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  1. #31
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    It's name is SUPERCHICKEN anyway - what do you expect? Thanks for the hit....................I'll have fun playing over there later - that was funny as hell! There's another one that posted he had the same problem (rockets1 is it's screen name) - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    You guys should go read it - you're going to laugh your a$$e$ off! try this one........................

  2. #32
    Marine Free Member davblay's Avatar
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    Now 84--remember that the 10% can get a lot done! Look at the ACLU! Besides they need a place to air their laundry too! LMAO!

  3. #33
    Marine Free Member DWG's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Sounds like this guy and rockets need to get together and start "asking and telling"! That should cure their problem once and for all and cleanse the Corps of these two.
    We were always told the fastest way out of the Marines was to request MAST up to your CO, then walk around the desk and plant a big wet one on his lips! If he didn't slip you the tongue, you were headed home! (course, it might be in a body bag).

  4. #34
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA
    LOL! Or walk around picking papers up off of higher up's desks and saying "nope, that ain't it" - when they DO put you up for psych eval do it to the psych too - then when they finally hand him that discharge, say "YEP THAT'S IT!" Ya'll know ya'll are going to read this over there too, right? (big evil as hell grin)

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by DWG
    Sounds like this guy and rockets need to get together and start "asking and telling"! That should cure their problem once and for all and cleanse the Corps of these two.
    We were always told the fastest way out of the Marines was to request MAST up to your CO, then walk around the desk and plant a big wet one on his lips! If he didn't slip you the tongue, you were headed home! (course, it might be in a body bag).
    I don't think they'd get booted for that these days. One of the Marines (a LCpl) at IVAW claims the title of the "gayest Marine", but his command won't kick him out for being out. He's done brig time for being a concientious objector (/puke) though.

  6. #36
    let the **** bird go u.a., he's doing the marine corps a freakin favor!!!!!! damn faggot, he has sand in his clit. freakin waaaah, you loser; go hide under your mamma's skirt. my pup is only 7yrs and harder than you . you sickend me , your a disgrace to the corps and yourself!!!!!

  7. #37
    Who let this birdturd into my beloved Corps?

  8. #38
    How did he get through bootcamp? I doubt his DI's were kind and sensitive to his feelings. I can't imagine him getting warm fuzzies and hugs from his drill instructors while they all go skipping around the squadbay singing ring around the rosies.

    If he wants out let him out. I doubt this guy will do anyone any good if he is deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.

  9. #39

    Thumbs down

    I'll bet both these maggots,are the product of a homosexual encounter gone bad(a**hole babies)!

  10. #40
    Stop bieng a *****, we all get made fun of its part of the Corps. If words hurt you maybe you should go back to basic for a while. Get a sense of humor.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Alphaonethree
    Ooorah I say tie him up in a fart sack and dump him in the pacific
    Fer God's sake don't thow him in the Pacific. Just think of all the major pollution!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #42
    One thing I have notested(sp) here and that is a few have said get him out of here as in transfer him to a new comaned. The Marine Corp that I new would not do that. The compeny CO would never transfer a s--thead untill it was his time to go. The army did this a lot during Vietnam. This is how the "Ameracal Dvison" was formed. May-Lai was the outcome of that. I say keep his ass in for the full time of his inlistment. Make his life hell. It can be done. I have seen this happen.

  13. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by ggyoung
    ...I say keep his ass in for the full time of his inlistment. Make his life hell. It can be done. I have seen this happen.
    I'm not sure I understand your logic here. From what I can gather his life is hell, at least from his perspective. Yet, if I follow, you advise making things even worse for him than they already are? Doesn't make much sense to me. Doing so could backfire horribly; there could invariably be "A Few Good Men" incident (life imitating art-a movie). If you can, please elaborate further.

  14. #44
    I agree he needs to finish what he started. However, at what cost? If this guy is going to whine and be a s***bird. How many people will be taken down by him? How many people will he put unnecessary stress on?

    I had a similar experience to this guy my first year in, until an NCO took me aside and explained that what they were doing was to toughen me up mentally. I also stood up for myself. There's two sides to every story. I'm wondering what his NCO's side is. I'm also wondering what his MOS is, because if it has anything to do with combat or combat support; I'm wondering if he's not trying to get out to avoid deployment.

    You know what, I'm not here to judge one way or the other. I think there's more to the story than what this guy posted. I tried to take someone like this under my wing when I was at Camp Lejeune. I talked to this Marine on a daily basis. I gave him suggestions on how he could square himself away. One day, I asked one of the NCO's that he was complaining about messing with him, what I could do to help the situation. The sergeant I talked to gave me a totally different version of what this PFC had given. This was also verified by other NCO's. The biggest thing they told me was that this Marine, never once came to any of them asking how they could help. Now granted I know that NCO's aren't supposed to be babysitters, but I do know that we were to make ourselves available.

    Also, I found out when I was in Japan, the NCO's that were teasing me/ribbing me, whatever you want to call it, when I asked for their help would give it. This guy/Marine whoever he is needs to step up and take responsibility and stop trying to make others responsible for his emotional state. Excuse me, that's the therapist in me coming out. I'm almost willing to bet that the psychiatrist told him the same thing, and that's why the psychiatrist has, " treated him like s***"

    Cripes. This kid was probably coddled his whole life, and now he's in a situation where he isn't being coddled. I used to see kids like what this guy sounds like when I worked for DYS in Missouri. They seem to think the whole world owes them a living. We as a staff needed to be sensitive to their self esteems. Heck one kid went so far as to tell me that he was jacking off and fantasizing about screwing my wife in front of me. I give this kid a consequence, and I get lectured for being in the wrong.

    Oh, and let's not forget teachers pass kids from grade to grade without them having to put in any substantial effort, because " you don't want to hold them back to damage their self esteem." And then, these kids think they're going to join the Marines and get the same treatment they got most of their lives.

    Well, it sounds like this kid expected just that. Send him to C.C. for 90 days, they have counseling as part of their program. And if this guy doesn't improve after that, than get him out. Tell him, " don't let the hatch hit you in the a** on the way out. "

    I feel sorry for anyone serving with this kid if his unit ever finds themselves in Iraq or Afghanistan. How many people are going to have to carry his weight?


  15. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by ggyoung
    One thing I have notested(sp) here and that is a few have said get him out of here as in transfer him to a new comaned. The Marine Corp that I new would not do that. The compeny CO would never transfer a s--thead untill it was his time to go. The army did this a lot during Vietnam. This is how the "Ameracal Dvison" was formed. May-Lai was the outcome of that. I say keep his ass in for the full time of his inlistment. Make his life hell. It can be done. I have seen this happen.
    I can see your point, but if the kid's in need of some meds or psychiatric help then he's gotta go, get fixed and come back but what's he going to do as a Marine when it comes to handling weapons. Now you have to have someone watch over him, some guys get spoiled a long the way, they lose sight of the big picture and they become turdbirds. We can't be babysitting these malignant idiots who think they know how or why it's done. It's bad for the unit. Those guys have to be evaluated and decisions have to be made to better the unit. This kid's like a cancer. How has he made it this far without some NCO straightening him out, I bet they tried but he's 100% turd. And they gave up. I'm not saying they should just give in, but don't be afraid to cut bait if it's best for the unit. There are bad places to get transferred to where his life won't be so rosey, someone can make him pay.

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