Dont join the Corps
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  1. #1

    Dont join the Corps

    I want to know what some of the criticism you poolies are receiving from so called friends and family. I’ll start first. My father is a rich man; he is the owner and CEO of a corporation. He told me, he would be embarrassed to show his face to the public because his son enlisted in the Marine Corps. When asked why, he said only poor people join the military

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA
    Tell him THIS Woman Marine said to get bent.

  3. #3
    Sounds to me like Daddy is a bully. He wants to control your life instead of you making your own decisions. And is trying to bully you into his way of thinking.

    My Mommy was a waitress and single parent. To say we were poor is an understatement. I'm my Mother's only surviving child. She died when I was 12. I went to live with another family. I wouldn't say they were rich. Being real estate agents and owning their own businesses, they weren't hurting for money. I got the whole "throwing your life away" spill. I heard about how "not going to college would have my Mommy rolling in her grave." They even resorted to "you're a female and should join the Navy or the Air Force instead." All of it boiled down to an overbearing domineering bully of a woman who wanted to continue to make decisions for me and rule my life. Despite the fact I was 19 at the time.

    Tell your Dad that you're 18. And if you do or don't join the Marine Corps it's your decision to make. He had his life to live. You'd like to have his support if you decide to go to boot. It's your life and you have to make your own choices because you are the one that has to live with them.


  4. #4

    Angry Oh really?

    ...Tell him only poor people join, huh? That's why Senator McCain's son has enlisted, too. Personally, I don't theink they're poor.

  5. #5
    Marine Free Member J-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jm4magic
    I want to know what some of the criticism you poolies are receiving from so called friends and family. I’ll start first. My father is a rich man; he is the owner and CEO of a corporation. He told me, he would be embarrassed to show his face to the public because his son enlisted in the Marine Corps. When asked why, he said only poor people join the military
    Damm, Man "wtf" I wasn't poor when I came in I joined because I wanted to do something different with my life Everybody is entitled to their own opinions though, Cannot take that away from him "tell him to Eat AD."

  6. #6
    Some people have character flaws. Sorry.
    My dad was VP & Chief actuary of a medium sized insurance firm. He had no problem with me joining. Of course, he grew up and worked on a farm. When his farming was done for the day he worked at GM putting cars together. Then, after high school and one year in college, he joined the Corps. Later went to college. Finally became the VP of the firm. Some people don't have the golden road to success laid before them. They have to go and pave their own road.
    Don't worry about what your dad is thinking or saying. He has his own life to lead. You have yours.

  7. #7
    Marine Family Free Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Florida
    By Kathy Roth-Douquet, Frank Schaeffer
    may be a good book for them to read.

    Price: $19.95

    Military service was once taken for granted as a natural part of good citizenship, and Americans of all classes served during wartime.
    Not anymore.
    As Kathy Roth-Douquet and Frank Schaeffer assert in this groundbreaking work, there is a glaring disconnect between the "all volunteer military" and the rest of us. And as that gap between the cultural "elite" and military rank-and-file widens, our country faces a dangerous lack of understanding between those in power and those who defend our way of life.
    In America, it is increasingly the case that the people who make, support, or protest military policy have no military experience. As a result, the privileged miss the benefits of military service -- leadership, experience helpful to their future roles in public life, and exposure to a broader cross section of citizens -- while the military feels under-supported and morally distanced from the rest of the country. And when only a handful of members of Congress have military experience or a personal link to someone in uniform, perhaps it becomes too easy (or too hard) to send the military into combat.
    Based on research and including the voices of many young military members who understand firsthand the value of service, AWOL is also a very personal book. Frank Schaeffer, father of a former enlisted Marine, knows the anguish and pride that millions of American parents feel every day as their children are off fighting a war in a foreign land. Kathy Roth-Douquet, wife of a career officer, has experienced the struggle of trying to keep the family together with a husband at war as well as the often untold satisfaction of raising children in an ethic of service. To the authors and numerous other families who are intimately acquainted with the glory and the sacrifice of military service, America needs a wake-up call before it's too late.
    Best of luck to you.
    PS- Magic, I found this book in our library system...perhaps it is in yours.

  8. #8
    I went through the same type of thing with my dad. You know what, he got over it. Now he is quite proud of me.

  9. #9
    My father is a Nuclear Physicist and I never saw him prouder of me than the day he saw me march down the grinder and earn the title United States Marine.

    Ask your father if he can design a Nuclear Powered Submarine. Mine did. He was one of the engineers and designers of the USS Las Angeles Class.

    We were never poor, but I’m a Marine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW- I own a very successful business myself with an office in Louisville, KY and Cape Coral, FL. Thanks to the self discipline and determination I was taught by the Corps.

  10. #10

    Middle class filling up military, study says

    Middle class filling up military, study says

    By Rowan Scarborough

    November 8, 2005

    Middle-class youths, not the poor, are providing the bulk of wartime recruits to the armed forces, according to a new study by a conservative think tank.

    The Heritage Foundation research paper found that a higher percentage of middle-class and upper-middle-class families have been providing enlistees for the war on Islamic militants since the September 11 attacks on the United States.

    Researchers matched the ZIP codes of recruits over the past five years with federal government estimates of household incomes in those neighborhoods. Contrary to complaints from some liberal lawmakers and pundits, the data show that the poor are not shouldering the bulk of the military's need for new soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines.

    The poorest neighborhoods provided 18 percent of recruits in prewar 1999 and 14.6 percent in 2003. By contrast, areas where household incomes ranged from $30,000 to $200,000 provided more than 85 percent.

    "We found that recruits tend to come from middle-class areas, with disproportionately fewer from low-income areas," said the report, prepared by Tim Kane, an Air Force
    Academy graduate and economics scholar. "Overall, the income distribution of military enlistees is more similar to than different from the income distribution of the general
    population." The debate was begun in 2002 by Rep. Charles B. Rangel, New York Democrat, as U.S. troops were fighting in Afghanistan and preparing for war in Iraq.

    "A disproportionate number of the poor and members of minority groups make up the enlisted ranks of the military, while most privileged Americans are underrepresented or
    absent," Mr. Rangel wrote in the New York Times. The lawmaker called on the Bush administration to reinstate compulsory service.

    Mr. Rangel's Washington office did not respond yesterday to the Heritage report.

    The draft was discontinued in 1973, and the all-volunteer force eventually grew into what many national security officials see as the best-trained military force in history.

    The Heritage report states that median household income for all enlisted recruits in 1999 was $41,141, compared with the national median of $41,994. By 2003, the recruit household income reached $42,822, when adjusted for inflation.

    "In other words, on average, recruits in 2003 were from wealthier neighborhoods than were recruits in 1999," said the report, titled, "Who Bears the Burden? Demographic
    Characteristics of U.S. Military Recruits Before and After 9/11." Mr. Kane said overall evidence "is at odds with the image, painted by some supporters of the draft, that the military exploits poor, ignorant young Americans by using slick advertising that promises technical careers in the military to dupe them into trading their feeble opportunities in the private sector for a meager role as cannon fodder."

    About 98 percent of all enlistees from 1999 to 2003 had a high school diploma, compared with 75 percent of nonrecruits nationwide.

    "In an education context, rather than attracting underprivileged young Americans, the military seems to be attracting above-average Americans," Mr. Kane wrote.

  11. #11
    Who profits from the toil of the poor? There was a time in this country when military service held great social prestige and most "rich" people had served at one time or another and would be ashamed of a son of appropriate age that did not or would not enlist or take a commission. Remind daddy of the great men that founded this country. And tell him this Marine said to get bent, too.

  12. #12
    Poor.. rich.. middle-class.. all mean nothing to me.

    BUT.. I'd trust a poor... HUMBLE... man WAY before a rich SNOB.

    (Not all "rich" people are snobs.. by any means. But there is a big percentage of them.)

    I pray for you're father.. but you know what? **** 'em.. ok? You join the Corps.. you wanna reason to tell him?

    Ask him if he likes his pockets bulged. Ask him if he likes having a head on his body.. or going day by day without a turban or bowing down to Allah each day at a certain time.

    If he likes not having FREE WILL and FREEDOM.. then by all means, let him not like it.. but you tell him YOU like all of that FREEDOM.. and you're willing to be a BIGGER MAN and a more HONORABLE person to stand up and serve for that FREEDOM that gives him the right to be wealthy and say **** like that.




  13. #13
    Again, the teenage mind of JWG brings wisdom and encouragement.

    You go brother!

    Semper Fi,

    Sgt. Simkins

  14. #14
    The criticism i get is not from family or friends its from the Marines i know. They all say its a big mistake and i should go back to college or be a poge when i get in. Most of them cant stand being in and count the days until there out, but i have a feeling it has something to do with them enlisting before 9/11 and getting sent to war a few times.

  15. #15
    Wow, no offense but your father is ignorant. My grandma and grandpa are "rich" and had that sort of attitude when I first made my decision. But since they now know that they cannot convince me to go to college, they are happy as long as I think I made the right choice (which I did).

    He said he would be ashamed of you? Honestly, a father should never be ashamed of his son, because he raised you to what you are.

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