
For the Marines,It's understood from the,begining that our job,is to "Do or Die!" The Marine Corps was formed 10 November,1776,shortly after the "Shot heard around the world"At
Lexington and before the Declaration of Independence,4 July 1776, In the Marines we have a saying: "Ours is not to reason why; Ours is but to do or die!" As a former Marine Veteran. I am offering the benefit of my education and experiences to enlighten my fellow Veterans on what they should demand from their government concerning our proper form of government and
what it truly means to be an American.

Americanism can be defined by three basic principles:
[1].Our Rights come from a Creator and not from a dictator or by majority rule.

[2].We have a written rule of law with certain unalienable
(unchangeable) Rights, that cannot be taken away: The United States Constitution which is a contract between "We The People." And our Government and no American is above Constitutional Law.

[3]. We have a limited form of Government,which is outlined and enumerated in our Constitution/Contract with every American citizen.

Before becoming a Marine I recommend you study The Constitution of the United States Of America.

Becoming a Marine,Recruit you must take an Oath. here is part;

I,John Doe, Do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted
under the condition prescribed by law..and I do solemnly swear(or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution
of the United States against all enemies,foreign and domestic;
That I shall bear true faith and allegiance to the same;and I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the order of the officers appointed over me,according to regulations and the Uniform code of Military Justice,so help me God." Article VI of the contract recruits sign upon enlistment
"I will never forget that I am an American,Fighting for Freedom, Responsible for my actions,and dedicated to the principles which made my Country free. I will trust in my God
and in the United States of America.
The principles which made our Country free are:

[1]. Rights come from a Creator.
[2]. A written rule of law, our Constitution.
[3]. A limited from of Government.

No American citizen can Constitutionally violate these Principles,including our President.

Blinded Marine Veteran.
Semper-fi Thank you for your service to our Country.