Looking to get into the DEP.
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  1. #1

    Looking to get into the DEP.

    Greetings, I am 20 years old and to put it bluntly have been a lazy, less than motivated pile of s*** my entire life. I've always wanted to serve but always put it on the back burner, lost the drive, or *insert random excuse*. I've finally made up my mind that I'm going to enlist in the USMC, get my life right, and pursue the dream of what I've always wanted to do. I am overweight, clocking in at around 260 with a height of 5'10. After reading about Accord's efforts in shaping up for the Corps I really felt like a complete loser. I was inspired. I told myself, "If he can do it, there's no reason why I can't."

    Anyway, I know with a little dedication and hard work I'll make the physical requirements but my questions are:

    1) Can I get directly into the DEP right now or will I have to drop to a certain weight first?

    2) I was reading some random info and saw that the services now do credit checks? Let's just say my credit record isn't exactly spotless. Is that really going to play a large role in my attempts to enlist?

    I'm willing to do whatever it takes to become a Marine, at this point, and any advice from BTDT's around here would be most welcome and appreciated.

  2. #2
    First off,

    Im glad to hear you want to get your ass squared away. Best of luck with that. Remember that you will get only what you give and nothing more.

    Heres a good site for awnsers to these type of questions http://usmilitary.about.com/od/marin...rine_Corps.htm



    Its the site I used as I was comming in.

  3. #3
    OK, Your credit does matter, but I know of plenty of people with jacked up credit that get in. But, it can keep you out of jobs that need security clearances. So,unless you're really screwe up, you'll be OK if you just want to get in.

    For your weight issues, read this thread. http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/sh...ad.php?t=29787

  4. #4
    Hudson, there have been thousands of young men and women like yourself that looked to the military to give them a "new beginning".

    I think it is commendable that you want to improve your lifestyle, lose weight and get some discipline. The Marine Corps does provide all of that, but only to a point.

    The real change in a Marine is personal and internal. It occurs when you accept the values and responsibilites of the Marine Corps as being your own. You join the Corps, the Corps doesn't join you.

    We all have to earn the title "Marine", and we all have to personally accept the values and responsibilities that accompany that title.

    Many young men and women desire the title "Marine" because they want what the Corps can give them, (e.g., pride, respect, discipline, identity, brotherhood, etc.).

    The terms "espirit de corps" and "The Change Is Forever" are direct references to that internal change that remains for the rest of your life. Being a Marine is more than a title, it becomes part of your identity. It is a commitment to the Marine Corps and yourself. "Once a Marine, Always a Marine".

  5. #5
    Thank you, sir(s). I've already printed out Accord's post on exactly what he did and as of tomorrow morning I will be starting and following it as closely as possible. I'm ready to commit 110%. Finally. The only thing that's going to stop me from reaching my goal this time is greivous bodily harm or a body bag.

    One other question about the credit issue, though. Echo_Four_Bravo, you said that a bad credit report can throw a wrench into the works as far as security clearance is concerned? Would I be able to square that away while in service? As of right now I just want to earn the title and be 03xx, but I am planning on making it a career and at somepoint down the line would like to go out for Recon. Would I be able to take care of the problem and get clearance then or am I SOL by having it bad upon enlisment?

    Thank you all, again. Now I am off to the salt mines to make my rent.

  6. #6
    I had pretty garbage credit that i achieved while in the Corps. With that credit i was still able to get a very high security clearance which i needed for the Field i was in for the Corps.. Just be honest with them and they will work with you..

  7. #7
    Hudson, kudos on the honesty. I was a poolee with a young gentleman who was overweight, and one thing to remember is that losing weight won't happen overnight. He had to work VERY hard to get down to the weight standards. Don't get discouraged about it. Just keep running and eat in moderation, and you will be fine. Don't forget the reason you decided to do all this in the first place. You will hate running at first, but eventually it gets a lot easier. Just keep looking forward. Good luck.

  8. #8
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Atlanta, GA
    Nice wedding pic misscody - glad to have another female in here - I need back up sometimes - yeah.......right.

    Hudson - it's good that you've come to another fork in the road of your life and you're ready to finally get your caca together AND, trust me, you're taking the right side of the fork. Becoming a Marine will be the best thing you ever do in life for yourself. Stay motivated and, of course, whenever you need a little extra push, there are PLENTY of Marines on this board to motivate you DI style..................................

    Now MOVE!

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