Thinking of Joining
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  1. #1

    Thinking of Joining

    Hello everyone. I'm a new member around here. I'm seriously considering joining the USMC in 2007. I've met with a recruiter, and actually did try to enlist in 2003, but was declined due to a tattoo I have. I plan to get the tattoo changed and try to enlist again. I've been looking at the MOS's and the NBC program really interests me. I would like to go on to OCS and finish up my bachelor's degree. Does anyone have any experience with the 57xx MOS's? I haven't attended any poolee functions yet, but I have been working on my IST requirements with my recruiter. I'm definitely considering this as my next move in life. Any input is appreciated.

  2. #2
    First off Congratulations on your interest in the United States Marine Corps. Make sure you get that tattoo removed, because the USMC is changing there policy on tattoos, where any tattoos you have cannot be visible when you are in PT gear (shorts and a T-Shirt). I would definately recommend going to the DEP meetings, it teaches you alot about what you will need to know in order to get a "head start" in bootcamp. I went to DEP meetings for a couple months before I finally enlisted.

    When you enlist, let me know what the date is. I leave 20070604. The St. Louis Recruiting region is sending at least 30 poolee's on that date (that is if people don't back out).

    Again Congratulations

  3. #3

    Sounds like you are given serious though


    I agree with the earlier reply, go to as many DEP sessions as you can. Before I joined I went to everyone possible.

    Then when I graduated boot camp, I went back to run with those Poolees. It was a great experience to see were I came from to what I became.

    Being a Marine is one of the proudest goals I have accomplished in my LIVE. It is true once a Marine, always a Marine.

    There is nothing prouder, it is hard work, but it is a great feeling once you are marching on that parade deck on graduation day. Your family there watching, what a rush.

    Well good luck and hope you make the best choice for yourself.

    Semper fi


    Sgt Rondeau 1992-2000

  4. #4
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Lithium
    Make sure you get that tattoo removed, because the USMC is changing there policy on tattoos, where any tattoos you have cannot be visible when you are in PT gear (shorts and a T-Shirt
    She said she has to get it changed, not removed. So it's probably not the location but the content that is the problem.

    Makes me wonder what the content is...

  5. #5
    It's not the location, it is the content. I have an iron cross on my back. Like the West Coast Choppers cross. Aparently it's good enough to have on the US helicopters, but not on US Soldiers. Anyway, I'm getting it modified into a celtic style cross. I have some other tattoos which are not a problem, but this one for some reason was an issue.

    Oh and if your recruiter ever tells you to write your congressman in order to appeal the decision of the higher-ups, don't do it, it's apparently the worst course of action you can take...

  6. #6
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The iron cross design is often associated with nazi or neo-nazi fascist/racist groups. The people from elohim city, Oklahoma seem to wear them a lot, as I seem to notice people with "badges" such as that. I live about 8 miles from that CI group "elohim city" and do not capitolize it as it is not offically recognized by that name on maps.
    Everyone looks green to me though.


  7. #7
    The Iron Cross was used by the Germans for quite some time (still is in fact) but thanks to World War II, it will often be seen as a Nazi symbol, and racist in nature. It surprises me that they will not except it, but I can understand the reason behind it.

  8. #8
    I just considered it slightly ridiculous because the US Military Apache Helicopters have that insignia on them....not to mention the recent Jesse James travels to Iraq special that was just on.

    Anyway, I'm getting it changed soon, and I have a very good chance of getting in after the change. I passed everything else with flying colors (91 on ASVAB).

  9. #9
    that is strange my friend enlisted back in jan. with a iron cross on fire on his back. he said it took over a hour to get aproved a MEPs but it was approved and he is now a Marine.

  10. #10
    I know they've leaned up a bit on the tattoo policies in all branches since I've heard they're having trouble making the marks on recruiting....I heard the Army will even take people with tattoo's on their necks and hands.

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