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Thread: 0311

  1. #1


    My goal is to be scout sniper, and I am currently db cmd and cntrl, however I have been contemplating on going 0311 for sometime now, and today I have made up my mind to do it. I have already read a few posts about 0311 and a few of them answered some of my questions I had about the MOS, and then some of them did not.

    My questions are listed below

    What are the odds I will have to report to palm springs for manuevers?
    Can I reinlist for FAST when my first contract is up?
    How much can I expect to hump daily?

    Also I was wondering if you all could tell me some of your personal experiences as 0311.



  2. #2
    Well, if you are in 29Palms, the chances of going to Palm Springs for "Manuevers" are fairly decent. You get libo, go to palm springs, and manuever all you like.

    as for an actual "hump" they weren't all that common, for us, once a month or so. Now, as for just walking, cause you need to get somewhere in order to train, the answer is all day every day for your entire enlistment, unless you are a scout in LAR, or you get lucky enough to be training with the tracks fro a bit.

  3. #3
    Make up your mind what you want to do...you wont be a Scout/Sniper and then re-enlist for FAST. As an asset 8541 (if you were even able to make it) it is doubtful that you could go MCSF and actually land a FAST spot being as they are NOT contractual spots.

  4. #4

    Cleared up

    Well i didn't know that there wasn't "Contract" FAST..thanks for clearing that up. But what I meant to say is that my goal is scout sniper, and I heard you can only get to that position if your in the 0300 field, which I am switching to b/c that is what is most important to me. I am switching to 0311 b/c there arn't any security forces openings, so I will be with 0311 that way I can get to scout sniper someday.

    Thanks for the help


  5. #5
    1. Security Forces is not an MOS...it is a secondary MOS.
    2. Dont plan on 0311 because you will get you MOS designator after SOI...so basically you COULD be a 31, 41, 51 etc...
    3. Good luck with the dream of getting a shot at an INDOC to go into the Scout/Sniper Platoon, but keep that to yourself and dont let people know that you want to be in STA. Most Officers and SNCO's hate Snipers. Get through your schools and once in the Fleet seek out some STA guys and become friends with them becuase most of the guys that make it into the Platoon from INDOC's are guys that the Teams know.

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