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Thread: Girlfriends?

  1. #1


    How is it having a girlfriend as a fresh recruit/Marine in the Corps? I understand I won't have any contact besides letters with mine until graduation but what about after? How often will we be able to see each other? Would we have to be married to live together on-base or not (my guess is we would, but I don't know, that's why I'm asking the question)? What would the best time to get married if we choose to do so? Would it be after SOI or once I get deployed to the fleet? I'm completely lost on this subject and I couldn't find any previous threads about it so help would be great.

  2. #2
    Having a girlfriend isn't all that bad. It is hard on a relationship being girlfriend/boyfriend. As far as seeing each other, it depends on where you are stationed, when or how often you get liberty, and if you have the time. Not to be mean, but a girlfriend/wife right now is not a good idea. One thing leads to another and pretty soon you are wanting to get married. I married while in the Marines and it was hard on Me and my wife both. We had a daughter which made it worse. There is an old saying that if the Marine Corps wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one. Sounds funny, but i read once that 75% of marriages that start in the Marines end in divorce. As far as living together on base as Boyfriend/girlfriend, forget about it. You'll be lucky to get base housing after being married. There are waiting lists for that sort of thing and you and your girlfriend won't be bumping any married Marines who are on the waiting list. And as far as the best time to get married, in my opinion and from many others as well, would be, wait till after your EAS to do so. It is a hard life for a married couple, trust me. You need to focus on your upcoming job (being a Marine) right now, rather then your girlfriend. I hope i helped you out. My marriage did not end in divorce. One of the lucky ones.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it.

    Just one question though: EAS? What is it and what kind of a timeframe is that?

  4. #4
    EAS = End of Active Service...(your active obligation) the time frame depends on how long you stay in for. I am in no way saying you can't get married or whatever, i am simply trying to save you the heartache and turmoil most Marine families go through. Would i do it again, absolutely not. I would have waited. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Ah, well, that'll be a long while then (so it probably won't work) because if things go the way I plan the Marines'll have to drag me out kicking and screaming before I leave.

  6. #6
    Well, it is good to hear your dedication poolee. The one thing i must add is to wait a while, till you have a while in. Feel things out, talk to your Chaplain, and senior NCO's to see what they think. You don't want to plan on getting married the same time you may deployed, in school, or in the field. Just bide your time, get some time in, feel it all out, and keep your NCO's informed of your probable decisions. They will be able to help you the most when you start making these decisions.

  7. #7
    That's what I was planning sir, I was just asking for some advice to help out.

    Thank you sir.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Crusader20
    He said the right things. Wait until you get into the fleet and then see what type of time you will have. Also wait until you are a NCO before marriage.

    + =

  10. #10
    One girlfriend is hard to manage. Time demands, birthdays, holidays, etc. Two is twice as difficult. After that it is just a big juggling act.

  11. #11
    When I went through Boot in 1998, we had a recruit whose girlfriend (at the time) called down to PI to talk to him. She somehow worked her way through to the Battalion CO! Oh yeah, good times were had by that recruit when the SDI found out. I think they took him on an Island Hopping Campaign, a few other recruits tagged along, much to their dismay.

    Ahh, PI!

  12. #12
    Marine Free Member mrbsox's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Outside of Nashville, TN. Work in FOB Louisville
    In the 'Old Corps'....
    ... they issued us girl friends.

    Heavy vinyl,
    Blow her up to fit your needs.

    If she got mad and starting hissing at ya,
    ya just had to patch things up, or she would leave you flat.

    sorry.... couldn't resist

  13. #13
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    Heavy vinyl,
    Blow her up to fit your needs.

    If she got mad and starting hissing at ya,
    ya just had to patch things up, or she would leave you flat.

    And if the rubber biatch weren't could always blow up a Mae West and squeeze it a few times!

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