Muslims Say the Most Amazing Things
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    Cool Muslims Say the Most Amazing Things

    Muslims Say the Most Amazing Things

    January 8, 2005

    by Barbara J. Stock


    I suggest to my readers that each day they seek out an Islamic website and read at least one article that is posted there. I have been asked by friends, “Where do you find this drivel?” Well, I actively seek out this “drivel.” It is the only way to know what is going on in the minds of two main branches of Islam. The first branch, made up of elite Muslims, is the one feeding the fertilizer it passes off as truth to the second branch, the Muslim masses.

    One Islamic blog just recently posted an article about how evil American soldiers partnered with evil American physicians, are rampaging across Iraq killing people for the sole reason of stealing and selling their internal organs to horrible, greedy Americans. The blog reported that a “top secret” European military intelligence group told a Syrian newspaper all about it and claimed Fallujah was littered with mutilated Iraqi bodies with their internal organs stolen!

    Now before you laugh, there will be Muslims who will read this article about organ theft and they will believe every word in that article. Just the simple logistics of such an undertaking makes the entire idea laughable to people who understand what goes into transplanting a viable kidney or heart. However, to the uneducated, it will seem plausible. Of course, the article was written and then plastered up on Islamic sites to enrage uneducated Muslims and convince them that Americans are just animals that must to be killed for the good of humanity. Of course, only Muslims are considered “human.”

    One of the themes of this “be careful or some American will steal your kidney” tripe is that Iraqi organs are taken for profit. I refer all Muslims to The National Organ Transplant Act (Public Law 98-507) which forbids the sale of any organ. Prison time awaits anyone caught trying to sell any human organ. Is no consideration given to how extremely fragile human organs make the trip from Iraq to the United States? Are they sent via Federal Express or by regular mail?

    The final word on this topic is this: kidneys taken from Iraqis probably would not be suitable for the average American of European decent. This is not because Iraqi kidneys are inferior, but because of the simple fact that people are genetically more similar to people of their own ethnicity. This entire article is nothing more than lies written to enrage and incite Islamic hatred of Americans and to dehumanize us so that mass murder can be justified in the eyes of Islam. Many of those who plaster this ridiculous article up on Islamic sites know full well it is fiction.

    On a lighter side of my scans of Islamic sites, I ran across a letter written by a young Muslim women living in London who was in a snit because she felt that she felt that as a Muslim woman she was being singled out and picked on because she wore her hijab or head-scarf. She wailed about how hard it was for her to flag down a taxi to get to the fancy restaurant for lunch with her friends. She said that it was like the cabbies thought she might be a suicide bomber. I can’t imagine where a cab driver might get that idea. I wondered as I read the article if she realized that in Islamic-governed countries she would not be allowed to leave the house without a male member of her family and she would be covered head to toe. Ignoring either Islamic law could be punishable by death or would at least get her beaten, all on the whim of the Islamic religious leader.

    There is one thing that Muslim websites and blogs love more than anything else--an American with a point of view dissenting from the majority of Americans. One such man is Professor Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In an interview Chomsky makes charges of war crimes carried out by Americans and he states that 100,000 dead Iraqis are not equal to a mere 3000 dead Americans. He offers no evidence that the number of Iraqi civilian deaths is accurate. Chomsky pointed out that it would take a long time for Islamic terrorists to kill 100,000 people.

    Apparently, Professor Chomsky has not heard of the genocide in Sudan where about 100,000 people have been killed or starved to death by the Islamic government--and the killing continues. Perhaps he hasn’t noticed that it is those very Islamic terrorists that have killed over 1300 Iraqi policemen in just the last two months. That number does not include the hundreds of civilians killed by the same terrorists. I must say that Professor Chomsky is, unfortunately, a true liberal that does not comprehend the evil that Islam is capable of doing.

    Perhaps the best indication of the loving ways of Islam is to read about the recent tragedy in South Asia. Some Islamic leaders have ranted about how the tidal wave was a punishment from Allah unleashed on the evil Western people committing horrible “sins” on the beaches. However, these Islamic leaders ignore the fact that the vast majority of dead, injured, and displaced are Muslims, Hindu, and Buddhists. Couldn’t Allah have toned it down a bit and just killed the “sinners?” Isn’t it amazing that people who dwell so much on sex as a sin promise their suicide bombers 72 virgins when they arrive in paradise? It is also fascinating that both suicide and murder are sins according to Islam, yet Muslims are taught they will be rewarded for both sins with eternal joy and pleasure, provided they commit both sins at the same time while killing an infidel--which is just about everyone.

    As the Mullahs rant, the rich Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait parcel out pennies to their neighbors and main sources of cheap and near-slave labor. Embarrassed Saudis have announced that they will triple their donation to $30 million and hold a telethon. I really hope the man who ran the telethon for Palestinian suicide bombers does this one. He raised millions for those people and their families.

    Once again, Muslims leave fellow Muslims to be rescued by the evil West. As Indonesian Muslims wear Osama bin Laden T-shirts, it is not bin Laden bringing them food, water, and treating their wounded. The people saving their lives are the very people they profess to hate. Most Muslims don’t know why they hate Americans; it’s just that they are taught to hate Americans.

    Naïve Americans think this relief effort will put America in a good favor with Muslims. Tell me, how did Muslims thank us in Somalia? How did Muslims thank us for Bosnia? How have the citizens of Kuwait thanked us for removing Saddam from their country? “Thank you” must not be a part of their vocabulary.

    It’s ironic that we know they hate Americans but still we come to help. We do it because that is what we do and what we have always done. Will it dawn on a few of them that there is no help coming from Islam and help from fellow Muslims will never come? Sadly, no, they will not. Once the crisis is over, the Mullahs will whip young Muslims into frenzy and tell them Americans are evil infidels that must die, and those we have just saved from starvation will strap on their suicide vests and pick up their guns and do as they are told. After all, young Muslims in poor countries know that if they don’t kill infidels, they can’t go to heaven. Their religious leaders have taught them this. We all know Islamic leaders never lie to their people--do they?

    POST SCRIPT: Members of various Islamic terror organizations are now on the ground in Indonesia saying they will not kill the “infidel” unless they feel Islamic laws are broken. As they enter temporary camps, they are posting signs saying, “Strict Islamic law enforced here.” Haven’t these people suffered enough? Is some poor woman who has just lost her entire family going to be beaten for not covering her entire body? Nervous tension is already being felt by the close proximity of American troops and Islamic terrorists who are there to beat people into obedience. Something bad is bound to happen. American troops will not stand by watching some terrorist beat a woman to death for showing an ankle.

    Barbara J. Stock


  2. #2
    Muslims are like Roaches and if The United States dont wacth it we will be infected

  3. #3
    (Muslim) ignorance is bliss.
    And, don't think for one second that our tsunami relief efforts in Southeast Asia will change how Muslims look at we infidels (as I have heard our Government claim).
    Those Muslims that do see westerners in a more positive light will wimp out and you will not hear their voices.
    Ms Stock points out an interesting thought.
    Allah wiped out thousands of Muslims, Hindu's and Buddhists.
    Sloppy work to kill a few "sinners" !!
    What bunk !!

  4. #4
    Registered User Free Member JAG5150's Avatar
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    Our relief help will not be taken in the light that the government hopes that it will. We will not be able to change anything in these countries. These people have been taught for hundreds of years that the American people are the enemy are would take any opportunity to kill them. No matter what we do or send them their beliefs will not change, so why even try.

  5. #5
    Why then assume that Muslim Iraq will look at democracy and freedom like we do? Their mindset is so different from ours that I fear that notwithstanding free elections it is just a matter of time before we have an Islamic fundamentalist government in Iraq.

  6. #6
    Registered User Free Member JAG5150's Avatar
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    I have to agree with you skipper, as unfortunate as it is and as harsh as this may sound, some people need to be ruled with an iron fist. If they are given too much freedom they do not know what to do. I relate it to raising children. From the time they are born until they are out of the house, you set down guide lines and rules that need to be abided by. As they grow you loosen the ropes but so much that they are free to do as they please. It is a series of small steps, not you are noe 10, go fend for yourself, it just does not work.

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