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  1. #1


    SOOOOO weird, me, a PFC of Marines, was talking to an ADMIRAL. Not a rear admiral, or fvice admiral, a freaking Admiral! 4 stars!

    I was crutching my way through Macdill AFB near the exchange, with my friend Courtney (Her husbands a SSgt in the air force) and he gets out of his chauffeured Cadillac (Or Lincoln?) and he's got like this entourage with him.

    I notice HE STARTS COMING UP TO ME! Im like oh my GOD!...what do I do?

    Well, I go to salute and I'm like Good Afternoon S.... and hes like "Son, stop right there. You're on crutches. I just wanted to ask you, as a young Marine, how are the Navy docs treating you?"

    "Well, excellent sir!

    "That's what I like to hear! Stay off that foot, your country needs you!"

    "AYE SIR!" (I would have saluted, but....)

    And he went off on his way.

    It was Admiral Fallon, apparently he commands all of Central Command.

    I'm still freaking out about it. But I'm kinda disappointed....I wish it was the Commandant...

    Dude, Staff Sergeants don't talk to PFCs lol, but I've got Admirals sayin whats up. I guess I'm just good like that

  2. #2
    LOL...you crack me up, Matt.
    I've met 3 CMC's. Generals Gray, Mundy, and Conway.
    Just wait til you get to drink with them. ha ha ha. ; )

  3. #3
    Isn't it kinda wierd when things like that happen? I know flags seem sort of god-like when junior enlisted meet them. But there are times when they reveal how human they are. I was fortunate enough one time to meet General Gray (after he retired) when I was in 29 Palms. I was working as the Chief of Staff's driver and General Gray came in to use the CG's office. The CG didn't know this was happening and when he came back into the office, he was kind of taken back by someone else being in his office. Next thing I know I hear General Gray ask the CG for a cup of coffee. About 5 minutes later, with the CG sitting at his aide's desk, I hear "Aw, chit....I need some help in here!" Yup, General Gray spilled his coffee all over the CG's desk. Another time, the new base CG who had just come aboard was getting his official picture taken and had forgotten an undershirt for his cammie pic. I had to grab one and run it over to the base photo studio and when I walk in, there is the CG walking around the offices talking to Marines in just his cammie bottoms and chest hair. Priceless.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Achped
    ...Well, I go to salute and I'm like Good Afternoon S.... and hes like "Son, stop right there. You're on crutches. I just wanted to ask you, as a young Marine, how are the Navy docs treating you?"

    "Well, excellent sir!

    "That's what I like to hear! Stay off that foot, your country needs you!"
    Wonder what he would've said if you responded, "Like SH!T sir!"

  5. #5
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA
    HAHAHAHAHA! He was probably laughing to himself on the inside cause it sounds like you had that "deer caught in the headlights" look.

  6. #6
    I hear ya, Achped. I had a very close encounter with a Navy admiral. He had just completed his banking at Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii and came around the corner into the hallway just as I was headed to the bank. Well long story short is I knocked Admiral McCain flat on his arse and dang near died when I looked down and saw those stars on his epaulet. Thought sure this Sgt. was gonna be a Pvt breakin rocks forever... He was cool and very gracious about it and apologized for not looking as he came around a blind corner. I musta shook for an hour after that close encounter.

    You are right that these are very ordinary people.

    Adm McCain,s son was a POW at the time and is now Sen. John McCain...

  7. #7
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    I've found most general and flag officers to be pretty decent towards us enlisted pukes. Better than many colonels. Generals have "made it," colonels are still hoping.

    The CG of Camp Pendleton used to hold regular parties at his quarters and an MP NCO and a few MP non-rates would be assigned to help direct traffic and parking. We were fed well by his stewards and afterward, he would invite the detail to have a couple of beers with him. Armed and all. We'd just BS with him about sports or other mundane topics. No shop talk allowed.

  8. #8
    Somewhat similar situation. I was shooting Far East division rifle and pistol matches in Okinawa. We were all sitting around the ready benches trying to find as much shade as we could, with our shooting jackets open and basically trying to cool off, when here comes General Mutter. Sure she was a Brig. Gen. but first instinct as a Lance Cpl was to jump up to POA and salute, but my Gunny said to have a seat and not, because is just like in a combat situation. I did say "Good afternoon Ma'am" though!!!

  9. #9
    Marine Free Member gwladgarwr's Avatar
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    Thumbs up General Mutter

    General Mutter is good to go, though. Met her several times and was at her retirement ceremony in 1998 in Quantico (left as a 3-star). Really approachable. She still goes to all the professional military officer conferences. Her pic is still on the wall at a comple of dry cleaners in Q-town ten years after her retirement. Pretty cool.

    Sgt gw

  10. #10
    lol i know how ya feel man.

    check this out you know how it is first getting out being a boot and you see a high officer you are just awe struck. Well i didnt see a 4 star but a Col. and it wa like i was just fixated on his rank and felt like a complete idiot when sounding off my good afternoon sir. LOL

    but he was very nice and the SgtMaj was too. After being in the airwing the way you talk to higher ranking Marines somewhat loses the OOOOOHHHness since you go more by quals then rank. Even though rank plays an important part of what quals you get.

    so did you end up telling him well sir im really sick of this 800mg motrin they keep shoving down my throat.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by gwladgarwr
    General Mutter is good to go, though. Met her several times and was at her retirement ceremony in 1998 in Quantico (left as a 3-star). Really approachable. She still goes to all the professional military officer conferences. Her pic is still on the wall at a comple of dry cleaners in Q-town ten years after her retirement. Pretty cool.

    Sgt gw
    Did you ever get to see her coin? A Capt that I worked with had one and on one side had her 3 star flag and on the other side it had her husband's colonel bird. I thought it was pretty funny. Never met her but spoke on the phone with her a few times. I usually passed her on to the Capt, but she ALWAYS spent more time talking to me or the other junior enlisted.

    By far the coolest flag I ever met was LtGen Hailston. I worked for him in Okinawa toward the end of his tour and he would always come into our office and shoot the breeze. One day, shortly after he came in, a full bird came in and asked him if he could have a few mintues with him. Gen H told him to go wait in his office. After about 20 minutes of talking golf, he said he better go see what "whats his face" wants.

  12. #12
    Yea I used to think "holy **** I'm talking to a Maj." when talking to my XO, or "holy **** I'm talking to a LtCol" when talking to my CO. Well, now being on a PTT team, I work with a LtCol, and a Maj, side by side, every day. So now, ranks, well it's not that they don't matter, it's just that I realize they are normal people too, just give them the respect that they deserve. Yea my LtCol has a lot more responsiblities etc... but go fishing with him, you'll see Never met a General though.

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