gonna do with him?

    Chuck said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.'

    The farmer said, You can't raffle off a dead donkey!'

    Chuck said, 'Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.'

    A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked, 'What happened with
    that dead donkey?'

    Chuck said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a piece
    and made a profit of $898.00.'

    The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?'

    Chuck said, 'Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back.'

    Chuck now works for Fannie Mae.

    Posted by Maj Pain


  14. #59
    Freedom at Work! USS George Bush


    Below are a few personal photos from the commissioning of the USS George HW Bush CVN 77 Aircraft Carrier. If you didn’t know it was recently commissioned and a great American was kind enough to send me the pictures…..of her sons new ship. Semper Fidelis to the USS George Bush, Freedom at Work!

    USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) is the tenth and last Nimitz class supercarrier of the United States Navy.[1] She is named for former President George H. W. Bush, who was a naval aviator during World War II.

    She is the second United States aircraft carrier to be named after a naval aviator (Forrestal was the first). Other naval vessels named for aviators include frigates McClusky and Thach, and destroyer Massey, all named for aviators who commanded formations in the Battle of Midway. George H.W. Bush is also the second aircraft carrier, following Ronald Reagan, to be named after a living former President. While still a Nimitz class ship, George H. W. Bush differs significantly from her predecessors, even more so than the differences between CVN 68–70 and CVN 71–76.

    Construction began in 2001 by the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard, at a cost of $6.2 billion.[2] The aircraft carrier was christened on 7 October 2006, and delivery was set for late 2008[1]. She left Northrup Grumman Ship Building for the first time on 23 December 2008 and was commissioned 10 January 2009 at Norfolk Naval Station.[5]

    George H. W. Bush is the final Nimitz class aircraft carrier constructed; the next carrier built will be Gerald R. Ford, the first of the Gerald R. Ford class of aircraft carriers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Posted by Maj Pain


  15. #60
    January 18, 2009
    Gran Torino...A Marine's review
    Posted by Maj Pain

    So ….last night “House Cinc” (the Ms) and I went and saw Gran Torino the movie. Although we went to the 7:230 showing, on Sat night made for a fantastic freak show of the paint chip licking teenagers I got to see while standing in line. Do they own mirrors? For all that is holy, do their parents let them go out like that because they hate them? I saw proof of why some parents eat their young…..

    Anyway, the movie is about 2rhs long. The theater was full (pretty sure I was one of the youngest guys there) as I had chit chat with two retired Army dogs in the concessions line. Good talk!

    Gran Torino is directed by Clint Eastwood as well and portrays a Korean vet that has lost his spouse ans is now living by himself in an overpopulated and growing neighborhood. He adopts the neighborhood kid by default as a friend (not by law). Basically teaches this kid to be a man and not a damn cry baby who has to have the “im a winner” complex crammed down his neck. While facing some demons of his own, Eastwood makes it perfectly clear what it means to stand for something and not fall by intimidation and demonstrates the meanining of life and death.

    After the movie there were a few moist eyes in the crowed and followed by applause by those watching as the credits rolled. (not sure this is normal where you are and it’s the first for me to have people applaud in the theater) but hell, it was a good flick and perhaps will help my Ms understand why I mumble and scowl at some kids these days. Go see it, it’s a good movie…..wish I could have smoked a stoag during it….seemed fitting.

    See the movie trailer here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/grantorino/large.html


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