Slime sticks to those hurling it
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  1. #1

    Slime sticks to those hurling it

    Slime sticks to those hurling it

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    : 8/29/04

    It is an axiom of normal human behavior that one is embarrassed when caught flat-footed in a lie. That axiom, however, does not apply to the swift-boat critics of John Kerry. When caught cold in one lie, they simply move to the next.

    The latest news reports shed light on the prevarications of John O'Neill, who succeeded Kerry as commander of swift boat PCF-94. A ringleader of the swift-boat critics, O'Neill is the author of a book -- "Unfit for Command" -- that tries to discredit Kerry's wartime heroism. Now walking the low road for George W. Bush, O'Neill first got into the dirty tricks business on behalf of Richard Nixon, who used O'Neill to try to undermine Kerry's rising appeal as an anti-war veteran in 1971.

    Currently a darling of the right-wing talk show circuit, O'Neill has insisted in repeated interviews that Kerry could not have been in Cambodia during the war, as Kerry has said. In his book, O'Neill wrote: "Kerry was never in Cambodia during Christmas 1968, or at all during the Vietnam War," adding, he "would have been court-martialed had he gone there."

    But days ago, reporters unearthed taped conversations between Nixon and O'Neill, in which O'Neill bragged, "I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border on the water."

    Was O'Neill court-martialed? Apparently not. Did he so much as pause after being caught contradicting himself? Not on your life. He just moved from interviews with legitimate news reporters to the friendlier zones of hacks such as Sean Hannity, who would not press him on his mendacity.

    Neither O'Neill nor his band of liars is humiliated when one of their accusations blows up in their faces. In a recent attack ad, for example, George Elliott, Kerry's commanding officer in Vietnam, insisted that Kerry "has not been honest about what happened in Vietnam." This is the same Elliott who praised Kerry's courage and leadership profusely during the war, according to military records, and who campaigned for Kerry's re-election to the U.S. Senate.

    He and the other veterans against Kerry apparently believe that truth doesn't matter; if they just keep throwing slime at Kerry, sooner or later, some will stick. They don't seem to care that much of the slime clings to them. This group is so obsessed with tearing Kerry down that they not only tell blatant lies, but some of them have also trashed their own records of wartime heroism.

    Take Larry Thurlow, who commanded a swift boat alongside Kerry. Thurlow and others have spent weeks trying to undermine one of Kerry's central claims to heroism -- his rescue of Jim Rassman, for which Kerry won a Bronze Star. Thurlow has insisted that none of the swift boats in the Bay Hap River were under enemy fire that day, March 13, 1969.

    But contemporaneous military action reports tell another story. Several documents back up Kerry's -- and Rassman's -- account. Indeed, the citation for Thurlow's own Bronze Star, received for his actions that day, notes "enemy small arms," "automatic weapons fire" and "enemy bullets flying about him."

    Just last week, Oregon resident Robert Lambert, who was a crew member on Thurlow's boat that day, told his local newspaper: "He [Thurlow] and another officer now say we weren't under fire at that time. Well, I sure was under the impression we were."

    Several of the veterans opposed to Kerry trace their animosity back to Kerry's anti-war activities, during which he accused U.S. soldiers of committing atrocities. But they haven't framed their major attacks around that. That's because they know -- or at least Karl Rove knows -- that Kerry's fiery rhetoric from 30 years ago won't sink his campaign.

    The Bush campaign must portray Kerry as weak and indecisive -- an unfit commander in chief. That's difficult, since Kerry is a bona fide hero whose wartime exploits seem titanic compared with those of the president. Suffice it to say that Bush and Kerry were not exactly in the same boat in Vietnam. So Bush's surrogates lie to tarnish Kerry's medals.

    They may have succeeded in sullying Kerry's military record. But the real truth they've revealed is the corroded core of the Bush campaign, which denies any link with the swift-boat veterans but profits by their poisonous bite.

  2. #2
    I feel sorry for you major

  3. #3
    Lets bow our heads for the poor Major

  4. #4

    Cynthia Tucker

    Cynthia Tucker, the editorial writer for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, who wrote the above story who's name was left off as the writer has been bashing George Bush for years.

    So, it might as well been written by Michael Moore or better yet, by Kerry himself.

    It has no value.

    She supports the idea that kerry was under fire, when he so-called saved Rassman, but Kerry said they were under fire of 5000 yards of intense heavy enemy fire.

    Yet in all those tin boats including the one that struck the mine, that were there, not one bullet hole could be found on any of them. Aside of the boat that hit the mine, no other boat including Kerry's boat suffered any damage.

  5. #5
    I would like to know whos big idea this was to have the RNC in a democratic state? It seems to me if you wanted votes you would have takin the RNC to a republican state. anyone got any answers on that one because this one is beyond me.....

  6. #6
    Well, the whole "he said"/"she said" about Kerry's medals is totally meaningless crap. I have to agree with you on that one.

    Kerry is probably exaggerating, and his detractors are probably not giving him his entire due. I personally could care less about Kerry's awards. I also could care less about those he served with. They're all a bunch of limp dick swabbies, as far as I'm concerned.


    Kerry, brought this all on himself by having the democratic convention focused almost entirely on his Vietnam service. Capped off with a limp wrist salute, and "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty.". So, if he wants to rest on his laurels, then he, and his supporters, better be prepared to have them checked for lice.

  7. #7
    We believe what we want to believe, I think that it correct.
    Just like George Washington said about foreign entanglements.
    Whether we favor or oppose we are beholding to either one.
    So when they slime John Forbes Kerry, they're slime themselves at the same time.
    I feel neither sorrow or the need to bow my head for the Major.
    Its Officers such as the Major that I would follow to hades and back.
    General Anthony Zinni USMC urge us to speak our minds.
    If you do that, should others feel sorrow or the need to bow our heads?
    The right to express yourself freely even it offends us.
    Is what we swore and fought for.
    A Freedom once given, will never be a Freedom again.
    We throw accusations around like they are nothing, but some of these accusations are serious crimes under the UCMJ.
    I for once give an OOoooooRrrrrrAaaaHhhhhh to the Major...

    Semper Fidelis/Semper Fi

  8. #8
    the only thing I have a REAL problem with, is the statement that the Bush campaign is trying to tarnish Kerry's Medals. He tarnished them enough himself when he took them off and threw them away in protest..

    To ME, that shows exactly the value he placed on them.

  9. #9

    Flushing out the enemy

    Originally posted by hrscowboy
    I would like to know whos big idea this was to have the RNC in a democratic state? It seems to me if you wanted votes you would have takin the RNC to a republican state. anyone got any answers on that one because this one is beyond me.....
    You know, we did it in Nam, you send out a patoon, to flush out the enemy while the Company sets in as a blocking force

    You go to the Lion's den, while everyone else seeks warmth and shelter when its snowing, its nice to go lion hunting in the snow and when you find him, you jump into the critters hole. LOL

    Come here, little kitty, kitty, kitty, Hillary....

  10. #10
    Registered User Free Member enviro's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Fort Worth, Texas
    Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

    At times I kinda think the RNC should have been held in Texas. I doubt very seriously the fanatical protesters would have had a good time down here.

    They could have all gone to eddie's house - but that's about it.

  11. #11
    I don't like houseguests, and that goes for both parties.

  12. #12
    Registered User Free Member enviro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Fort Worth, Texas
    SEE! The radical protesters aren't even welcome at eddie's house down here in Texas!

  13. #13


    Originally posted by eddief
    I don't like houseguests, and that goes for both parties.
    Gosh darn, Ellief, I'm gona be in TEXAS this week-end but just at the border in El Paso but maybe I'll keep one foot in El Paso and one foot in New Mexico, or Juarez which ever is closer.....

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