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Thread: Tampons

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by PerXes
    I don't think anybody will be giving a **** when the rounds are coming downrange whether the guy with you is a reservist or an active guy. All this stuff is just bored, nothing better to do bull**** talk.

    I'd be willing to bet anything that when it comes to fighting(where it all really matters), reservists fight just as well as anyone.
    Nope, I cared a LOT, that is why I left the reserves. I did not trust those people enough to go to war with them. Sorry, but they just aren't as good as their active duty counterparts. Nothing you can say could change that reality.

    You say that when it comes to fighting reserves are just as good. I'm going to pose this a different way. Let's take two NFL teams. One of them will practice every day, always preparing for the big game. The other team will practice twice a month and for two weeks in the summer time. When those two teams play, who is going to win? The premise is the same with Marines, but instead of playing a game it is a matter of life and death.

  2. #17
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItzAlex
    I'm going to be a reservist because I want to finish college.
    That's another reason why right there. You'll be one of those that thinks a unit should let you sit off to the side and study for that BIG exam coming up on Monday instead of teaching you how to save a fellow Marine's a$$ by watching it for him.

    I'm sorry, I think it's great that kids want to get an education but, NOT by joining ANY branch of service, much less the Corps. THAT'S how they're getting you guys.................using college as a selling point - I guess in some places on the map that works. While they're handing out checks, do they at least give you a REALITY check as to the possibility you'll go AD? What if you have to drop and run - will all that class time STILL be good when you get back? Will it transfer if and when you do? How long will it take to do it that way? Do you REALLY understand what it is you're signing up for by joining the Corps?

    It may work out for you where you will skate through a contract and, if it does, I'm happy for you. At least you'll be smarter (somewhat). What is your major anyway? If you tell me "Art", I will PERSONALLY come and whoop your a$$ MYSELF! I'm older than you, I have more money and can pack a bag and be on the next flight.

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Marine84
    That's another reason why right there. You'll be one of those that thinks a unit should let you sit off to the side and study for that BIG exam coming up on Monday instead of teaching you how to save a fellow Marine's a$$ by watching it for him.
    Bull ****, man. You don't know anything about this kid, how can you even say that? I'll have you know that the reservists in my unit don't pull that ****. You probably ran into one Marine that did that and you're applying it to all of us. There are bountiful amounts of Marines in my company who had their college careers interrupted by this current war, and I haven't heard a one of them say jack about it. Not to mention when they were taking volunteers to go back, there were tons of Marines in college who volunteered, which would prolong their years in college even more.

    You should really stop making assumptions about people whom you know nothing about.

  4. #19
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    If you read previous posts I said just THAT - a lot of us DID have bad encounters with some and not ALL of YOU are like that. Don't get your panties in a wad!

    And, just for the record, it was a slew of them I ran into that were like that. It got to the point where we put them to policing the place and field daying it just so we could get some work done seeing as to how we HAD to be there. I saw one particular doofus try to shrink a freaking straw over a wire instead of taking his stupid a$$ to supply to get more heat shrink. After all the straw WAS the same color - he thought nobody would notice. His stupidity could have gotten somebody killed had somebody NOT noticed what he had done.

  5. #20
    So what if you ran into a slew of reservists who weren't tight? If everyone used the bad examples of Marines to form their opinions, we'd all be seen as a bunch of murderers.

    Every organization has its stragglers. There are plenty of active duty Marines who are **** as well...probably more than in the reserves.

    Let me run this by you: in WWII, 44 out of 82 Medals of Honor went to reservists.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by PerXes
    Let me run this by you: in WWII, 44 out of 82 Medals of Honor went to reservists.
    BULL**** PX...

    the 4th 5th and 6th Marine Divisions were all ACTIVE DUTY durring the second world war.

  7. #22
    Check it out, brother.

    1941-1945 – Of the 589,852 Marines to serve during World War II, approximately 70% were Reserves. These numbers include women serving within the Women’s Reserve whose component was added to the Marine Corps 13 February 1943. Forty–four of the 82 Marine Medal of Honor recipients were reservists.

    Source: http://hqinet001.hqmc.usmc.mil/HD/Hi...ve_History.htm

  8. #23
    PerXes, I could find a statistic that says the typical male has seventy three pounds of bubble gum in the butt, but it doesn't prove a point- just as what you are saying doesn't prove the point you're trying to make. In WWII, those Reserve Marines didn't do a one year tour and then rotate back to their normal lives. They were on active duty for the duration. So, when someone was activated in Jan. of 1942, it would be fair to say they were as well trained as an active duty Marine by 1945. Or, when a Marine went through boot camp, training, and was sent to the Pacific without going home, but as a reservist- it doesn't really apply to what we have today.

    I am not trying to insult you, or any other reservist. But, it is a simple fact that you are not as well prepared or trained as those with your same job that are on active duty. I've seen both sides, and I know what the difference is. I would guess you are an exception, that you spend time away from your drill weekend on Marine Corps related things. Maybe 10 people out of my entire reserve company did that, and I would guess that my number is inflated.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by PerXes
    Check it out, brother.

    1941-1945 – Of the 589,852 Marines to serve during World War II, approximately 70% were Reserves. These numbers include women serving within the Women’s Reserve whose component was added to the Marine Corps 13 February 1943. Forty–four of the 82 Marine Medal of Honor recipients were reservists.

    Source: http://hqinet001.hqmc.usmc.mil/HD/Hi...ve_History.htm
    No no no... post what you want, BUT my grandfather was one of those suposed "reservists", yet he was active duty everyday. He enlisted, went to boot, school, and then to the war and never came back untill the he was too wounded to fight. On his DD214, and Silver star citation, it says Marine reserves but he was no reservist.

  10. #25
    Skillets, a lot of the Marines were technically reservists even though they were sent through the pipeline and overseas just as the active duty Marines were. When authorized for the buildup, Congress decided to make most of the new boat spaces reserves for some reason. They were not reservists as we understand the term, but their official branch would have been USMCR.

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Echo_Four_Bravo
    Skillets, a lot of the Marines were technically reservists even though they were sent through the pipeline and overseas just as the active duty Marines were. When authorized for the buildup, Congress decided to make most of the new boat spaces reserves for some reason. They were not reservists as we understand the term, but their official branch would have been USMCR.
    Im guessing you didnt read the post above.

  12. #27
    You posted it while I was posting. It wasn't there when I starte typing and it was there when I hit submit. Regardless, we made the same point. And I had made it in a post above yours as well.

  13. #28
    Once a reservist gets back from a tour, won't he have learned everything that an active duty guy knows?

  14. #29
    What's more: Your grandfather was sent over to WWII right out of boot and combat training, right? And he still fought great, right? And there were tons of Marines who were in that situation, right?

    So here we have all these Marines who have the absolute minimum training, and they're still doing just as good as the active duty guys who were in the Marine Corps before the war even started. Tell me how that's different from current Reservists.

  15. #30
    Not really. He will have learned a lot. He will know as much as an active duty Marine about the area in which he was working. But honestly, in a year long tour you have spent a year on active duty. Do you really think that would allow you to know as much as a Sgt. that has spent every day in the Marine Corps for the last 8 years or so?

    As I said, I am in no way trying to insult reservists. We couldn't function without them, and they are doing great things in the current war- just as they always have. Given the choice of fighting beside the Army or Marine Reserves, I'll take the Marines every single time. But, that doesn't change the fact that there are some things that are just different.

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