Looking for next verse
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  1. #1

    Looking for next verse

    In the late fifties and early sixties, on Oki and in Japan, when a guy was starting to go a little Oriental we would present him with a saying that went like this--

    When the ice is on the rice in southern Honshu,
    And the sake in the cellar starts to freeze,
    And you whisper "Sweet Ojosan, I adore you"
    Then you're getting just a sukoshi Nipponese.

    When you're dancing to the strains of "Tanko Bushi",
    And you're speaking "arigato" "stead of please",
    And you answer the telephone with "Mushi-mushi".
    I sink maybe you are going Nipponese.

    As you sit upon tatami sipping sake,
    And the cold wind's whipping round your knees,
    And you're munching on some "gohan" and "osembi".
    Then you're surely getting takusan Nipponese.

    There's another verse (maybe the last one). Does anyone remember what it is?

  2. #2
    lol, nope. but welcome to the site

  3. #3
    Sung to "On the Banks of Wabash." I think I found the last verse:

    When you start dispensing Yen like it was money
    'stead of flingin' it like paper on the breeze
    And you sink that everysing you say is funny,
    Then my friend, you are rearry Japanese!

    Semper Fi

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