Who Should Americans Blame When the Killing Starts?
Written by Barbara J. Stock
Monday, August 22, 2005

Pacifist Cindy Sheehan has said repeatedly, “It’s not about me. It’s about Bush’s illegal war.” But it is about her and others like her. Pacifists are so blinded, either by their love of being on television or their hatred of President Bush that they are offering up the people of Iraq as a bribe to the enemy. Once in control, the Islamic terrorists will purge Iraq of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who cooperated with the coalition forces. This is something that should be on the record now so that in the future, no one can say, “You never saw this conflagration coming. No one could have predicted such a thing.” Wrong. A lot of people are predicting it. Sadly, the leftists aren’t listening. How many people throughout history have died because of pacifists? Did we learn nothing from our exodus from Viet Nam?

We on the right are optimists and still have no doubt that Western civilization will eventually win the war against Islam. The problem is that the path to that victory may end up taking unnecessary detours and is suffering frustrating delays because of the Cindy Sheehans of the world who have no idea who the enemy really is. It is those detours and delays that will cost countless lives.

Not all cultures move in the fast lane. Americans expect everything to happen right now, so we can get out of Iraq. The pressure from the pacifists to hurry up and pull the troops out is threatening to make the birth of democracy in Iraq premature and unable to survive on its own. If coalition troops leave Iraq before it is stable and able to fend off the Islamic powers within Iraq and those that surround it, everything that has been done will be lost.

The Iraqi people were never the enemy. Saddam Hussein and his support for Islamic terrorists was the enemy. The Iraqi people have done nothing but suffer for decades and now, liberals like Cindy Sheehan couldn’t care less if Islam takes over the country, swinging its self-righteous-sword-of-Allah slaughtering people whose only desire is to live in a peaceful democracy. The same Islamic terrorists who killed Mrs. Sheehan’s son are executing the sons of Iraqi mothers every day. The pacifists and their self-appointed leader, Sheehan, don’t seem to notice the grieving Iraqi mothers. Sheehan has been too busy basking in her “success” and flashing her toothy smile at the cameras to care about the catastrophe that would sweep across Iraq if American troops leave too soon.

Americans have been wondering why al Qaeda hasn’t struck again. It is because of the ever-vigilant Homeland Security folks or is it because of smart Islamic terrorists who see no reason to spend their blood and treasure attacking the American mainland to win the war in Iraq when people like Cindy Sheehan are winning it for them? The plans for attacks are in place but perhaps these plans have just been put on hold to await the outcome of the war between the Americans who see the enemy and the fools who do not. Perhaps Islam is saving the bombs and the eager suicide bombers for the next phase of the war—the takeover of America.

The slaughter in Iraq will just be the beginning and Islam has a voracious appetite. Iraq will just be a snack. It’s for the world that Islam hungers.

The withdrawal of American troops from Iraq would be heralded as a great Islamic victory, and the slaughter of Americans on American soil would begin.

The scenario could go something like this: Sleeper cells would be activated. American Muslims unwilling to cooperate would be al Qaeda’s first targets. Groups like al Qaeda and the Council on American/Islamic Relations (CAIR) would then declare that it is the “Muslim-hating” and bitter Americans who are slaughtering the American Muslims, and enrage Muslims all over the world. Al Jazeera would endlessly play the videos of dead American Muslims and blown up American mosques. Then, the mass slaughter of the infidel Americans will be justified in the eyes of Islam and furious Muslims all over the world would demand it. It’s a good plan for the terrorists when you think about it. It has worked perfectly against Israel.

Pulling the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan would not end the war. It would be a new beginning for Islam. Heady with a sense of power, Islam would step up its attacks on the West, expecting the same pattern of cowering, withdrawal, and finally, surrender.

The attacks like those in Madrid and London would be an everyday occurrence with one small difference. The attacks would be in Chicago, Detroit, Miami, Dallas, and all over America. Water supplies would be poisoned, the food supply attacked with anthrax and botulism. Schools, hospitals, tunnels, power plants, and bridges would be bombed to isolate cities and terrorize the population. Is this list being pulled out of a hat? Is this just one more rightwing-nut declaring the end of civilization? No, this list is right out of the al Qaeda Handbook. This handbook is Islam’s updated plan of how to terrorize and dominate the world.

This is the enemy that Cindy Sheehan doesn’t acknowledge. This terrorist handbook is quite detailed in its plans describing how to kill, terrorize, and force the world to accept Islam. It was written long before the coalition forces attacked Iraq. It was written before the Taliban was purged from Afghanistan. It was written before 9/11. Groups like al Qaeda have perfected the art of killing. It is the detailed al Qaeda handbook Islamic terrorists are using in Iraq right now.

From the al Qaeda Handbook: “The confrontation that we are calling for with the apostate regimes does not know Socratic debates..., Platonic ideals..., nor Aristotelian diplomacy. But it knows the dialogue of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing, and destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun. Islamic governments have never and will never be established through peaceful solutions and cooperative councils. They are established as they [always] have been by pen and gun, by word and bullet, by tongue and teeth.”

Does this sound like a group of people who are willing to sit down and talk peace?

Our soldiers in Iraq see firsthand the handiwork of Islamic terrorists. That’s why our troops want to finish the job in Iraq. People need to understand that winning the war in Iraq will not stop Islam’s war against America, but it will deny the Islamic terrorists a very large training ground and access to a huge portion of the world’s oil. And, not to be dismissed as a small feat, 25 million Iraqi people will be free.

So when the killing starts here, Americans should not blame President Bush, but those doing the killing—Islamic terrorists. But there should also be some blame put on peaceniks like Cindy Sheehan and all those pacifist marchers who have given assistance and safe haven to Islam. As the death toll grows because of the Islamic killing machine, those people will finally see the face of the true enemy. Sadly, it will be too late for many who could have been spared had the pacifists realized that you cannot make deals with the devil. There are people in the world who simply do not want peace.

Please read the Complete al Qaeda Handbook for more on the terrorists’ plans for world domination.

About the Writer: Barbara J. Stock is a registered nurse who enjoys writing about politics and current events. She has a website at www.republicanandproud.com/. Barbara J. receives e-mail at dickens502003@yahoo.com.
