Douche of the Week: The Berkeley City Council
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    Exclamation Douche of the Week: The Berkeley City Council

    Douche of the Week: The Berkeley City Council

    by Nick

    Twelve of his brothers lay dead around him and the other two members of his 15 man unit were too injured to be of any use in the fight. 3000 elite Japanese soldiers surrounded them.

    There was no chance of survival.

    So John Basilone did the only thing that he could in this situation. He took control of the two functioning machine guns and fought the enemy with every iota of his being for three days.

    Basilone repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire and refused to give up in the face of overwhelming odds that would make any man - even our most absurd Hollywood Hero - blanch and retreat in fear.

    But Basilone was not any man. He was a United States Marine. And there was no force on earth that could make him back down.

    As regular Ranger Up readers know, I was not a Marine, but by God I am proud of them, and proud to know that my country can raise such men.

    They are hard men – uncompromising, fierce in the face of adversity, with an unflinching belief in their country, in each other, and in themselves. They have consistently been handed the toughest missions our country can bestow, from their inception in 1775 to Iwo Jima to Fallujah. How can you look at their storied past and not appreciate their contribution? How can you not credit them, no matter what your political inclination or your feelings regarding our current conflicts, with the freedoms and relatively carefree lives that we all get to lead?

    This brings me to the current situation in Berkeley, CA. At this point I am assuming that most of you know that the Berkeley City Council has decided to wage war on the Marine Corps Recruiting Station there by passing an ordinance that announced that the Marines were “unwelcome intruders” in Berkeley. This action has been supported by the zealots at Code Pink – an extremist organization that supposedly fights for free speech and promotes peace. In practice, they promote their opinions and attempt to destroy, through slanderous and unabashedly selfish means, anyone who dares to think crazy thoughts like…ummm…I don’t know…having a military is actually necessary for national security. While the Marines have been dragged through the mud in Berkeley, Code Pink has been given special rights by the council – their protest fees have been waived and they were awarded a special town-sanctioned parking space right in front of the recruiting station.

    As if the absurdity of that situation isn’t enough, their leader, Tom Bates, is actually a former Army Captain (CAW! CAW!) who infamously was fined for stealing hundreds of Berkeley student newspapers when the paper backed his rival during his first election. He was fined $100 for his actions.

    For those of you asking yourselves, “WTF, over?” let me restate:

    That’s right kids – the mayor of Berkeley – a man who actually was charged with petty theft for stealing student newspapers in order to stifle free speech during our political process – has the nerve to try to take the “high ground” and drive the Marines out of Berkeley.

    Nothing amazes me anymore.

    Here’s the thing. The press continues to make this a “Blue State versus Red State” issue. I personally think it should be the opposite – this situation, and those like it, should be a unifying force in our country. Pundits like to paint a picture of all democrats being “crazy moonbat liberals” and all republicans being “evangelical warmongers”, and they do this because it suits their purpose and keeps them employed. But I distinctly remember serving as an infantryman with guys from both parties, and I remember our similarities – love of country, a hard work ethic, the unwavering belief that quitting was never an option, and a phenomenal sense of humor, to be ties that were much stronger than our political affiliations.

    I’d like everyone to think for a minute – is Code Pink and the City of Berkeley reflective of the ethos of the average Democrat or are they just a bunch of selfish, spoiled Bliss Bunny *******s, who have the luxury of living in a consequence-free environment surrounded by people who believe exactly as they do and that getting high during their annual pilgrimage to Burning Man is the highest form of worship?

    I like to think that reasonable people believe the latter. The people of Code Pink, the City Council, and Tom BF Bates are losers. No way around it – they live in a fairytale cotton candy sky and rivers of chocolate world and are lucky that they have people, both in the military and in industry, that work hard enough to maintain a civilization that can support them, because their brand of psychedelic ignorant utopia doesn’t play out well in the developing world.

    My Recommendation

    Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina has started a bill that would cut $2.1 million in federal spending to Berkeley, CA, stating that “If the city can’t show respect for the Marines that have fought, bled and died for their freedom, Berkeley should not be receiving special taxpayer-funded handouts.”

    Many in the Senate agree with him. I do as well.

    Senator Barbara Boxer of California has argued against him, saying that the bill will cut programs for “high-end” school lunches, a program to teach kids how to farm organically, a ferry service, and programs supporting the University of Berkeley.

    With respect to the Senator from California, Ma’am, who gives a ****?

    I don’t mean to sound like a jerk – all of these programs sound like positive things for the Berkeley community, but these are federal funds and I see no reason why you or I should be paying a dime for them, given that these people are not only unwilling to sacrifice personally in any way for the country, but are actually harassing and attempting to ostracize those that do.

    The federal government regularly withholds funds to states or towns that don’t follow seatbelt guidance, highway speed guidance, minimum drinking age standards – why is this any different?

    Democrats and Republicans alike should begin pushing hard for this legislation and not allow it to simply be political grandstanding by either side. If you agree with me, then please contact your congressmen and senators and let them know how you feel. The Berkeley community has drawn a line in the sand. They have made the statement that they do not value the men and women that are in harms way on a daily basis who allow them to live in their little bubble. They’ve even made it legal for spoiled brats who have spent their entire lives in academia to more easily disrespect those that are willing to make that sacrifice.

    I see no reason why we cannot let this bubble simply pop.

    One more thing…

    Recently, good old Tommy Bates has changed his tune slightly under the strain of the national outrage over his town, stating that the council might have gone a bit too far with some of the language in the ordinance, but that he thinks “it stands (that) we didn't want them (the Marines) here and they came here. And (they are) unwelcome, you know we'd like them to leave voluntarily. So I don't think an apology is in order.”

    He went on to say that he believes he could work it out with the landlord if the Marines wanted to get out of their lease early in light of the resistance from the community.

    The Marines responded eloquently and professionally, as one might expect, but I will attempt to paraphrase their response:

    Marines don’t retreat and we sure as **** don’t surrender.

    Tommy, we’re not sending you to Douchebagistan. You already live there.

  2. #2
    An outstanding read Ellie, thank you!

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