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  1. #16
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Feb 2006
    Wait, so can draft dodgers actually return to the country without facing any consequences? I mean, doesn't that make them Article 85?

  2. #17
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    Jimmy Carter..Amnesty

    Just a day after Jimmy Carter's inaguration, he followed through on a contentious campaign promise, granting a presidential pardon to those who had avoided the draft during the Vietnam war by either not registering or traveling abroad.
    The pardon meant the government was giving up forever the right to prosecute what the administration said were hundreds of thousands of draft-dodgers.

  3. #18
    Marine Free Member
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    Black River Falls
    Carter won, in no small part, due to the equally, if not more notorious, pardoning of Nixon by Ford.

  4. #19
    Marine Free Member AmyG's Avatar
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    Camp Mujuk, South Korea
    If you didn't want to be drafted, you shouldn't have been an American in the first place. Being an American means more than just being a citizen who lives and breathes American air. At least it should mean more. For me, the title "American" comes with a pride. And if my country called, I'd be way too proud of being an AMERICAN to refuse her. Too many people carry the title American without owning the pride that comes with it. Cowards, aka draft-dodgers, have none of this pride, and don't deserve to have it back, whether a president says so or not. Turn on your country once, and you're bound to do it again.

  5. #20
    Why does man condemn, man for makeing a choice?

  6. #21

    Exclamation And unbiased opinion...

    Quote Originally Posted by scbdo
    Why does man condemn, man for makeing a choice?
    Pshychologically, and, this is obvoiusly an unproffesional, nontheless observational opinion, it is difficult to accept the fact that we as people are sometimes wrong.

    We'd love to think we're always right, and we always have the correct opinions. Have you even been PROVEN wrong, when you just KNEW you were right? We play it off, as "Oh!", or "Wow, my idea makes more sense!", even AFTER we know within the depth of our hearts that we're incorrect.
    Another example, I speak on politics very frequently and openly in public, as well as many political websites. I happen to be extremely liberal (do not use it against me being liberal at what is typically a conservative fanbase, i.e., a military website such as leatherneck.com) and I live in the red state of Georgia, furthermore, the red city of Columbus. I get a lot of **** from conservatives all the time about my political views, and, when I RARELY meet decent human beings who take the time to talk to people in a decent tone, without flying off the top because "I support gay marraige, etc.", or "I support abortion.", I occasionally pop off, even when not approached in a loathesome or disrespectful manner. I get so much **** and ignorant feedback, that I laugh it off without saying much, because it deserves no feedback, and when I receive an intelligent, tactful confrontation, I really, REALLY vent my anger and frustration toward the matter; so much so, a lot of time the people think I'm mad at THEM, when really my mind is taking over my mouth (okay, it's a lack of discipline on my part, but there are MILLIONS like me) and I'm incoherently portraying my putrid dissoproval of the matter. And, we ALL do it, or have done it, without thinking. It's an innate consequence of evolution, and modern society.

    That ITSELF is an opinion. I have no scientific thesis to support my statement, but I'd like to think I'm right, because I know damn well I made a semi-intelligent statement, about a semi-intelligent issue, that took a degree of time to complete, and a bit of effort on my part to insure.

  7. #22
    That was written very well. And I completely agree with everything that you said. So yes you do have something to be proud of...your vobabulary.

  8. #23


    Out of the mouths of babes.Thats a very well written summary of thoughts for someone who's only been on the planet 15 years.I like to here other points of view as long as a person can make a case.Welcome NEW BE

  9. #24
    Guest Free Member
    Accord: ...I just recently found out the father of someone I know was a Vietnam-era draft dodger. I'm shocked, appalled, and felt like throwing up when I heard this news....
    This is one extreme example, but are you beginning to see how extraordinary Marines are? Ooooh-rah!

  10. #25
    scdbo There is no "Central High" in Utah. What gives?

  11. #26
    As for there being no Central High School in Utah, I have no idea what you are talking about. If indeed, it does not take residency in Utah... well then, I must have been having one wacked out dream for 3 years. If you have any further questions feel free to PM me.

    Now, in other matters. I would agree, my post is somewhat unprofessional. Though, it is what I ment it to be. It is a poetic render of a thought...ment to provoke... well... thought.

    I beleive in the freedom of choice. One of the few freedoms, in my opinion, that is actually free. Why would someone run from a draft? Maybe they are scared? Maybe not. We often times know little to nothing about a person. Yet, for some damning them, is as easy as counting to two.

    Life is a precious thing, you only get one chance. Choose wisely...

  12. #27
    It is easy to condemn a draft dodger, especially when you've worn the uniform. If someone isn't willing to give themselves to support this experiment in democracy, I have no use for them. This world is not a nice place. At times, men with guns must stand tall to defend freedom, there is no choice. Without the willingness of men to die so that others may live free, we would all be under strict rule from a small, elite, ruling class. Those that are not willing to do what is necessary to protect freedom do not deserve the freedom they have been given. When they violate the law because they don't have what it takes to pick up a rifle and stand a post their freedom should be taken away.

  13. #28
    Marine Free Member AmyG's Avatar
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    Camp Mujuk, South Korea
    The draft dodgers did have a choice. In fact, they had three. 1-Go fight. 2-Refuse and accept the punishment. 3-Run. They chose number 3. They ran. A coward doesn't need guts to run. He just needs two feet running away from the sound of the guns. Now, to choose option 2-refusing and facing the music? That would take a little more guts, and his stand would have a little more meaning. I would still dislike him, but at least he didn't turn away and flee.

  14. #29
    Most of these posts keep mentioning a draft. There is no draft presently in the U.S. and if there was one there would be a mass exodus by many young men and women to places where they could hide.

    I will probably get ran up the flag pole for saying this, but I believe that we got involved in places like Vietnam, and this present conflict and good young men are currently getting maimed and killed and for what. I know, because the president said we had to go and to protect our country. Sorry, Wrong Answer and I can't seem to come up with the right one.

    These are my feelings on these subjects, like them or not.

  15. #30
    I know why we're over there right now.. to eliminate (I'll stop being politcally correct.. to KILL) terrorists.

    These people want everyone who doesn't bow down and believe what they preach, DEAD. We're 'Infidels.' Infidels my ass.. they can scream that they're going to kill me all you want.. but when you enter my country, and fly planes into my building.. and KILL INNOCENT CIVILIANS.. I won't stand for it.

    I'm in full support of what we're doing right now.. I just wish it was less political, and more WAR.

    Either way, when my time comes, I will sign on the dotted line. The least I can do is to give myself to my country, and pray to God I can be of some lasting help to preserve freedom and the safety of America and it's occupants. I love this country..



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