Gaining Weight
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Thread: Gaining Weight

  1. #1

    Gaining Weight

    OK, I have been trying for about 4 months now to gain ten pounds. I am only 5'3" and I weigh 103 to 105 lbs. But because I am a female, my weight fluctuates like crazy. I am only 14 % body fat. I've tried alot of suggestions to gain weight, but at the same time stay in shape. I go to PT at my RSS 3 times a week, plus I am taking weight lifting at school. I don't ship until 02 JUN 08, but I could still really use any advice. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member Eddie Z's Avatar
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    Annandale, VA (DC area)
    I don't know if age is an issue but supplements may be what you need. Whey Protein will help add weight, Creatine can help you add muscle mass. Speak to somebody at a GNC or somewhere to get a professional opinion.

  3. #3
    The best workout to quickly add some bulk I have ever used in my 7 years of lifting is this:

    Repeat 4 times:
    DB flys----10-12 reps
    (60 seconds rest)
    Barbell Rows----10-12
    (60 seconds rest)

    Repeat 8 times:
    Bench press----4-7
    (90 seconds rest)
    Wide Pullup----4-7
    (90 seconds rest)

    Repeat 3 times:
    Incline Bench press----4-7
    (90 seconds rest)
    Bent over rows----4-7

    Repeat 4 times:
    Crunches----40 reps
    (90 seconds rest)
    reverse crunches----40
    (90 seconds rest)

    Alternate the exercises that are grouped together. The key to this is to make sure you complete all the reps and sets, 8 sets seems like a lot but you will see results very quickly. It is also very important to make sure you add weight every other set or so, but don't add so much weight that you can't complete the reps. And be sure to add 5 pounds to every exercise each workout.

    There are more days than just this one that I will post if you're actually going to use them.

    The cheapest place to get supplements I know of is here:

    I would only recommend protein supplements. Creatine works but is kinda iffy on the health side, and hurts your endurance, which is obviously not going to help you become a Marine. You should stay away from it.

    If you need more convincing read this:

    Replace the *** with military. com

  4. #4
    I'm not sure the minimum weight values for a female (I'll look them up tomorrow), but... generally, upper body bulk is the way to go. It will help you on your hang time as well.

    Protein is a must. Also, keep in mind that as you gain weight, you will need to keep your cardio at a level that willl benefit you at boot camp.

    If you're able to pass the IST (or PFT) with ease... find out if the regulations can be waivered in your favor.

  5. #5
    Okay, thanks. I'm in weight lifting at my school, and all my coach has me do is upper body. I'm definately lacking in that area. My IST scores are always really good though. I did my run in 12:32, 97 crunches and did my hang for 62 secs. I mean, there's always room for improvment, but according to my recruiter, and compared to the other females in my pool, that's pretty good. And we looked for waivers, and I still have to gain weight to qualify for the waiver. I have to be a minimum of 110 lbs, and today (this morning) I was at 105 lbs. And I will definately try to get as much protein as possible in my diet. Thanks again for all the suggestions!!!

  6. #6
    i heard something about banana's help add weight.

  7. #7
    Not sure if this helps.

    It is a product from EAS called Phosphagen HP, it is a creatine type product.

    One of the benefits of the product is it will help your muscles recover and retain a bit of water to help rebuild your cells.

    42 Servings costs you about $20 with a bit of internet research.

    Would only use it in conjunction with a PT routine! Good luck!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Corndog
    Okay, thanks. I'm in weight lifting at my school, and all my coach has me do is upper body. I'm definately lacking in that area. My IST scores are always really good though. I did my run in 12:32, 97 crunches and did my hang for 62 secs. I mean, there's always room for improvment, but according to my recruiter, and compared to the other females in my pool, that's pretty good. And we looked for waivers, and I still have to gain weight to qualify for the waiver. I have to be a minimum of 110 lbs, and today (this morning) I was at 105 lbs. And I will definately try to get as much protein as possible in my diet. Thanks again for all the suggestions!!!
    If you want to gain some quick weight. We had made a poolee at our RSS and made him drink two gallons of water and sure enough he was at weight. So he didn't **** at all, (Kinda tough to hold that in morning.) All he hate was burgers, steaks, fries, Sweet Teas, Coke. You name it, we packed it up on him. He made weight and is at P.I. right now.

  9. #9
    Ha ha. We tried a Braum's large milkshake and Taco Bell diet for me. I felt lethargic all the time and I only gained 1 pound. And of course I lost that in about a day. I was on that diet for about three weeks. But I'll keep trying to do whatever I can!!! I've started doing more in my weight lifting class. For example, instead of doing a 65 to 75 percent workout I'll do 80 to 95 percent. Maybe I'll bulk up a little. I need it!!! Thanks!!!

  10. #10
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    When I needed to gain weight(20lbs) for wrestling I got there easy, just eat big and lift big.

    A great excersize is squatting, it works your quads, calves, hammys, and your torso in some instances(packs on serious weight). Also deadlifts, but you need awesome technique or you WILL hurt yourself.

    You need a high number of sets and low reps with the highest weight you are confident you can do.

    Food wise eat high carbs/protein. Peanut Butter, pastas, potatoes + cabbage, milk.

  11. #11
    OK, here's the biggest problem: My max bench is 90 lbs, and my max squat is 120 lbs. I am tiny. VERY tiny. This is why I need to gain weight. I'm 5'3" and 105 lbs. I wear a size 2 in women's. I have a very small structure. I'm 13% body fat, where as the average female at my age and weight is about 22%. And I have been taking weight lifting at school for about 9 weeks now, and I have actually lost weight rather than gained it. But I have been trying a lot of the weight lifting techniques that are being suggested though! Thanks again!

  12. #12
    Corndog. When i left high school to go to college i weighed in at 183lbs. I thought i was going to be fine. They wanted to change my position from receiver to slot receiver/HTE (hybrid tight end). So i had to put on at very minimum 45 lbs in 5 months.

    Every morning i would drink a whey protein shake followed by hard boiled eggs and wheat bread. EVERY SINGLE MORNING. In between meals i would eat fruits. I particularly liked bananas, peaches, kiwi, grapes, and oranges. For lunch i had two choices. Red meat or chicken. with a side of pasta, or potatoes. sometimes both. and a green of your choice. Salad, veggies, etc... inbetween meals hit the fruits again. maybe even some candy. i ate gushers and sour worms For dinner i ate seafood. Shellfish, fillet of sole, lemon sole. Now, in between dinner and sleep i ate an assortment of things. Ritz crackers, BBQ chips, candy, ice cream, nesquick. However, i ate them in moderation. Paying close attention to serving sizes. Then before going to bed i slammed down two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with vitamin d (whole) milk paying more attention to the peanut butter than the jelly.

    Lets face it gaining weight means you have to put down more calories than you are burning. at the same time you dont want to overeat the non essentials because thats bad weight and that **** is hard to burn off. For every pound of fat you have to burn 3500 calories. Yes, 3500. Not 350.

    Make sure you are drinking at very minimum half of your weight in oz of water. I.e. if you weigh 105 drink 52.5 oz of water a day. remember, that's the minimum.

    As for the working out regimine. I stuck to the old fashioned method. I stretched a lot ( so you reduce your chances of hurting yourself) i ran 1.2 miles in the morning and cooled down for .3 miles. Did squats, power cleans, and dead lifts by free weights. Quad, hamstring, and calf lifts on a machine. Did about 3 miles of cardio total at football practice. Maybe a little bit more. Then upper body. Flatbench, incline, decline, curls, and puchups. Back, lats, and delts on a machine. and swam for around 15-25 minutes. Although truthfully, i'd rarely make it 25 minutes. Maybe once a week i could find it in me to swim for 25 minutes.

    Number one important thing is going to the doctor on a bi weekly if not weekly bases. To check your blood pressure, heart rate, and all that good stuff.

    Buy ankle braces. McDavid carbon lace ups. I never broke my ankle or have broken them but they have saved me from accidents that may occur one fatigue steps in. Your body tends to get fatigued and a mis step can occur. and you're putting on more weight so your ankles and knees are taking a beating. You can never be too safe when doing something this extreme to your body. It's allways better to be safe than sorry

    Hopefully i didn't leave anything out. Hopefully this and everyone elses suggestions will work for you and get you where you want to be by 20080601

    And here is my humble advice. Stay away from the supplements. You body grows to depend on these supplements and when you stop taking them the body falls apart slowly but surely, or you'll have to work that much harder to maintain because of the missing supplements. Again, thats just my humble opinion and not a diss on anyone using supplements.

  13. #13
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    i heard something about banana's help add weight.
    The best advice that I could give you now that you are a Marine is to ask Cpl.Cover Rider.......this sort of question he should be able to answer with superb knowledge and as I hear it first hand experience. There may be other replies but....for the past couple of months he has been the one in the trenches with the knowledge and expertise on this subject!

  14. #14
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA
    Phantom are NOT right! LOL!

  15. #15
    If your still trying to gain weight, eat alot of high calorie/high protien foods. I've gained about 12 lbs in the last 2 months or so by eating alot of ice cream, peanut butter, drinking whole milk (and right now egg nog) and lots of protein shakes. GNC also makes weight gainers with 2200 calories per serving, havent tried them but I don't see how they couldn't work.

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