Hillary Clinton Proposes Funding for Illegal Immigrants
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  1. #1

    Hillary Clinton Proposes Funding for Illegal Immigrants

    2008 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has proposed amending the Senate's immigration reform legislation to provide federal funding for the education and health care of illegal immigrants.

    Arguing that the federal government should pick up the tab for social services provided to illegals, Mrs. Clinton told the Senate:

    "My amendment addresses one of the clearest examples of this neglect because our failed national immigration policy has left our state and local governments to bear the brunt of the costs of immigration. Our schools, our hospitals, our other state and local services are being strained."

    The former first lady said her plan would direct funds to state criminal alien assistance programs to offset the costs of illegal aliens who continue to break the law after they enter the U.S. - and establish a program that provides financial assistance to state and local governments for the cost of health and educational services related to immigration.

    The top Democrat promised that her program would "not appropriate any new funds or impose any new fees on [illegal] immigrants."

    Instead, she explained, the Clinton amendment would tap into an already proposed $500 fee for illegal immigrants who participate in a guest worker program, should one be passed by Congress.

    "My amendment directs this $500 fee into the State Impact Assistance Account," she said.

    "The costs of [illegal] immigration have steadily increased and the federal government's neglect has strained local and state government budgets," Mrs. Clinton told the Senate. "I just think that if we pass any kind of immigration reform and we don't take into account the strains on the budgets of state and local governments, we will not have done our job."

  2. #2
    What next? She and Sen. John McCane seem th think alike.

  3. #3
    I especially like ...... " we will not have done our job!" YOU ALREADY HAVEN'T DONE YOUR JOBS. Can this senate screw the country over any more. Sure, here in the US we hear ......"we're getting tougher on the border" (BS)

    In Mexico they hear, " The USA is letting us become citizens, pack your things we're going north"

    Does anyone other than the stupid senators in this country really think that there will not be mass document freud with people trying to show they have been here for more than 2 years. Just exactly how is anyone with less than two going to be MADE to leave? Just they're MADE to leave now ... "Oh my mistake, we wrote it down so now we really mean it"

    Be Afraid, be very afraid!!!!

  4. #4

    Way to Go, Hillary ?

    Did you cook this brain storm up with Teddy Boy ?
    Maybe you should have suggested we just send them welfare checks to Mexico and let therm stay there. Maybe even appropiate Mexico and relieve the border rush since there will probably be more Mexicans here than in Mexico before too long.
    I understand there's a petition making the rounds in Mexico that Hillary should send busses because there is a certain resentment about the term "Wet Back", and it's somewhat dangerous crossing the Rio Grande at night.

    Hey, I do understand that they're happy to do the farm labor jobs in this country that nobody else is willing to do, but I also wonder if the next generation will be quite so willing ?

    At some point, we should consider returning the National Language to American English and throwing up "No Vacancy" signs along the Mexican border.

    If you want a good hearty laugh, check on the citizenship requirements to become a citizen of Mexico !

  5. #5
    Marine Spouse Free Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York City
    Don't just sit here complaining about it, write/email/call your congressional
    representatives and tell them they can forget about being reelected
    to another term if they support any version of the Senate bill.

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